Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3177: King of the Kings Conference

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"You, among the ten kings of the rest of us, the King of the Golden God is caught in the sacred swords of the heavens and the old, and there are only nine finals left. The king also explores the war of the Most High God. I found that the battle situation is not optimistic. The only way out for me now is to destroy the fairyland, refine the origin of the fairyland, and break through the realm of the supreme **** to ensure the opportunity to save lives in the next war."

The space **** king contacted the remaining eight kings of the king, with his superb space skill, almost in the blink of an eye, the remaining eight kings of the king, plus him, a total of nine gods are gathered together together.

"What, the Golden God King was trapped inside the Jianxian sword array, I will wait to save him."

When I heard the space, the king of the king said that the king of gold gods was caught in the battle of the immortals, the ancient Vulcan king, who had a good relationship with the king of gold, quickly opened his mouth.

In the original divine world, there were two gods of fire, but only one of the oldest congenital five-line gods was in front of him. Another king of fire gods was previously stopped by Xiang Yang. The entrance to the fairyland and the realm of the gods, the king of the gods killed by the sacred swords is the descendant of this guy.

This ancient Vulcan king itself has a better relationship with the Golden God King. Now he hears that the King of Gold is trapped in the sacred swordsmanship. His first thought is to save people.

However, when other **** kings heard that King Jin Shen was caught in the sacred swords, it was not the Golden King who was discolored, but all of them exclaimed, "The old man did not go against the High God. But came to the gods to deal with us?"

For a time, these powerful gods and gods all face a very ugly face, the strength of the heavenly sacred sage is super strong, no one can compete with the chaos, let alone the guys of these chaotic sages can not be Tongtiansheng Respected opponents, even if the chaos of the chapel heard the sound of the heavens, the swords are all changed.

"If the sky is coming, we will be finished. We can only go to the place where Heaven is located, relying on the Heavenly Heavens to fight against the heavens."

"No, if we enter the heavens of the gods, the heavenly sacred gods will destroy the heavens and the heavens with the swords of the gods. What should we do?"

"This is a big problem. There are only nine of our twelve gods. There is no way to block the sky. Unless it is the supreme god, no, the supreme **** is not necessarily his opponent."


This group of gods are extremely nervous. In their view, the most terrible saint in the entire Pangu chaotic world is the sky, and the heavenly swordsmanship is arranged, even if the heavens of the gods are not necessarily able to stop, And the supreme **** is not there, how can it be blocked?

When the space **** saw that these gods were all afraid of dying, they couldn’t help but have a headache. He couldn’t help but think of Xiangyang. Xiangyang was only a sub-holy in the chaotic world of Pangu. It should be the oldest person. Disciples, who have not been sanctified, have such terrible strength, and they are very courageous and dare to enter the realm of the gods.

Compared with Xiang Yang, these gods of the gods are like a dross.

However, this time he summoned everyone not to make everyone afraid, but to unite everyone to attack the fairy world.

The space **** Wang Shen Shen said, "You are not coming through the sky."


"Don't you say that the King of the Golden God is in the sacred swordsmanship? Isn't it going to come through the sky? Is it because the old man himself has arranged the sacred swordsmanship, he himself did not come, but the King of Gold jumped into it. ?"

"The void, you are known as the space god, and it is one of the oldest nine kings in the realm of the gods. How can it still be so unreliable?"


After listening to these gods, they looked at the space gods one after another. It is estimated that the swordsmanship would scare everyone all. This guy is too much.

Especially when these **** kings heard the swords of the sacred swords, the heartbeats accelerated, and almost habitually escaping into chaos, they were even more angry.

The space **** Wang looked helplessly at other people. "You, you are so afraid of Tongtian, so that you will feel very scared when you hear the swordsmanship. Can you blame me?"

"Oh, don't you be afraid of the heavenly saints? His sacred swordsmanship can completely restrain you, so that your space magical powers can't be played out too. If you enter the battlefield, you will die."

The innate Vulcan Wang said with a cold smile.

"This king has just come out from the sacred swordsmanship before." Space God said coldly.


Everyone was puzzled and looked at the space god, this cargo really just came out of the swordsmanship?

It seems unlikely that the Jianxian sword array might be so weak?

Everyone has not seen the power of the 诛 剑 swords, they are very clear, the 诛 剑 剑 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正 真正Help, otherwise you can't block the swordsmanship.

However, this guy’s face has a sneer color. “It’s just that the King of God has just come out of the sacred swords, and there is no need to lie to you, and you have to tell you that The sword array is not as terrible as it is imagined. Although it is impossible for a single player to be an opponent of the swordsmanship, if all of us unite, it will definitely block the swordsmanship."

Since it is necessary to attack the fairyland, it is natural to first encourage morale, especially the kings of the gods. They must let these guys know that they have the confidence to win.

The space **** has a smug smile on his face, but his heart is thinking, not that they hang them, but these guys are too afraid of Tongtian, this is not a good thing, in case of encountering the kid holding the sword Come, isn’t everyone scared to escape?

"Since you can get out of the sacred swords in good condition, why do you say that the King of Gold is caught in the sacred swords?"

The Vulcan King grasped the contradiction in the words before and after the guy, and sneered and asked, "The void, so to say, the king can suspect that you have long been unhappy with the Golden God, deliberately want to kill him?"


The face of the **** of space changed, and he shouted, "If the king of God wants to deal with the king of gold, why do you need to use the sword of the gods, the king of the gods directly killed him."

"It’s as if your imaginary sorrow can smash the defense of the Golden King." Vulcan Wang said with a cold smile.

"Who said that the king of God can't do it?"

The space **** is almost blasted, and these bastards, especially the old **** of the Vulcan King, have repeatedly doubted themselves again and again, which is too much.

"Ha ha..."

The Vulcan King is sneer and not a word, although the space **** is powerful because of the strangeness of space, but everyone is one of the innate nine kings, who is stronger and harder to say.

"Okay, don't make a noise."

At this time, the King of Light opened his mouth.

The king of light is shrouded in sacred light. His height is full of a million feet, and his face is handsome, just like a handsome Western man in the world.

What is important is that he has thirty-six holy wings behind him.

The **** of light is actually the founder of the angel's pulse. He is the true source of the angels in the heavens. His face is handsome and handsome, and the whole person is sacred, because the master is the light of the gods. The power is full of brilliance.

With his opening, the other gods looked at him.

The King of Light said faintly, "You, the world of God and me, are not the time when we quarrel. We should be united in one heart and figure out the situation together, and then we can solve the problem. If we want to quarrel, maybe next At the moment, the swordsmanship was laid out."

"How is it, but the empty words are not clear, we don't know what to do."

"Yeah, this guy is too much."

"Is there anything in the sacred swords? What happened to the Golden God King? He didn't make it clear. How can we believe him?"


All the gods and kings are all attached, they are very convinced that the **** of light, because this guy is an old **** stick, plus its body is very similar to the supreme god, even the legend may be the illegitimate son of the supreme god, so that everyone would rather believe the light God king, not willing to believe in the more powerful space god.

The space **** is dissatisfied with the light of the king of the gods to grab his own limelight, but he also knows that the situation of stability is no longer a special situation, so he quickly said, "There is a sword, but it is not a passer-by." The children are laid out, but the disciples of the old days. However, the power is also very powerful. The King of Jins is now caught in the battle of the swordsman and fights with each other. When the king of the gods left, the king of gold did not It’s an accident, but it’s not the opponent’s opponent.”

"So, you are not taking a safe trip, but throwing the King of Kings there to fight against the sacred swords, and you have escaped?"

Vulcan Wang angered, "Void, you are too much, King of the Golden God is straightforward, always trust you, this time, you actually take him as your shield."


The space **** is angry, "Vulcan, do you want to provoke the battle between us? The king of gold is caught in the sword of the immortal sword, and the king can not save him. Moreover, he could have escaped before, but But silly, oneself rushed into the sacred swords, what is the way for Wang to take him? You have the ability, you can save yourself."

He has a strong space fluctuation around him, and the mighty atmosphere is flowing, making the space around him tremble, and it seems that the strongest force is erupting at any time.

One of the kings of Vulcan, one after another, Rao is the leader of the space **** who has always wanted to be the king of the gods, and he can't help but want to do it.

"Okay, don't bother."

Or the bright king of the king opened his mouth, his face was gentle, his body shone with holy light, and said with a soft voice, "You, since the old days are not there, what fear do we have? I want to save the king of gold, the king of the gods I think it is okay. Since the space gods can leave from it, then the Vulcan king can do it. If the space **** and the **** of fire go together to explore, it is foolproof. What do you think?"

This guy is really too sinister, and he is thinking of letting the Vulcan King and the Space God King enter the 诛 剑 swordsmanship at the same time, but he himself is not going to die.

The other gods and kings all sneaked into the ecstasy of the **** of light, and it was as insidious as before.

The space **** and the **** of fire **** could not sit still, and they said coldly at the same time, "Go to yourself, our strength is not enough, we dare not go, the power of the **** of light is strong, or it is sure to break Got the sword, or go."

At this moment, they are very clear that there is no effect on it. If it is really forced by the King of Light and other gods to force the two to enter the sacred swords, then it will be dead.


The smile on the face of the King of Light suddenly became stiff. I thought that these two guys loved each other so much, and they definitely had to agree to go and explore the Jianxian swords. Who would have thought that these two people were so shameless for their lives.

"If you want to explore the 诛 剑 sword array, go together to see, we attack and defend mutual help, even if we can not break the sacred swords, at least can not be silently entangled in the sacred swords, but the **** of the gods feel There is no need to go to see the sacred swords. It has been so long, even if we rushed over, it might be useless. It is better to be a perfect plan. Let's take a shot and attack the fairy world directly.

At this time, the time of the king of the king opened, his body is very incomparable, time flows, as if the whole person is not in this time and space.

The time **** itself is better in relation to the space god. When he sees the space **** is bullied by the light **** king, he stands up to ease the atmosphere.

"You, I am still waiting to discuss how to attack the fairy world. If you can break into the fairy world, everyone can divide the heavens and the origins of the fairy world, and it will almost let us step into the realm of the supreme god. At that time, we should Destroy the Pangu chaotic world, or enter the depths of chaos, there is enough confidence."

"Okay, discuss it together."

Next, the king of the gods did not continue to make noises, but to discuss countermeasures.

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