Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3178: Hard-hearted gods (five more flowers)

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Within the Xianjianjian array, Xiang Yang did not know that the gods of the gods had gathered together for a meeting. He was holding the sword and the King of the Kings together.

Although the **** of gold is not very good, but the body is not bad, it is the essence of the supreme chaotic **** gold. After multiple evolutions, it has reached the level of being able to compete with the innate treasure.

Although his body can't resist the attacking degree of Xiangyang's chaos to the treasure, but this guy manipulates the gold source against Xiangyang, and for a time, it will not be defeated by Xiangyang.

However, in the process, Xiang Yang’s 弑 弑 诡 , , , , , , , , 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项Chaos God Gold.

Xiang Yang looked secretly and singularly, and couldn't help but admire and said, "Golden King, your body is really a natural chaotic **** gold mine. If you cut down a piece, it will turn into a supreme **** gold, you said, if Keeping you, if you have nothing to do, you will cut down a flesh and blood on you. Doesn't that mean I can have endless chaos?"

"I went, Xiang Yang said it makes sense."

After listening to the Xiangyang battle, the people of the King of the Golden God, after listening to it, couldn’t help but smile. Zhao Gongming and others all looked at the Golden God King. The size of this guy is only The height of a million feet, but this million feet can be a **** of chaos **** gold.

If it is possible to destroy the Golden God, and then take away his body and give it to Xiangyang, wouldn’t it be that you can make up the treasures that Xiangyang wants, and you can let Xiangyang help refine a sword. ?

The thought of Xiangyang’s pirated pirate swords is so powerful, they all have a little heart.

The King of Gold is sulking and trembled, and can't help but roar. "Bastard, cockroach ants, there is a kind of sword that has lost the sword and confronted with this god. Are you the opponent of the **** king?" ”

"Oh ants, you should be humans, and humans are all guys who don't have any kind of seed. If you have the ability to compete with the gods, how about it?"

"You don't dare, no daring humans, and these natural creatures have become the protagonists of the Pangu chaotic world, but they are so useless, they will be extinct sooner or later, hahaha."


The King of Gold God screamed in anger, and he did everything possible to stimulate Xiang Yang, in order to hope that Xiang Yang could not use the sword to confront him.

As long as Xiang Yang does not use the sword, even if he uses other chaos to treasure, he is not afraid.

It is really a very embarrassing sword. Every time he cuts on him, it makes his invincible body lose its defense power, and it can't stop the attack of Xiangyang.

As long as Xiang Yang was stimulated by him, he really threw away the scorpion sword in his hand and confronted him with his flesh. The King of Gold King was sure to punch Xiang Yang directly with a punch.

Even the strongest of the chaotic sages can't beat the golden **** with a flesh and blood, let alone the human being who is so weak and weak.

It is a pity that this human being is too embarrassed to give him a chance.

King Jin Shen sighed in his heart, already a little desperate.

"Do you think that I don't have to be a sword, isn't it your opponent?" However, just as King Jin Shen was a little desperate, he saw Xiang Yang stop and his body receded toward the rear with a sneer on his face. Look at him.

"What do you mean?"

King Jin Shen only felt overwhelmed, and the whole person couldn't help but be excited to jump up, but he looked at Xiang Yang quietly.

"You don't want me to fight against you with a sword? Complete it."

Xiang Yang smiled faintly and directly collected the scorpion sword. He moved his hands and feet and said with a smile. "I would like to see how much the strength of my physical body is compared with the real chaos sage."

"Xiang Yang, no."

In the rear, when Sun Monkey and others saw it, they suddenly became shocked. Xiang Yang actually got the plan of the Golden God King. He wanted to really confront the Golden God King with bare hands. This is a dead end.

You know, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are really confronted with the Golden God King. They know very well that the Golden God King is definitely comparable to the physical strength of the body. They want to really In the confrontation with the Golden God King, unless they can prove that Yang Lan must practice the nine-turn Xuan Gong to the nine-turn Dacheng realm, and the Sun Monkey must also practice the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong to the ninth heaven. That strength.

Although Xiang Yang is much stronger than them, it is definitely a self-destructive act to confront the Golden God King with bare hands.

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and looked at the two. "Don't worry, isn't it a broken piece of iron? I can kill him with a punch."

"Brother, you have to see clearly. This is not a broken iron, but a chaotic saint who has evolved from the chaos of God, and has reached the superpower of the sage's peak. You go up here. Is to send food." Sun monkey shouted.

"Xiang Yang, don't be tempted to use things." Yang Lan also dissuaded.

Zhao Gongming and others also shouted, "Xiang Yang, don't be stimulated by him. He always wants to stimulate you and let you confront him with his bare hands. This is simply unfair. He is the same era as the teacher. You can't compare with him."

"Yeah, Xiang Xiaozi, if you are blown by this guy, we are not his opponent. When you are saved, I have no place to repay." Xuanzang also said.

However, since Xiang Yang has decided to try to determine the extent to which his physical strength has reached, it is naturally impossible to listen to the persuasion of these people.

He smiled happily, and with a roaring sound, his whole body broke out with incomparable blood, his body shape increased, and instantly turned into a million-foot tall Pangu real body.

His flesh and blood turned into a five-claw dragon circling on him. At the same time, his power was greatly integrated into his body. His body was full of a horrible burst of temperament, whether it was a violent body or a nine-turn The merits were urging him to the extreme.

Even at this moment, among the acupoints in his body, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods all stood up, and there was a terrible atmosphere, and the breath of each eruption had already Achieved the strength of the Asian holy world.

Moreover, not only that, at this moment, Xiang Yang really promoted the spirit of the Eucharist to the extreme, only to see his body, the horrible energy of the whole body rolled, and the whole person directly became a part of this moment. The horror of the horror of the sky broke out, and his whole body showed the illusion of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods.

"this is..."

When everyone saw this scene, their faces changed. The shadows of these gods in Xiangyang’s body were all very powerful. In their induction, although they could not compare with their extreme Yasheng, they could not be much.

"It's a pity that it's just illusory. If all of these gods can explode the strongest power into his body, he really might have a fight against the Golden King."

Zhao Gongming shook his head and sighed.

"Not necessarily illusory."

Yang Lan is looking at Xiang Yang seriously. His eyebrows are the third eye, destroying the eyes of the gods. This time, not for the sake of attack, but to see the situation of Xiang Yang. In this case, he suddenly feels in his heart. Consternation, Xiang Yang's body seems to have a faintly powerful god, and the **** around him seems to be only the projection of the gods in Xiangyang.

"There is a powerful **** in the body of Xiangyang, reflecting the projection on his body." Sun Monkey's eyes are jumping with golden flames, and he will show his eyes to the extreme, seeing the situation inside, face The look on it was equally shocking.



When Zhao Gongming and others were puzzled, Xiang Yang had already taken the shot. He slammed into the home of the fighters, and he punched out with a punch, and the overbearing power exploded.

All the gods in his acupoint space in the body made the same movements as Xiangyang, and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods also cast out the tyrants.

A violent force was constantly compressed in the hands of Xiang Yang, and then broke out.

This energy seems to destroy the entire realm of the gods. Even, even the sacred swordsmanship seems to have an attack that can't bear the fist of Xiangyang at this moment, and actively flies into Xiangyang's body.

On the opposite side of Xiangyang, although Jin Shenwang also knew that the Jianxian sword array had disappeared, he did not have any excitement. At this moment, when he sensed Xiangyang’s punch, his heart also showed a shocking color. Look at this guy."

In the midst of the crash, the King of Gold also slammed a punch.


The next moment, the sky is broken, the chaos is broken, and the void is destroyed.

Whether it is the Golden King or Xiang Yang, the land of the gods at the foot of the two of them instantly splits, and a crack that spreads over half of the gods extends out from the feet of the two, making the whole godland seem to be split into two halves. In the same way, in the void, the chaotic gas of terror is constantly rolling out.

The vastness of the atmosphere is flowing, and the powerful light is constantly coming out. However, after the appearance of various colors, it is instantly dissipated by the chaos.

Everything turns into the existence of chaos.

Everyone couldn’t see the situation in Xiangyang. Even if Sun Monkey and Yang Lan had already spread their sorcerer’s skills, they still could only see the fists of two huge figures. Clashing together.


"It's too strong. Although the body of Xiang Yang is not sanctified, it is no weaker than any chaotic saint. His fist is not weaker than the Golden God."

Zhao Gongming and others took a breath of cold breath. At this moment, they really realized the horror of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang’s body was so strong that even Sun Monkey and Yang Lan did not think of it.

"This kid..."

The eyes of the Emperor of the East, Xu Wei, were a bit embarrassed. When he first remembered Xiangyang, the Xiangyang at that time was still only the cultivation of Da Luo’s nine heavens, and even a San Sheng could not beat.

However, it took a few years to separate, and Xiang Yang was so strong that he needed to look up. It was incredible.

"This kid has already had such a terrible strength if he is not sanctified. If he is sanctified, is he not able to face the chaos of the chaos?"

Li Tiantong, the central emperor, couldn’t help but sigh.

"Hey, Li Shentong, he is my big brother, you dare to call him this kid, I will not finish it with you, and you are the same, dare to disrespect the big brother of Laozi, don't blame me for turning my face." Xuanzai The heart beats faster, but sneers and says to others.

At this moment, he made up his mind in mind, he must hold the thigh of Xiangyang, as long as he can recognize the Yangyang boss, and after the Xiangyang Chengsheng, his background will be hard.

"Xuan Zang, I really doubt whether your body is basal or not..." Everyone was speechless, and Xuan Zang was too realistic. When he saw the strength of Xiang Yang, he planned to rush to the Lord.

"I want you to manage." Xuanzang will play the brilliance of the face to the extreme, a look of worship in the chaos, shouted, "big brother is mighty, my boss is the strongest, what King of Kings punches in my boss Boom out, you must be annihilated."


However, when his words have not yet fallen, I saw a figure of a million feet tall flying out of chaos. The whole person flies while he is still coughing up blood. Isn't it Xiangyang?


Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers....

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