Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3179: Daoyou, please go on the road

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Xiang Yang’s right hand has exploded into a blood mist while flying backwards, but it has recovered again under the influence of the immortal force.


At the same time, Xiang Yang's body is also splitting up, and while the blood is squirting, the time seems to be reversed. The blood just spewed back and went back.


Xiang Yang’s feet stepped on the ground, and every step fell. There was a big explosion in the vicinity of a million miles. There were some creatures around, and all of them could not withstand such explosive power and instantly turned into fly ash.

For the nearby creatures, everything today is a natural disaster, especially those who are relatively weak, but they do not know what happened and they have already perished.

Those who are strong and have been sanctified understand that this is a strong war, they are being shackled.

"What kind of strong can cause such a horrible aftermath? We are unlucky."

"God, who will save us."

"Great God, where are you?"


For a time, after a blow, the death and injury did not know how many things, wherever they passed, the mourning was everywhere.

At the same time, among the temples of the space god, all the gods and kings stood up and shouted. "No, the land of the gods is almost torn into two halves."

The space **** Wang whispered, as if he could narrow the space and see the Xiangyang and Jinshen kings who were in the midst of the war. He shook his head and sighed and said, "It is the battle between the swords and the gods."

"The King of the Golden God is not the king of the gold system, the **** of the chaos, the **** of the king, can actually compete with the great immortal array for so long."

All the kings of the gods trembled in their hearts, only that the strength of the Golden King was too strong.

"You, the defense of the Golden King is invincible. If you help him out of trouble, when we break into the fairy world, it will also have a great effect on us."

At this time, the innate fire **** Wang Shensheng said.

"If this is the case, then go and see if there is a chance, try to save the King of Gold."

Originally everyone had made a decision not to destroy the Golden King, but at this time, the King of Light suddenly changed his mind.

The status of the King of Light in the realm of the gods is quite special. Although the strength is not the strongest, his conviction is certainly the biggest, because he is the illegitimate son of the Most High God.

At this moment, with the voice of the King of Light, the other kings agreed to nod. "When this is the case, the King of Gold is a part of our **** king, we should help."

"In this case, let's take a shot."

As the voice of the King of Light and the King fell, all the kings of the gods roared out and rushed toward the place where Xiangyang and the King of Kings fought.

The space **** is far from the rear, his heart is very depressed, originally he wants to be the boss of a group of gods, who once thought, was robbed by the **** of light, seeing everyone as the king of light as the boss His heart is really uncomfortable.

"Bright God, you bastard, staring at you as the illegitimate child of the Most High God, you feel that you can be arrogant, want to grab the position of the leader of the king of God, then this time will make you ugly."

While thinking about the space god, the eyes looked at Xiangyang’s direction, and his eyes flashed through the cold.



At the same time, after Xiang Yang and King Jin’s flesh confronted each other, Xiang Yang flew out thousands of miles away. When he landed on the ground, he squatted back to the rear and countless steps, but when he stopped At the time, there was no more injury in the whole person.

"Ha ha ha..."

Then, Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed, his body shape shifted, step by step, and instantly appeared in the battlefield, the shape of a million feet with excitement, "Golden King, although you are Chaos God Jin The power of the psychic, but it is not the case."

"who are you?"

In front of Xiang Yang, King Jin’s face looked at Xiang Yang with a horrified color. His figure was very embarrassing, and even the injury was heavier than Xiang Yang. Moreover, he could not have the strong resilience of Xiang Yang. Xiangyang’s avenue invaded into his body and was destroying the gold avenue in his body, making his condition very bad.

Moreover, Xiang Yang knows that the King of the Golden God is invincible, and it is not easy to destroy the body of the King of the King of Chaos, so the road he left is dedicated to the gods and true spirits of the Golden God. .

At this moment, the King of the Golden God is powerful and unmatched, but his not so powerful **** and true spirit are constantly being destroyed, making him almost explode.

He looked at Xiang Yang with a horrified color on his face, and finally did not dare to look down on Xiang Yang.

It’s not a chaotic saint, but it can be hard-handed with him. If there is such a presence, he wouldn’t believe that someone could do it. But now, Xiang Yang did it, and he hurt him. .

"I am the one who killed you."

Xiang Yanghe smiled, and when he was uplifted, he was ready to continue to tear the gods by hand. However, he had not waited for him to shoot. Suddenly, he and Yang Lan and others looked at the distant space at the same time.


I saw only a distant space, a space energy appeared out of thin air, it is the shape of the space god, but this is just a glimpse of the space god.

"The King of Gold insisted on staying, and our nine kings of the king have already arrived, and will be able to save you soon."

The space god's avatar projection quickly shouted.

While shouting, he yelled at Xiang Yang, "Human ants, there is a kind of waiting for the king of the gods, and after the arrival of a king of gods such as the king of God, you will definitely destroy you."

After he looked very arrogant, he dissipated directly.

After Xiang Yang and others listened, they all stopped. "Is this guy stupid, why should you tell us if you want to save people?"

Sun Monkey touched his head and looked depressed. "The space god, this **** thinks that we have not killed the Golden King yet, the speed is too slow, so I want to remind us?"

"This, I always feel that the space **** does not look good, but he obviously tells us that they are coming, let us hurry and destroy the Golden King."

Zhao Gongming whispered.

"What is the purpose of his management? Anyway, we will be able to escape quickly." Li Tiantong, the central emperor, said with great sorrow.

"It makes sense."

Everyone nodded, although I don’t know if the space **** suddenly appeared to tell them what the news meant, but they all felt that they were careful and not prepared.

As for the King of Gold, I am very excited at the moment. "Great, I know that the King of Space has not abandoned me. There are other gods. We are ancient gods and brothers. They are absolutely impossible to abandon me." ”

"Silly fork, the space **** is telling me, let me quickly kill you."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the King of Gold.

"No, you don't want to distort the facts, humans, do you really think you can talk about it yourself?"

King of the Golden God has a firm color on his face, and he does not believe in Xiangyang’s words. In his view, the space **** is absolutely for him, and he believes in his own judgment.

"Stupid death."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but speechless. This guy is really too straight. He doesn't know what kind of grievances between the gods and the gods. He knows that the space **** does not want to let some of the gods and gods get any benefits, so they tell themselves that they want coming.

It’s really stupid that this guy, King of the Golden God, doesn’t know what he is.

This guy is stupid by himself.

When Xiang Yang thought about it, the sword was taken out by him. He smiled and looked at the King of Gold. "Daoyou, please go on the road."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, his body was volleyed, and the sound of his voice rang. On the top of his head, the three-inch **** killing sword jumped up, and then the horrible murderous murder broke out. At the same time, the three-inch gold The sword of the king also appeared, and there was no chaos in the chaos. The atmosphere of the kendo king also broke out. Not only that, but the third sword, chaos, and the invincible sword that had almost become semi-substantial.

"Killing, king, invincible, three swords in one."

Xiang Yang’s voice is cold and faint. “You can be proud of a sword and a god.”


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, the sacred sword in his hand suddenly smashed out. This sword, he did not display any powerful and unparalleled swords, but with his own understanding of the three kendo, combined with the sword of killing A sword of the king's sword and the invincible sword.

This sword, he wants to kill the king of God.


The vast and infinite sword river appears, with the ability to tear chaos, open up the earth, destroy everything, even the chaotic sage is also the heart of the heart to the king of gold.

"Give me a drive."

King of the Golden God roared, his eyes with excitement, his fists were vast, the golden light shimmered, the brilliance was dazzling, and the strongest punch broke out.

It is a pity that Xiang Yang’s fist is a sword that is necessary to kill the king of the gods. Although he did not use any swords, he combined the strongest three kendo of their pulse. To some extent, he is a sword. Not weaker than any sword he would have.


When the Infinity Sword River came to the Golden God King's face paint, it has turned into a delicate sword light. Jianguang instantly cut into the body of the Golden God King, with the power of the sacred sword, the horrible atmosphere burst, and the gold will be instantly The king of God cut into two halves.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s body shape circulated, his hands pinched the mountains and rivers, and shouted, “Repression.”

On top of his head, a book surrounded by black and white flames emerged, and a horrible force of destruction of the true spirit broke out. It was the book of life and death.

Xiang Yang's face is cold, his **** is jumping out of the body at the same time. The gods hold the life and death book, directly open one of the pages, the right hand is like a pen, and the figure is drawn on it. In the blink of an eye, the figure of the Golden God appears in the figure. Among the books of life and death, he shouted, "Golden King!"

"The real spirit is in the book of life and death."


As Xiangyang’s voice fell, it was originally because the body was opened by Xiangyang’s sword. The true spirit and the Yuanshen were forced to shake out the flesh and wanted to re-integrate into the flesh, but they were suppressed by the Xiangyang’s mountain river. Suddenly shaking, with a stunned color, his true spirit was surrounded by black and white flames. These flames turned into two chains, directly tied to him and dragged into the book of life and death.


But more than that, if it really enters the life and death book, maybe he is not dead, and Xiang Yang’s annihilation of everything he wants to do with the Golden God King is absolutely impossible to let the true spirit of the Golden King reappear. .

When the true spirit of the Golden King is about to fly to the book of life and death, with a roar of sound, the figure of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' appears directly in front, and the true spirit of the Golden King is swallowed into it. Then, The gods without the control of the true spirit are in vain, and the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' flashes, and the **** of the Golden God is swallowed into it.

Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, and he looked at the body of the golden god, who was sluggish, and collected it directly.

"They are coming, go."

After doing all this, Xiang Yang’s foot appeared to be chaotic and pierced, so that when everyone jumped up, he would tear away the void directly.

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