Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3180: Powerful light god

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Shortly after Xiang Yang’s chaos and chasing Yunsuo left, with the roar of the roar, the nine kings of the gods such as the Emperor of Light finally came, and they looked at the scene of a mess with anger, and all of them were furious.

"Oh, it’s late."

"They actually killed the King of Gold. Since then, the gods of the gods have lost one."

"Old gold is very popular and very easy to trust people. I didn't expect this time to be deceived."


All the kings of the gods were screaming with anger. They actually saw the King of Jinshen being killed by Xiangyang from a long distance, but at the time they had tried their best to hurry, but they could not catch up.

In the back of the nine kings of the gods, the space gods showed a satisfactory color in their hearts. On the surface, they sighed and said, "I don't think their power of the swordsmanship is so strong, even the old gold can not persist to our arrival. ”

In fact, when he looked at the ugly face of the King of Light, he didn't know how cool it was.

Of course, many times, it can't be expressed again. The space **** is very sad on the surface, as if it is really sad. However, all the gods in the field know that if it is not him, maybe everyone will come to save the **** of gold from the beginning. King, the King of Gold can't die.


The Vulcan King sneered and glanced at the space god. The King of the Golden God is his good friend. Now he has been destroyed. He can be said to be the most sad.

Moreover, he was originally uncomfortable watching the space god, not to mention this time.

The space **** is too lazy to care about the Vulcan king, but faintly said, "The king of the gods catch up to see if they can catch up with them, and you will follow them."


At the same time, his figure directly smashed into the void and rushed into the void.

Space God, I really don't bother to look at the face of the Vulcan King. If you don't need to see some thugs in the attack on the fairy world, he has already arranged a large array of endless chaos, and all these guys are exiled into the depths of the chaos. Let them never fly back.

Yes, the space **** has already thought about it. After these guys help them to lay down the fairy world, they can arrange the endless space array and directly put these guys into the chaotic void. At that time, he I am able to enjoy the origins and the heavens of the fairy world by myself.

With his cultivation, after refining the origins of the fairy world and the heavens, it will surely become the existence of the supreme sacred level. Even, it is possible to transcend the supreme god.

At the thought of such a result, the space **** is very happy, his body shape tears in the void, although the surface is very fast, in fact, it is slowly chasing in the direction of Xiangyang's departure.

"That kid is also a good hitter, when he can help him to destroy the **** of light." Space God thinks in the heart, only feels that he is too smart.

Let Xiang Yang, the sage of the immortal world, help deal with the **** of light, this is a very good way.

The more the King of Light, the more he thought, the more he felt very clever, and he couldn’t help but laugh.


However, at this time, with a horrible roar, an arrow burning a horrible flame tears the chaos toward him, and under the hood, the arrow appears in the space god. When he was in front of the king, he really reacted.

"No, you dare?"

The space god, this shock is not the same, he did not expect the other party to dare to ambush in the chaos of the void waiting for himself, waiting for him to react to the use of space to leave the time is too late, can only roar, wear On his space, the king of war, armor, hard to resist this arrow.


The next moment, this arrow shot on the space god, he only felt a horrible force erupted, the fire of boundless chaos with the power of the horror that can kill the gods and destroy him on his body, making him The armor of the king of God actually broke open at this moment.


Not only that, but when the warlord's armor was cracked, the flame above swept the whole body of the god, and he lit it in an instant.

"Do not..."

The space **** Wang roared, and a severe pain came over, which made his face distorted. He did not think that the power of the other side's arrow was so powerful.

In particular, the flame attached to this arrow is not even weaker than the innate **** of the Vulcan King.


The space gods roared again and again, and all kinds of magical powers were displayed to suppress the flames of the body. At the same time, his body shape ran away from the void and never dared to stay in the chaotic void here.

In the distance, Xiang Yang stood on the chaos and pierced the cloud shuttle. The power of seeing this arrow turned out to be so strong. Even after the space **** was shot, he was almost shot and killed. He couldn’t help but stunned. "Is the power of my **** bow too strong, or is the space **** too weak?"

"Cough, you should have it."

The people on the other side are equally stunned.

Originally, they thought that Xiang Yang took them on the chaos and wore the Yunsuo. They should have run without a shadow at all. Who would have thought that Xiang Yang had set up a simple blind eye method, so it was so hidden in chaos. In the void, and then take out the bow, just wait for the space **** to enter the chaotic void to catch up, give the other side an arrow.

Even Zhao Gongming and others will not think that Xiang Yang is so bold, let alone the space god. It can be said that the space **** is shot in this arrow.

"Oh, unfortunately you can't shoot him."

Xiang Yang sighed and put the bow back and looked at the crowd. He smiled and said, "You have withdrawn."

"Ha ha ha..."

His voice fell, his figure flashed, and the chaos under his feet disappeared instantly.

There is no trace to go without a trace. When it appears, it kills a king of gold, and creates a space god, and looks at the chaotic saints of the entire Pangu world. There are not many of the steps that can be done in Xiangyang. It is said that this is the realm of Yasheng, and no one Yasheng can do Xiangyang.

At this time, the space **** is depressed and dying. After his body rips out of the void, it is the time when the king of the gods, such as the **** of light, is ready to keep up.


"I went, the old **** of space **** was actually overcast."

"Is this guy not the first to escape the chaos? How can it be all the flames rushing out, it will not be the Vulcan King secretly set a trap waiting for him?"

"The flame on his body seems to be a chaotic fire, not right. It is the fire of chaos. But it seems to have added other flames, which is very strong anyway."


When the kings of the gods saw that the space **** was covered in flames and rushed out of the chaotic void, all of them widened their eyes and revealed the shock.

It was incredible that the old **** of space gods had been rushed back after chasing into chaos. Fortunately, they did not rush in.

The Vulcan King is a schadenfreaked look at the space god. "Anyone is not self-sufficient and very powerful. Do you want to be the head of a king of gods? Why can't even this flame be extinguished?"

The space **** king bit his teeth without saying a word, directly in front of a group of gods to display the space magical power to cut the fire of chaos on his body, and then stood up with angry colors on his face, screamed with anger, "closed mouth."

"What? Is it too weak for people to say?"

The Vulcan King is not afraid of the space god. Since the death of the Golden God King, the King of Fire has been very unhappy with the King of Space. At this moment, it is even more sneer.

"Do you want to die?"

The space **** looked cold and looked at the King of Fire with a murderous look. The eyes were filled with the killing, and there was no doubt that if the Vulcan King opened his mouth again, he would kill the Vulcan King.

Vulcan Wang smiled disdainfully, but did not continue to speak. Although his character was hot, he was not the king of the Golden King.

It is not necessary to think about this guy who has just burned his head by the fire of Chaos. When this guy is seriously injured next time, he will make up a knife. When there is no space in the world, there will be no space for the god.

Behind the light god, thirty-six pairs of holy wings gently swayed, and there was a ray of light. His beautiful face did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations, but his eyes looked at the chaotic void, and there was light in his eyes. As if to see through Xiangyang, who is running away from chaos.

"There is no chaos sage."

The King of Light is whispering to himself, with a color of interest on his face.


Beside the King of Light, other kings of God looked at him with an incomprehensible color.

The King of Light whispered softly. "Interesting is really interesting. It is just a group of Yasheng who destroyed the King of Gold and also created the King of Space. The Pangu World of Chaos has such an outstanding Yasheng."


After listening to the words of the King of Light, the face of the King of Space revealed an unpleasant color. He snorted and turned his head to ignore the King of Light.

The King of Light is not afraid of the dissatisfaction of the space god. When he smiles, he suddenly says, "The king of the gods will bring them."


As the voice of the King of Light has fallen, I saw a horrible atmosphere in his body. This breath transcends the realm of the King of God and reaches the height of the height that only the Most High God can compare.

This is the power of the chaos.

"Oh... this is..."

"Does the king of light become the highest god? This is impossible..."


When the kings of the gods saw each other, their faces changed greatly. Even the eyes of the gods of the space shrank, and they could not help but reveal the color of horror.

Originally, they all thought that everyone was at the same level. They felt that no matter who is stronger, they will not be much stronger than others. Anyway, they are all kings. However, at this time they discovered that the **** of light The players have surpassed others and left others behind.

"The highest god!"

The King of Light, the heroic king, has broken through the realm of the king of the gods and has reached the realm of the highest **** in the realm of the gods, that is, the realm of chaos.


The King of Light can be no matter what other people think. When he whispers softly, the thirty-six pairs of wings behind him are fanning, directly smashing into the chaos with his tearing void, and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

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