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It was too horrible to see that the King of Light had torn away from the void and chased Xiangyang. It was really horrible, and it really reached the realm of the Most High God.

Originally, everyone thought that the old gods of the gods of light, although they seemed to be the strongest among the kings of the gods, should be because this guy is related to the illegitimate son of the legendary supreme god.

Who ever thought that everyone thought wrong, no matter whether the other party is the illegitimate child of the Most High God.

The most important thing is that the power of the King of Light has transcended the realm of the King of God and reached the level of being comparable to the Supreme God.

The face of the space **** is ugly, only I feel that it is originally in the chest. I want to be the head of a king of gods. I only want to throw all the gods into the chaotic deep space after I counterattack into the fairy world. I can dominate the world. I want to come now, I think too much.

"Does all my plans be miscalculated? No, it is impossible, even if it is the highest god. What is the king of light is just a breakthrough, not much stronger than the king of God."

Then, in the heart of the space god, the heart of the unsatisfied roar, he wants to become the boss of the king of God is not counted, the most important thing is that he wants to become the true supreme god, he wants to refine the chaotic heaven of the fairy world, but also to refine The origin of the immortal world must become the supreme supreme god, even surpassing the supreme god, becoming the supreme ruler.

At this time, other gods and gods also blinked. Their hearts were very shocked by the breakthrough of Guangming God. What kind of thoughts did not express themselves in the heart, but quietly waited for the bright **** to catch Xiang Yang and others. come back.

As for whether the King of Light can catch Xiang Yang and others, they have not thought much about it. The strength of the light that has already broken through to become the supreme **** of the supreme **** is definitely not what everyone can imagine, even if it is treated at the same level. The **** king can definitely destroy the other side, not to mention the sub-saint of a group of Pangu chaotic worlds such as Xiang Yang.


At this moment, Xiang Yang is driving chaos through the cloud shuttle in the chaotic void, by his side, Xuan Zang this guy is holding his thigh in his face. "Brother, you must be my younger brother, Xuan. Hey, you are yours, you must not refuse me."

"Big brother, my brother, can you say a word?"


Everyone else looked at Xuan Zang so that a shameless look was speechless, especially the other great emperors, all of them turned their heads and whispered, "I don't know him."

"Yes, he is definitely not one of the Five Emperors." Xu Tian, ​​the Eastern Emperor, said with a serious face.

"Amitabha, this Taoist friend is really shameless." The Western Heavenly Emperor, also a Buddha of Buddhism, said very simply.


The reality of Xuanzang is too shameful, even if the Five Emperors feel that it is too shameful to be one of the Five Emperors.

And Xuanzang still has nothing to feel, this guy is very excited to hold Xiang Yang, want to recognize Xiang Yang as the boss.

"To shut up."

Xiang Yang originally did not want to pay attention to Xuanzang. Suddenly, his face changed greatly. After a sigh of relief, his eyes looked to the rear, and only the chaotic void in the rear continued to surge, as if in the sea, constantly rolling. The sea is roaring, and there are giants close to each other.

"Well, there is a chaotic holy sage to catch up."

Xiang Yang’s face was a bit whitish, and he did not hesitate to say anything. “All of them infused the mana into the chaos and pierced the clouds, and fled.”


At the same time, his whole body mana has been injected into the chaos and the cloud shuttle, and the chaos wears the cloud shuttle disappears at a faster speed.

Others have also changed their faces, and they did not hesitate to inject their power into the chaos and cloud shuttle. For a time, they got the help of powerful power. Chaos wears the clouds and tears the chaotic void, and instantly The front roared away.

It is reasonable to say that the speed of chaos wearing Yunshuo is almost as fast as a horror, even if it is a chaotic sage, it may not be able to catch up.

However, there are thirty-six pairs of wings behind the King of Light. This guy has a body size of one million feet. When the thirty-six pairs of wings are fanned, he directly pushes his figure to catch up with the void.

His speed is very fast, even more so than the chaos wearing the cloud shuttle is not slow, even faster.

In the blink of an eye, Guangming God is getting closer and closer to Xiangyang and others.


Xuanzang shouted and his face turned white, constantly injecting his own power into the chaos and piercing the clouds. At the same time, the voice trembled and said, "It is the existence of the chaotic holy level, my mother, let us come. When I went to the realm of the gods, I didn’t say that I had to deal with this level of existence."

"It’s already very suspenseful against the king of the gods. How do you deal with the superpower of the chaotic holy level?"

"The chaos of the heavens is killing me."


Although this guy is screaming, his whole body strength is all injected into the chaos and the clouds. Others have also changed their faces, and all their powers are injected into the chaos and the clouds. The speed has reached its limit.

However, the speed of the King of Light is also very fast, and his thirty-six pairs of wings are swayingly and leisurely. Every time there is a fan, there will be a burst of light that makes him faster.

The distance between the two is shrinking.

"It is the king of light, it is this old **** stick, and his strength has reached the realm of the Holy Spirit."

Sun Monkey muttered and said to Yang Lan, "Three eyes, fortunately, we didn't find this black hand last time. Otherwise, we have already been killed by him."

"Yeah, who knows that the King of Light has suddenly broken into the realm of Chaos Sanctuary."

Yang Lan also sighed with a lingering sigh. The last time they came to the gods to hunt down the gods, the original goal was to light the king of the gods, and even for a long time outside the temple of the **** of the gods, but there was no Wait until this guy appears, so change the target to another bad guy.

Now think of it, they are really lucky. If they were to deal with the King of Light last time, I am afraid that they have already been destroyed.

However, it seems that the current situation is almost the same. Even Xiang Yang has exposed the color of tension. In the face of the supreme **** of the gods, it is estimated that Xiangyang is still uncertain.

Seeing this scene, both the Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are all helpless.

"You continue, I will give him a few arrows."

Xiang Yang is biting his teeth, while injecting energy into the chaos and piercing the cloud shuttle. At the same time, his hand appears in the back of the bow, and the bow is opened. A flame-condensed arrow is instantly formed, and then A vast and boundless atmosphere broke out.


With a horrible energy flow, Xiang Yang’s hand was released, and a horrible storm suddenly rushed toward the King of Light.

His arrow shot, although the power is powerful and unmatched, but the light of the king of God but waved a hand, bursting out an energy directly blocked this arrow.

Moreover, I don't know what means the King of Light used, and this arrow is instantly dissipated in front of him.

"It's so strong."

At this moment, all the people in Chaos and Yunshuo have a shocking color on their faces. The light of the gods is the horrible existence that has broken through the chaos of the chaos. It is definitely not comparable to the king of space and the king of gold.

The attack on the King of Light has already proved his horrible strength.

"Although he was blocked by him, it slowed down his speed, and made our distance open again." Suddenly, Xiang Yang looked at the speed of the King of Light and found that although the attack was lighted by the King of God Blocked, but they opened their distance from each other, his face suddenly showed excitement.

"You, you continue, I continue to shoot him, especially, the bright **** of the king of the bird, even dare to catch up, screaming at him with a few wings can be arrogant, too much."

Xiang Yang sneered and continued to condense the arrow on the back bow. This time, he even directly displayed it and shot it on the sundial. With a roaring sound, the arrow on the bow of the sun was turned into millions. The arrow river condensed by the infinite arrows whispers the light of the King of God to shoot the past.


The bright king of the king is handsome, his face is handsome, but at this time, he is angry, and the human ant ant on the other side has dared to shoot him again and again, it is too much.

He snorted, and the thirty-six pairs of wings behind it flashed, and the invisible light of the light of the blade of light erupted, the mighty atmosphere circulated, and the numerous blades of light seemed to sweep toward the front. And go.


At this moment, all the blades of light will break all the arrows, and there is still room for attacking Xiangyang.

"I go..."

Xiang Yang’s look changed. I didn’t expect the old guy of the Bright God to have a hand. Seeing that his arrow didn’t work, it also aroused the other’s rebound. He had no choice but to swear. “Everyone will have all the power. All passed to me."

At the same time, in his acupoint space, he has just burst out of his full force. The 9,999-year-old gods who have not yet recovered are all ordered at this moment, all of which inject their cultivation into Xiang Yang's body.

"it is good."

Xiangyang’s recent Northern Emperor Xuan Zang’s words on Xiangyang can be said to be the most positive. After Xiangyang’s voice fell, he directly injected all his power into Xiangyang’s body, even in order to express his own right. Yang’s obedience, his gods go straight out, and even the power of the gods is constantly being given to Xiang Yang.

Other people have strange colors on their faces, but they also know that this is the time of life and death. If they don't do what Xiangyang said, maybe they will be wiped out by the whole army, so they all lose their cultivation to Xiangyang.


At this moment, Xiang Yang, who had enough energy to inject, felt that the whole body was full of powerful power. He felt a fist and felt that his fist could at least kill the existence of the peak of the chaotic saint.

I want to rush to the past and the King of Light to try out my current strength, but remember that the King of Light is already the realm of Chaos, and the Taoist Tree has not followed itself. If it is not an opponent, it may be finished later. .

He still endured, and the back arch in his hand was once again caught in his hand. While manipulating the chaos and moving through the clouds, he was pulling the bow and archery.


After a shot, I shot it out, and then shot it out, and the arrows of the infinite arrows reappeared. After welcoming the bright edge of the Emperor of Light, Xiang Yang’s body circulated, overhead. A narrow lotus flower emerges, and there is an infinite amount of energy flowing on the lotus flower.


At this moment, this lotus flower bursts with the power of horror space. This energy directly wraps the chaos through the cloud shuttle, making the chaos that has reached the extreme speed and jumping through the cloud shuttle, disappearing instantly. .

"go to hell."

Just at this time, the King of Light has no patience. When he prepares to shoot Xiang Yang and others to kill him, his palms are magnified to cover up the chaos, as if to destroy the entire chaotic void.

This palm is directly bombarded in the chaotic void of Xiang Yang and others, causing the entire chaos to explode. If it was not Xiang Yang and others who had already escaped, I am afraid that Xiangyang has many chaos and treasures. Everyone else will be smashed by this palm.

"The bastard, let them run."

Behind the light god, thirty-six pairs of wings fanned, and instantly appeared in the place where several people were. All the violent chaotic gas was instantly suppressed and calmed down at the moment of his appearance. His face was ugly.

As a supreme strongman who has broken through to the highest realm of the gods, the juniors who have been chasing and killing Xiangyang and other Asian holy places have actually been ran away, which is simply too shameful.

"After you break into the fairy world, you will die."

Guangming’s eyes were unfolded, but he did not find traces of Xiangyang and others. He knew that this time the face was indeed lost, and it was no longer possible to find the place where Xiangyang and others were located. Leave with anger.

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