Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3182: The world of God will be destroyed!

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The void splits a crack, and the chaotic thread jumps out of it. Xiang Yang and others all fall down on Chaos and wear the clouds. They are constantly breathing, Xuanzang laughs and says, "It’s so exciting. A little bit worse, a little bit of Laozi will be destroyed by the bird of the light god."

"Fortunately, fortunately, the boss is strong enough."

"Ha ha ha ha."

While Xuanzang was talking, his face looked at Xiang Yang with a look of admiration. "The boss is not the boss, the strength is unmatched, and the means of escape is even more terrible. He can escape in the hands of Chaos. It’s just amazing.”

After Xiang Yang listened to this guy's words, the old face turned black. What does this **** mean? He even said that his ability to escape is powerful. Is he boasting himself, or is he only knowing how to escape?

Although Xuanzang is a northern emperor, he really doesn't feel any ambiguity about his own words. He is also excited to look at Xiang Yang. "But this time, I can escape from the bird of the **** of light, and there is mine." A credit, if I didn't inject all the power of the gods into the boss, it is estimated that we will shoot immediately, and I will be killed if I am not careful."

While talking, this guy is entertaining himself, looking at everyone with joy and his face with pride.


Everyone is speechless, and this guy is also very embarrassed to say it, as if his power of the gods has played a big role.

Everyone is very sensitive. Although Xiang Yang lets all of them input all the power to Xiang Yang, what really decisive is the power of the boundless horror that emerges in Xiang Yang’s own body. .

That power is earth-shattering enough to compare with thousands of them.

Xiang Yang put away the chaos and pierced the cloud shuttle, and everyone fell to the ground surface, looking around and found that they were in a beautiful grassland.

At their feet is a hillside, the ratio of grass swaying in the wind, the flowers are overflowing, the sinuous energy flows, and the infinite vitality flows on these weeds.

These are just ordinary weeds, but if you put them in the realm of cultivation, just a grass can be the existence of countless comprehension powers competing for each other.

"This is in the realm of God."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

The gods, high-grade plane space, have a strong energy, even the most common grass can also be used as a grass, which has a strong effect on ordinary comprehensions.

"It's still in the space of the gods."

The people around Xiang Yang didn't know what he was thinking. Zhao Gongming nodded. "However, it should be in the lower space of the gods."


Xiang Yang looked at Zhao Gongming. "Is there a lot of layers in the space of the gods?"

"The gods are a vast continent, but this continent is very broad, not even smaller than the fairyland. However, there are also many places in these spaces. In the central continent, where the gods are, many other places are The existence of Warcraft, the beast, and even the **** of the gods."

Zhao Gongming explained.

"God world, in fact, is similar to the fairy world, there are creatures, in addition to the gods, other creatures should not be very bad." Xiang Yang whispered, his face with a little confused.

Before that, he wanted to destroy the gods and let the gods disappear completely.

However, when he saw this beautiful scenery, he was a little confused. If he destroyed the gods, how many innocent creatures would be destroyed?

Didn't he become an aggressor?

"In the realm of the gods, everyone regards my ancient chaotic world as an ants. They feel that they are the most noble blood in chaos. As for the other creatures in the chaotic world of Pangu, they are slaves to you."

While Zhao Gongming said in his voice, he pointed to the front and saw that there was a stone mine in the prairie, and countless people were mining.

Yes, these are human beings, the most authentic human cultivators in the chaotic world of Pangu.

Some of them are only self-cultivators, while others are immortals. However, at this moment, they are all forced to become slaves. They are helping the strong people of the realm to mine, and then they are behind, and there are strong gods who are holding the whip and supervising them. After some people slacked off, the whip in their hands was unrelentingly hit on them, and these immortals and self-cultivators were beaten.

"this is..."

The slightest feeling that Xiang Yang had just risen disappeared at this moment. He took a deep breath and his body shape suddenly appeared in the mine.

"Bastard, you guys, squatting ants, don't hurry up to dig? Who dares to sneer, all killed."

"Don't be merciful. If you don't fight, you can't work. If you kill, you can catch it. Although human beings are weak, the speed of reproduction is very fast. It is best for being a slave, hahaha."

At the moment, among the mines, there are several gods in the gods who are squatting, holding a whip in their hands, and seeing who is uncomfortable, they will fight toward each other.

One of the gods who is tall and full of hundred feet tall is holding a whip with a burning flame in his hand. He laughs and whipped casually. No matter whether the miners are trying to mine, he casually beats.

For these gods, the Terran is just a squat race. Except for the speed of reproduction, there is no effect. It is not painful to kill. Anyway, you can catch it when you need it.

Among the heavens and circles of the Pangu chaotic world, there are many worlds in the hands of the gods, how many miners they want to have.


A whip hit a thin man, the man was moving out of a stone, and suddenly he was hit by a whip. The whole man fell to the ground with his figure, and he was half full. The tall ore is directly pressed against him, causing blood in his mouth.


The man gave a low-pitched voice, and his eyes were unwilling. He looked up and roared at the **** man, biting his teeth and angering. "I have already mined the mine at the fastest speed according to your request. You How else?"

"I still dare to resist and find death."


After the **** man saw it, his face showed a cruel color, and the whip with the flame of flame in his hand then went down to the man.

In the blink of an eye, the man was beaten all over the blood, and he yelled loudly. "Damn, I am the master of the world of Scorpio. I have the cultivation of the great Luo Jinxian, and I have just become an ordinary god." The humble existence is so insulting, and one day, after I have rehabilitated, I will definitely want you to die."


His voice just fell, and he saw that the whip in the hand of the **** broke out with a stronger force, hitting his mouth directly, and smearing his mouth.

The man bit his teeth, even if it was bloody, and even burning the magic flame, but he still looked at the **** man with a fierce look.

The other party is just a **** man who is quite similar to the ordinary immortal. However, this man is the master of the world of the Scorpio world. He is the strongman of the world of Da Luo. His repairs are all sealed, so that he is an ordinary God man is so insulting.

His heart was insulted, but he remembered that the world of the Scorpio was destroyed. All the people were sacrificed by the gods as sacrifices to the unknown. Only when the Lord of the world was captured as a miner in the realm of the world, he was filled with heart. Desperate.

Here is the gods, the gods are only the weakest existence, and although he is the big Luo Jinxian, but in the realm of the gods can only be regarded as the middle, even if it is restored to a repair and how?

Can you confront the strongest of the gods of the gods?

"I am not willing to ah..."

The man roared, his voice was insulting, his home was destroyed, he was sealed and he was a slave, and his heart was full of despair.

"Call out what to call, then go to hell."

The man supervised by the man was obviously irritated by this man. In normal times, his whip hit other people. Those who had no bones all hugged their heads on the ground and begged for mercy, and then continued to work hard.

And this guy, even more and more crazy, is too much.


Dropping the whip in his hand, the **** man directly rushed toward the man. Since this guy is not obedient, it will be destroyed directly. Anyway, it is not a miner.

The man closed his eyes and his face showed a sense of relief. If he was going to die, he would really wait for a complete death. If he died, he would be free.

Otherwise, if you live alive and steal, there is no effect, you can't see any hope. The former master of a world has been turned into a prisoner. In mining, it is whipped by ordinary gods. This is something he can't stand. It’s better to die.


However, at this time, a dull voice came over. The man found that the imaginary pain and death did not come. Instead, there was a very strong breath, and there was a horrible energy bursting out. A man who was almost taller than him. The figure stood quietly in front of him, and the fist was suspended in front of the man and could not move.

"Bastard, who are you?"

After the fist of the supervising man of God was blocked, his face suddenly changed and his anger was screaming, while his figure was quickly retreating toward the rear.

He is very clear that the other party can appear silently, and the attack that easily blocks his fist is definitely stronger than him.

As a supervisor, this **** man is very embarrassed, knowing that he must not be an opponent, and must hurry to escape.

However, he wants to escape, it does not mean that he can escape.

Xiang Yang’s faint opening, “If you move again, you have to die.”

The **** man not only did not stop, but instead shouted, "Come, there is someone invading, human ants invade the mine, and hurry to kill him."

While shouting, he himself quickly retreated toward the rear.

Xiang Yang shook his head, his mind was moving, and there was no sound. As the figure of the ordinary **** man receded toward the rear, the body of the guy turned into a little gray.

"who is it?"

"Good, run fast."

"Going to God will be an adult, only God will be able to deal with him."

Then, the other gods in the mine cave were all shocked when they saw this scene. They never dared to rush over, but quickly retreated toward the rear.

"Go to hell."

However, they also failed to escape one, because not only Xiang Yang, but also Zhao Gongming and others followed, Zhao Gongming and others started this moment, directly destroying the remaining gods.

For a time, the whole mine was silent, and everyone looked at Xiang Yang and others quietly.

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