Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3183: Divided into a road

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Xiang Yang looked at all the human beings present, and some repaired to reach the immortal world. Some were only self-cultivators. The one who was the strongest was the one who was saved by himself. His strength is very good and he has reached Da Luo. The triple heaven realm, however, after being sealed, the power of the flesh is not even reached by ordinary immortals, and only an ordinary **** can be bullied.

"Thank you..."

Then, the man from the world of Scorpio was silent for a while and was about to speak.

He doesn't know who Xiang Yang's identity is. Although he feels that Xiang Yang and others should be immortals, this is the mainland of the Divine Realm. Only the people of the Divine Realm who can enter the Divine Realm, as well as the legendary wars. When you are in the realm of the gods.

There is no human being in the realm of the gods. Then, the remaining human immortals are obviously likely to be traitors of the year.

As the world's lord of the world of Scorpio, his cultivation is only the scene of the three peaks of Da Luo, but he knows a lot. It is very clear that when the terrorist war occurred in the past, the gods and the Pangu worlds During the war, many human powers have turned to the realm of the gods. Some of the free-moving humans that can be seen in the realm of the gods are the traitors of the past or the descendants of the traitors.

Xiang Yang waved his hand and suddenly all the human injuries in the mine were restored, and all their seals were solved.

He smiled and looked at the man. "Hello, you also have the cultivation of the Three Kingdoms of Da Luo. How can you be caught by the gods as a miner?"

"do not you know?"

The man whispered. In his opinion, although Xiang Yang saved him, he was a descendant of the traitor or traitor of the year. He did not want to have anything to do with Xiang Yang.

However, Xiang Yang saved him. It is indeed a life-saving grace. He can’t even enmity.

"How long did it take me to come to the realm of the gods?"

Xiang Yang blinked his eyes and looked at the man with a smile.


After the man listened, his face changed. "Impossible, the passage of the gods and the heavens and the world has long since been broken, unless they are the immortals of the small world that are controlled by the gods. Otherwise, no one will. May enter the realm of the gods."

"You know quite a lot."

Xiang Yang looked at the man differently, although the cultivation was not high, but he knew a lot of things. You must know that if it was the Da Luo Xianjun of the immortal world, some even did not know what the war of the year was, and this The guy actually knows everything. It is worthy of being arrested as a miner. It is estimated that there is a lot of news about the realm of the gods.

The man thought that Xiang Yang defaulted that he was lying. He looked at Xiang Yang with a contemptuous color on his face. He said coldly, "Although I am not very clear about other things, I am the master of the world, eyes. Still very bright, don't think that saving me can make me do something for you."


Xiang Yang looked at this guy with a strange look, and then said to Zhao Gongming and others, "Let's go, anyway, they can't ask anything."

"If there is anything that can't be asked, let the old Sun come, and the old Sun directly grabs him and beats him. He dares not answer, and he crushes him." Sun Monkey came forward and said with a look of fierceness.

"Don't, we will save people. If they kill them, it would be a pity. Besides, they are just poor people. After we have killed other gods in the world, they will also Freed."

Xiang Yang smiled faintly and walked straight outside.

The man did not speak, but looked at Xiangyang and others to leave. He thought that Xiangyang would turn back again. Who ever thought that after a while, he still did not find that Xiang Yang and others turned back again, and he suddenly collapsed.

“Did they really come from the fairy world?”

"A monkey, holding a wishful gold hoop, is it the legendary one?"

When the man thinks of the appearance of the granddaughter, he remembers the one that spreads the widest among the heavens and the world, and the face of the Buddha is victorious. He suddenly couldn’t help but change his face. "Is it true?"

At the same time, he looked at the direction in which Xiang Yang and others left, but found that he could no longer see the figure of Xiang Yang and others. He couldn’t help but reveal the annoyance. "I didn’t expect it to be true. I was missed by me."

Then he glanced at the miners who were still confused with other faces. They wanted to leave with these people. However, after seeing these guys recovering their freedom, there were still few recoveries. It seems that he sat in the same place waiting for other gods to come over to supervise the workers, and he suddenly sighed helplessly.

As a person who has been caught in the mine for a while, he is very aware that many of these miners have been numb, and even have forgotten what they are under the oppression of the gods. They seem to have only one in their lives. Something makes sense, that is mining, mining...

"But it, I am leaving."

Then, the man’s figure was directly turned into a stream of light and disappeared. Since he could not do other things, it would be better to leave.

Xiang Yang did not know the man of the so-called Scorpio world's master. After he and several other people left, he found that there were many such mines on the road. Every mine was caught by humans as a slave. Mining, ordinary gods are constantly whipping and drinking, those humans have long been numb.

He shot from the beginning of anger, and later, it was a bit numb, no more mood swings, just after killing those gods, ask those who were rescued, if they are willing to leave, they will In the temple of income killing, wait until you return to the heavens and then leave them. If you are not willing to leave, Xiang Yang does not force, but let them go their own way.

Along the way, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, Zhao Gongming and others also provided a sample of these things, and their faces were filled with silence, one by one full of the killing of the gods.

"The kingdom of God will be destroyed."

All of them have raised such an idea in their hearts. Everyone knows very well that the gods must be destroyed, and they must not continue to keep the world.

Yes, the gods must be destroyed.

Xiang Yang’s confusion from the beginning, I feel that if the gods are destroyed, they will become the executioners, and they are no different from other invaders. Until now, he has figured out, if the gods are not destroyed, The only ones who are hurt are the Terran.

Whether for himself or for the human races of the heavens and the world, he will destroy the realm of God.

"What is the meaning of walking here, it is better to find a place to start killing the strong people of the gods, or to touch the origin of the gods, refining the source and then."

Later, Sun Monkey was a bit unbearable. He said to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, you have been walking with us here. What does it mean?"

Xiang Yang stunned, "I didn't take you with you. I just want to see what the land of God is going to be destroyed. You can leave at any time. Why are we together?"


A few people are a little bit awkward. Xiang Yang does not follow the common sense. You take us here, you shouldn’t be responsible for us, take everyone to the top of the world, and destroy all the gods. ?

Looking at the temptations of a few people, Xiang Yang couldn't help but smile. "Or else what do you want to do?"

"Our three of us are going to destroy all the gods and gods of the gods, and then thoroughly refine the heavens and the origins of the gods." The grandson of the monkey is almost mad, his face is carrying Dissatisfied color looked at Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "I am not looking for the origin and heaven of the gods?"

While talking, he looked in all directions and whispered to himself, "Look for a chaotic void near the source of the source, and then directly enter the origin of the gods, refining the origin of the gods, but This behavior is very dangerous. If the gods and the supreme gods of the gods come, we are in danger."

"I rely on you, have you been quietly looking for the source of the origin of the gods?"

Sun Monkey was surprised to see Xiang Yang. He thought that Xiang Yang just took them around to play with the mountains. Who ever thought that Xiang Yang had already prepared.

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile, "That is of course, although I am late, but my role will never be reduced, you can rest assured, you can find the origin of the gods in a while, we quietly touched the realm In the source of the source, directly swallow the origin of the gods, and then run."

"Well, this idea is good, I like the old Sun." Sun Monkey liked this kind of stimulating thing. When he listened to Xiang Yang's plan, he suddenly excitedly scratched his head and couldn't wait to find the origin of the gods.

Yang Lan’s face is full of worry. Although he also wants to immediately enter the realm of the gods and refine the origin of the gods, he will be able to get enough resources to make a breakthrough. Nine-turn Xuan Gong ninth turn to achieve the situation of the Promise Supreme Saints, but in case of being discovered by the gods and the supreme gods of the gods, it is really finished.

Zhao Gongming and others also showed a worried look. Their eyes looked at Xiang Yang and Shen Xiang. "Xiang Yang, before the **** king of the gods did not leave the realm, you must not act rashly. Otherwise, if it is a group of people. The king of God is stuck in the place of origin, even if you have the ability to pass the sky, it is difficult to leave."

"No problem, I have my own arrangements."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at Zhao Gongming and others, laughing and saying, "Do you have to enter the land of the gods together?"

"We still have things to do and we can't enter the realm of the gods."

Zhao Gongming has not answered yet. The central emperor Li Shentong said, "We have to go to this time to see the true fairy tales of all continents, and we can't let them have an accident."

Zhao Gongming and others nodded at the same time. "It is true. We came to the realm of the gods this time and are different from the three of you. We are coming for the arrogance of the real world. Although the situation is very serious, But in any case, we must protect them."

"But, I, I want to follow the boss." Xuanzang looked tangled.

"Xuan Zang, do you want to have a enchanting scene in the northern realm of a hundred true fairy peaks?"

"Oh, those guys' real enchanting strength is not weaker than me. I didn't use it when I went. As for those who are weak, it is estimated that they are almost dead. There is nothing nervous about it." Xuanzang said nothing.

"Do you bastard, or the Northern Emperor?" Others are speechless. This guy is really irresponsible. It is not like the northern emperor. There is no sense of responsibility.

"I don't care, anyway, I have to accompany my big brother." Xuanzang is a very shameless look.

"Xuan Zang, don't make trouble." Zhao Gongming sighed helplessly and said to Xuan Zang, "You still don't play, hurry with us."

Lao Zhao is a big disciple of Tongtian Shengzun. He still has a certain right to speak. He has spoken, and Xuanzang can only follow them if he is unhappy.

However, this guy is very reluctant to go to Xiangyang. Although he was taken away by Lao Zhao, he still looked back three times and was very reluctant. "Boss, after we return to the fairy world, you must not deny me, I am you. Always loyal younger brother..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is updated, ask for flowers...

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