Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3185: Stealing the source

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"Actually, it is not really impossible to move."

Xiang Yang looked at the vast sea of ​​golden origins and couldn't help but swallow a slobber. He said with a smile, "We can use some things to install some of the power of the source, and quickly enter the battle before the gods of the gods come. In the middle of the day, if there are too many gods to come, we will run straight. If there are not many people coming, we can find ways to kill each other."

In the midst of wealth and danger, it is absolutely impossible to avoid any danger if you want to get rich and rich.

The power of the original source contains the most powerful force of the whole **** world. If it can be refining, it is enough to thoroughly promote the physical strength of the three people to grow up, so that all three can reach the level of proof.

As for the heavenly way of the gods, it represents the Taoist world and refines the heavens of the gods. It will enable the three people to simultaneously promote the realm of all aspects to become a saint.

This is what enables them to truly break through.

At this moment, the temptation of this large piece of sea, which is like the sea of ​​the ocean, is too big.

Even Xiang Yang can't help it.

"What are we going to do?" Sun Monkey looked at Xiang Yang very excitedly.

"Do you have any treasures that can collect the source of the sea? For example, Tai Chi Hulu, too?"

Xiang Yang looked at the two people.

"No." The two shook their heads at the same time. As the strongmen of the two melee genres, how could they have such a hobby?

Even if they see it, they don't even use it.

It can be said that the standing equipment on them is also their one of the gods, the golden hoop and the three-pointed two-blade knife, and then there is a set of armor.

In addition, for the physical and mental strengths of the two melee genres of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, what magic weapons are imaginary, they can smash any magic weapon with one blow.

"You are really poor."

Xiang Yang is speechless. These two guys don’t even have other magic weapons. They still want to get the sea of ​​the origin of the gods. Do they think that they are going to plung into the sea of ​​origin and directly retreat inside? ?

Even if there is no **** king of the gods to intervene in them, if they dare to enter the sea of ​​the origin of the gods, I am afraid that they will be destroyed by the heavens.

Heaven and earth have a spirit, the source of the sea can be said to be the source of energy of the heavens, to rob the original source of energy in the origin of the gods, is tantamount to entering a person's home to grab the other's treasure, who will agree?

Moreover, the stronger the power of the source in the source of the source, the stronger the heavens of the gods.

Rao is that Xiang Yang does not dare to enter the origin of the realm of the gods at this time, but this will really let himself seek the act of death.

"Hey, don't say us, we know that you have treasures that can take away all the sea of ​​this source, hurry up, or else the king of the king will come." Sun Monkey did not agree, said directly to Xiang Yang.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and was unambiguous. After thinking about it, he directly released the ‘Heavenly Oven.’


With the appearance of a **** light, the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' turned into a **** light directly into the origin of the gods. Then, the speed was very fast, directly rushed into the sea of ​​origin, and began to absorb the power of the source. .

Originally, Xiang Yang should be the best to use Qiankun to make a tripod or a million robbery.

However, these two chaos are too precious. Xiang Yangsheng is afraid that if these two treasures enter into it, they will be blocked by the heavens and heavens. When they are left in the origin of the gods, the problem can be big. .

He still decided to use the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' to absorb the power of the gods.

Although the 'Tiandi Oven' can't compare with the two chaos and the treasures of Wanjue and Qiankun, but the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' can be changed thousands of times, and it is not afraid of breaking. This is just his talent. Even if it is broken, it can be re-aggregated in an instant.


When the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ entered the sea of ​​origin, it began to absorb the power of the source. However, at the beginning, Xiang Yangsheng was afraid of disturbing the heavens and the heavens. He only absorbed it carefully and did not dare to cause too much turmoil.

Later, when some of them have been absorbed, Xiang Yang estimated that the gods and gods should almost arrive. When the heavens of the gods also touched their own uninvited guests, his mind was moved with the rumbling. The sound of the sound, the 'Tiandi Oven' instantly magnified to the size of a million, suddenly sucked.

At this moment, the sea of ​​the whole source trembled, and the seawater that the golden origins condensed instantly disappeared a lot, apparently swallowed by the ‘Heavenly Oven’.


When Sun Monkey and Yang Lan saw this scene, they couldn’t help but take a breath. Xiang Yang’s hand was so beautiful. Just like this, he absorbed a lot of power, although he would be alarmed. The heavens of the gods, but these are already very much.


Sure enough, with the incomparable breath of horror erupting, there was a vast expanse of energy flowing, and a terrifying force of heaven broke out.

The heavenly heavens were alarmed.


Faced with the incomparable temperament of the sacred tyrants of the realm of the gods, Xiang Yang was not afraid. He smiled faintly, and his mind was moved, and the ‘Heaven and Earth oven’ was sucked again.

It was another super swallow, and the sea of ​​origin was down again.

"蝼 蝼, looking for death..."

For the first time, the heavens of the gods have been alarmed, not to mention that Xiangyang has come again. Suddenly, among the origins of the realm of the gods, the incomparable energy of the tyrants has come together and directly condensed into a 36-wing. The appearance of the angel, the other side of the body is the unity of the power of the source, a shot, the vast expanse of the Holy Power broke out, actually has the power of chaos.


The incarnation of this gods' heavenly road was shot directly toward the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' and wanted to destroy the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

"Be careful."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan looked at each other with trepidation. The 'Heaven and Earth Oven' had just absorbed the two sources, and if they gave them a refining, they estimated Almost, they can almost prove their sanctification.

It would be a pity if it was ruined by the incarnation of the gods.

However, seeing the powerful strength of the Tiandao incarnation of the gods, they did not dare to rush in to resist the other side, only to look at the situation of the source.

"Into the array, hide it and hide it."

Xiang Yang was not afraid, and while he was speaking, he took the lead to enter the Jianxian sword array.

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan also rushed in.


At this time, the heavenly incarnation of the gods fell directly on the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. It was unexpected to the Sun Monkey and Yang Lan that the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' exploded directly at this moment and was then After the palm prints, it turned into invisible and nothing left.

"What a pity."

Both Sun Monkey and Yang Lan have revealed the color of regret at the same time. This is the power of countless sources. It was so ruined by the heavenly world.

They did not blame Xiang Yang because they knew that Xiang Yang still ruined the oven.

"It became."

However, what they did not expect was that Xiang Yang had a smile.

"what happened?"

The two looked at the smile on Xiang Yang’s face. They suddenly accelerated their heartbeat and were a little excited. Did they say...


I saw that Xiang Yang’s mind was moving, the **** light was flowing, and the “Heaven and Earth Oven”, which had just been destroyed by the Tiandao Tiandao, once again appeared on the top of his head, and there was a strong source of power in it.

"this is..."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan’s faces showed excitement at the same time. They thought that they were gone. I didn’t expect that in the case of being destroyed, Xiang Yang could still get the origin of the gods, and the oven was still a little bit better. Nothing is going on, it is really amazing.

"This 'Heaven and Earth Oven' is my gift of magic, endless, endless, as long as I am alive, I am not afraid that it will be destroyed."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "And, before I took the initiative to let it collapse, instead of destroying it by the incarnation of the gods."

"That is, you lied to the heavenly incarnation of the gods?"

Sun Monkey said with a smile, "Xiang Yang, you are really amazing."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled. "Come on, the power of the source here, the three of us are evenly divided. Even if it is impossible to refine and refine at a time, we must hide it. When the time comes together, we can definitely use it."

"Xiang Yang, this is what you got, we don't want it, you refining it first. If you are sanctified, then help us." Yang Lan and Sun Monkey said at the same time.

Obviously, they did not contribute to the process of collecting the power of this source, making them very embarrassed to share the spoils with Xiang Yang.

"Don't talk nonsense, get away quickly."

Xiang Yang blinked, and he did not rely on his own power to single-handedly. Instead, he directly divided the roots of the 'Heavenly Oven' into three, two of which were injected into Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. The body.

Although the two have no treasures that can be used to collect the power of the source, but their physical body is strong enough, and the body is repaired to the extent that each cell in the body can be said to be a world of its own, can accommodate an infinite amount of energy. Even if the power of these sources is injected into one of them, it can be charged.


Here, Xiang Yang three people are hiding in the formation of the law, when they began to divide the trophy, in the land of the gods, the incarnation of the heavenly heavens after the induction of the bombing of the 'world oven', the reduction of the origin The force has not come back, he suddenly became angry.

A roar of anger with the incarnation of the gods of heaven and earth, and among the gods, countless powerful people all sensed the wrath of heaven.

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