Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3186: Wrath of God's Heaven

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"problem occurs."

At the same time, among the temples of light where the King of Light is located, the King of Light, who is practicing, suddenly stood up, his face showing a shocking color. "Someone went to the source of the Divine Realm to steal the origin of the Divine Realm. It must be that. A few small fish in the fairy world."

"And, even the incarnation of the gods of Heaven and Heaven, there is no way to stop them, but they have taken away a lot of the power of the source, the gods of heaven and the wrath, commanding the gods of the gods and the king of God to kill all the outsiders. ”

"This is going to be messy."

The **** of light is dark and gloomy. Although he returns to his temple alone, it is not because he is a gang, but he has already discussed with other gods. He is ready to wait for everyone to summon his men. Among them.

Who ever thought that everyone had not summoned the manpower, and they had this thing.

"We will not destroy all the outsiders who have entered the realm of the gods, and it is absolutely impossible for God to leave." The King of Light has frowned and fell into meditation.

He is very uncomfortable in his heart. In the face of the existence of God who has been promoted to the supreme god, he is also in the tone of command, so that he must destroy all the outsiders. If the outsiders are not destroyed, then He is not allowed to leave the realm of God.

You must know that he has become a chaotic sage and no longer needs to rely on the realm of the gods. He is free to enter the depths of chaos and ignore the heavens.

However, the Heavenly Heaven is still so arrogant to him.


After the light **** was silent for a long time, his face was a little cold.

It has been possible to repair the realm of chaos and sacredness. It has always been possible to wrestle with the Heavenly Heavenly Wrench. Even now, the King of Light is preparing a big thing, that is, refining the heavens and making yourself Break through to the realm of the half-step master.

At that time, he is not afraid of the supreme **** of the present gods.

You must know that although he has now broken through the realm of chaos, but it is far from the opponent of the Most High God, because the Supreme God is already the realm of chaos in the beginning of heaven and earth, although I don’t know if it is now Has reached the realm of half-step masters, at least the peak of the chaos.

If the King of Light wants to break through, he must have a strong source of power, that is, the origin of the heavens and the realm of the gods.

"Since it is impossible to attack the fairy world, then the strongest of all the fairy kingdoms in the realm of the gods will be destroyed." The light gods look at all the channels leading to the heavens and the realm of the gods. He obviously feels that these passages are all in This moment was closed by the heavens.

That is to say, from now on, unless the gods and the gods of the gods completely destroy all the powerful invaders of the realm, otherwise, no one can leave the realm of the gods. Of course, they can follow the wrist of the gods. Except for the **** of light.

It is a realm of chaos and sacredness. As long as the **** of light is willing, it can completely break through the seal set by the heavenly world to leave the realm. However, in this way, he will become the enemy of the heavenly heaven, and his plans for the future. There is no benefit to the implementation.

"You, listen to the commands of the heavenly heavens, and kill all the outsiders."

After such an order came out, the King of Light directly closed the Guangming Temple very simply and no longer heard any news. He was the strongest of the supreme chaotic sacred level, a group of sacred people in the fairy world, and was not qualified to let him The light **** king shot, he is ready to let other **** kings to extinguish the Xiangyang and other people, and then go out, then you can implement some of his plans.

At the same time, in the **** of the gods, the eyes of the Lord of the Hell, the eyes of the Dark God, suddenly lit up, as if the two flames in the darkness broke out in this temple.

"My avatar came to the news, Xiang Yang... The descendant of that pulse has more than one chaos."

"Zhao Gongming, Tongtian's big disciple, Sun Monkey, and Yang Lan, these are the strongest people in the fairyland."

"The main reason is that they appear in the origin of the gods, hehe..."

"Even if the heavens are unable to deal with them, that is, they should continue to be outside the source of the land, refining the original energy, and continue to steal the power of the source."


At the same time, the figure of the Dark King has already crossed the Temple of God.


The Dark King did not tell any king of God, nor did he tell any of his men, but directly tore the void to the origin of the gods, and it was the place where the three people of Xiangyang were.

No one thought of an old Buddha of the Western Buddhism, such a bright and upright practice of Buddhism, and reached a very high level of existence, the Western Heavenly Emperor turned out to be the singer of the Dark God of the Dark Lord of the Divine Realm.

"Old Buddha, what do you want to do?"

At the same time, on top of a mountain, Zhao Gongming and his party were walking. Suddenly, Xuanzang’s face changed greatly. He looked angry at the Western Emperor and yelled. “You actually want to join me. Everyone, grabbed everyone's magic weapon, how can you do this?"


I just passed the news to the master of the dark hell. The Western Emperor of the Dark God of God, the original Buddha, still had some guilty conscience, and suddenly heard the loud noise of the northern Emperor Xuanzang, he suddenly stunned.


He looked at Xuan Zang awkwardly. "I didn't..."

"Xuan Xuan, what are you doing?"

Zhao Gongming, Li Shentong and Xu Wei were also helplessly watching the northern Emperor Xuanzang. This guy is also a party emperor, and he is doing things here.

They are very clear that the Western Emperor Buddha did not do anything at all.

Moreover, among the people, it can be said that the most stable is the old Buddha with a very high Dharma. Everyone is also very respectful to the old Buddha. Whoever thought, Xuan Zang did not know what crazy, even at this time suddenly aimed at the old Buddha, simply It’s too much

Xuanzang ignored the three people, but sneered and yelled at the Western Emperor. "Old Buddha, do you not know what you are doing yourself?"


The Western Emperor's old Buddha's heart is very strong. At this moment, although he is shaking in his heart, he thinks he has been discovered by Xuanzang, but he still keeps calm. "Xuan Zang, what do you mean?"

"Oh, you pretend, continue to install it."

Xuanzang sneered, "The king of God has been here, and it has already arrived. Your purpose has also been reached. Do you have any meaning for pretending?"


Xuanzang’s words made everyone stunned. The old Buddha’s hands were originally a buddha, but when he heard Xuan Zang say that the **** king was separated, his hand was trembling a few times. I was discovered by Xuanzang myself.

However, how does the other party know that he is a **** king?

At this moment, the old Buddha will never doubt whether Xuanzang is acting. Before this, Xuanzang gave out the Southern Emperor, and now he found himself, and he must have enough confidence.

Thinking of this, the Western Emperor of the Old Buddha is ready to attack. Since it is exposed, his undercover will have no effect. It is better to rush.

"Xuan Zang, what are you talking about?"

However, just as the old Buddha was ready to admit, by the way, he gave Xuan Zang a 'fatal blow', but he listened to the anger of the central emperor Li Shentong. "The old Buddha is the most honest and admirable among the five heavenly emperors. People, you dare to suspect that the old Buddha is a **** king, you are too much."


The Eastern Emperor Xu Wei also spoke up. "Xuan Zang, don't be suspicious, the Five Emperors should be in the same breath, not mutual doubt."

"Oh, I didn't know who shot me before, and almost killed me." North Tiandi Xuanzang couldn't help but sneer.

Even so, his heart is a bit strange, the dark road, "It will not be the guy in Xiangyang who is blind to me, deliberately frame me?"

He also felt that the Western Emperor Buddha could not be a **** king.

Even the owner of the scene, even his Xuanzang, may seem to be the king of the gods on the surface. He thinks that the Western Emperor, the Buddha's old Buddha, cannot be a god.

After all, Buddhism must be clear-minded, cultivate the existence of the three worlds, and be able to reach the realm of the old Buddha. It has already been one of the three, and everything is in a complete state. It is absolutely impossible for the king to be separated.

Moreover, all the Buddhas of the Western Buddhism are disciples of the three chaotic saints of today's Buddhism. No, it should be said that they are the disciples who lead the two saints and the sacred sages.

Among the three saints of Buddhism, the weakest nature is Amitabha. He broke through to become a chaotic saint after the war, and is not the most original founder of Buddhism.

As for the other Buddhas of today, they are the disciples of the sacred sages of the two Buddhist sects. The Western buddha is also a disciple of the two buddhas. It is absolutely impossible to say that The avatar of the king of gods.


The old Buddha sang a Buddha's number, and his heart was dark and dangerous. He almost revealed himself. Since the other three are supporting themselves, then if they don't have any evidence, as long as they don't admit it, they can even think of Xuanzang. It is the prince of God.

At the same time, the Buddha’s old Buddha’s eyebrows looked down and sighed. “Xuanxuan, if you really have evidence that I am a **** king, then kill me.”


Zhao Gongming quickly said, "Old Buddha, don't be angry, Xuan Zang, this person, you don't know, he is crazy, don't bother him."

"Yeah, old Buddha, you are the most respected among the Five Emperors. It is absolutely impossible to be the **** of the gods. We are absolutely detailed." The central emperor Li Shentong said.

Xu Wei also nodded. "Who dares to talk again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Obviously, his sentence is a threat to Xuanzang.

"The war has not started, the most fear is civil strife, Xuan Zang, remember not to gibberish." Zhao Gongming said to Xuan Zang.

Xuanzang’s gaze stared at the Western Emperor’s old Buddha and found that the other party did not show any flaws. He also suspected that it was Xiangyangkeng himself, so he smiled and said, “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, I’m just making trouble. Just playing."


After listening to other people, I almost got angry and wanted to beat people. This **** didn't know when it was, and even dared to play, and this kind of thing can he talk about it?

"Cough and cough, I don't see the atmosphere too serious, so I want to be active in the atmosphere?" Xuanzang laughed.

"Don't mess up later."

The people did not care about him at this time, but they snorted one by one and looked very upset.

On the contrary, the old Buddha said that he still looked down on his eyes. "No matter, Xuan Zang just likes to make trouble."

"I was so embarrassed to talk to Xuan Zang, I admire." Several other people sighed, admiring the broadness of the Buddha's heart.

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