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This time it was revealed that the old Buddha was a failure of the king of God, and he was also rejected by several other people. Xuan Zang’s heart was so depressed that he could only press Xiang Yang’s words in his heart and continue to follow the crowd.

However, he walked behind in the whole process. His eyes looked around, especially when he stared at the Western Emperor Buddha. He suddenly found that the old Buddha's hand seemed to be shaking and he suddenly changed his face. "No, with the attitude of the old Buddha, if he has no problem, it is absolutely impossible to tremble like this."

"That is to say, Xiang Yang did not hang me. The **** of the Western Emperor Buddha is really a **** king."

At the same time as Xuan Zang's heart was thinking, this time there was no sound, but more attention was paid to it. While hanging around, everyone followed the crowd to find other powerful people in the fairy world.

What he didn't know was that at this time, Zhao Gongming also left a similar eye. Of course, Zhao Gongming's mind was almost all placed on Xuan Zang.

"Xuan Zhuang said that it should not be so reckless, unless he really found any evidence, otherwise it would be impossible to smear the old Buddha by air."

Among the Five Emperors, the Central Emperor Li Shentong and the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei were furious because Xuanzang said that the old Buddha was a **** king. Because they had a deep relationship with the old Buddha, they were very respectful to the old Buddha. The answer is: Zhao Gongming has no so-called familiarity and respect for the old Buddha. In his mind, he is thinking about why Xuanzang suddenly said that the old Buddha is the prince of God.

"Either Xuan Zang itself is a **** king, or the old Buddha really has problems."

While Zhao Gongming thought about it, he felt that his heart was so tired. Since the immortal world was infiltrated by the gods and discovered that many of the main gods were separated from the gods, the people around them became untrustworthy.

I have to say that the realm of the gods is really beautiful.

If the real war is turned on at this time, I am afraid that the whole fairyland will be in a state of civil strife for the first time. After all, everyone is in danger. No one knows if the person around him is the one he is familiar with. Destroy the avatars of the mighty gods of the heavens.

"No, I have to find a way to destroy mystery."

Walking and walking, the old Buddha also recovered calm, but his mind was thinking about how to deal with Xuanzang.

As the avatar of the dark **** king, the master of the gods of hell, holding the hell, how can the heart really be bright and upright? It’s just that he’s already dark to the extreme, and the so-called object is bound to be reversed, so he instead understands the essence of Buddhism’s ‘I’m not in hell, who goes to hell’, but can have the present achievements.

However, the heart of the old Buddha is definitely not easy.

Since Xuanzang doubts him, then, no matter whether Xuanzang’s suspicion is justified or not, he must find a way to destroy Xuan Zang. Otherwise, if Xuanzang’s **** suddenly wants to kill him, then It's a bit of a hassle.

Although the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei and the Central Emperor Li Shentong both supported the old Buddha, they also had different ideas in their hearts.

Ever since, a group of five people are on the road in the realm of the gods, their minds seem to be a bit out of line with the team.


At this time, I heard a roar coming from the front, and there was a strong war in front of them. One of the Buddhist disciples was really surrounded by a group of gods and gods. At this moment, the situation is already in jeopardy. Already on the verge of death.

"Do you dare?"

After the Western Emperor Buddha saw it, he was furious and rushed out instantly. His figure was enlarged and turned into a Buddha of the Golden Buddha. He shot to the **** of the gods.

"Buddha Lord."

After seeing the disciples of the gods, they were overjoyed and barely supported the strongest forces to continue fighting with the gods of these gods.

"The Buddha does not move the heart of the king. Today, the old Buddha is going to kill."

In the distance, the old Buddha's white must be fluttering, and there is a powerful and murderous murderousness in his body. A horrible and sinister energy flows around him. He bursts out of the golden Buddha light, and likes the incarnation as the unmoving king, he fights with these gods.

After Zhao Gongming and others in the rear, they were secretly surprised and couldn’t help but admire. "The old Buddha’s mana is so high that it is the Supreme Buddha of Buddhism."

"The ability to cultivate Dharma to such a degree proves that there is absolutely no problem with the old Buddha."

Zhao Gongming, who had some doubts about the old Buddha, immediately dispelled doubts about the old Buddha.


Several other people have also killed the past. There are four of these main gods. Each one is very powerful. However, the old Buddha is stronger. Although he can block all the gods, he wants to kill these powerful people in a short time. impossible.

However, with Zhao Gongming, Li Shentong and Xu Wei are not the same.

In the case of one-on-one, their strength can completely kill these gods of the gods in a short time.

Xuanzang sneered at the back, he was not anxious to start, but he laughed and said, "Play well, although you have killed these main gods, I am guarding, if there is a reinforcement of the gods coming. I will block them."

If it is normal, Xuanzang is also understandable, but this time, when everyone is thinking differently, some Zhao Gongming, Li Shentong and Xu Wei even suspect that Xuanzang’s mind is not pure, seeing Xuanzang Hands-on, they suddenly felt a vigilant heart, for fear of being attacked by Xuanzang from behind.

The old Buddha saw the performance of the people in his eyes. He originally thought of taking the opportunity to kill one person, and then he could get away from it. However, now he is changing his mind.

"Why don't you take advantage of the current opportunity to attract other gods and destroy them all?"

While thinking about the old Buddha, the power that erupted from the body was stronger, and it was in the air. One move and one move went to his opponent to kill him. As the king of the gods, he was the Western Emperor and the old Buddha of Buddhism. His strength is definitely the most powerful existence of Yasheng. Under his full force, his opponent, the **** of the gods, was instantly bombarded.

The strength of the three people of Zhao Gongming is also very strong. In the face of their opponents of the main **** level, they can be said to be easy, and the three or two strokes will kill the opponent.

"Buddha Lord."

The disciple of Buddhism is the enchanting of the real fairy peak. He does not know the strongman of any age. He still does not break through the realm. He still shows only the true immortal. At this moment, he is very seriously injured and looks pitiful. Buddha.

"Come, take the medicine, and heal the wound."

The old Buddha's face with a sly smile, personally took out the healing holy medicine to the other party, and then helped him to open up the drug and help him heal.

Others have seen this scene all touched, and more and more feel that the old Buddha can not be the avatar of the king.

Xuanzang looked at him, he almost believed it, and he groaned in his heart. "This guy is too loaded, no, I have to find a way to make him show his feet, otherwise, this old guy said later. It is also possible that I will frame me."

At the same time as Xuan Zang thought, suddenly, the voice of Zhao Gongming, standing not far from him, came over. "Xuan Zang, are you playing in the end, or is there really evidence?"

Xuan Zang blinked, glanced at Zhao Gongming, and found that Zhao was standing upright, and he didn't look at himself with his eyes, but he asked himself.

He was happy at the moment. It seems that Lao Zhao has also caused doubts. However, this guy should not be the more he looks at the old Buddha. The more he thinks that the old Buddha can't be a **** king?

"Old Zhao, do you think the old Buddha may be a **** king?"

Xuanzang did not answer immediately, but asked the voice.

Zhao Gongming replied, "Anyone can be a **** king, including you and me. Although I don't want to believe that the old Buddha may be a god, but I am more willing to be careful, Xuanzang, if you It is really the ancestor of the Xuanwu family of my ancient chaotic world. If it is not the king of the gods, you will tell me the truth."

"Don't take my identity to press me."

Xuanzang laughed and did not care about Zhao Gongming’s words.

"Xuan Zang, telling you something serious."

Zhao Gongming’s dissatisfied glance at Xuanzang, although still in the middle of the voice, he is very uncomfortable to see Xuanzang, this bastard, all day long, the identity of the Xuanwu family is really not in line.

Even Zhao Gongming thought in his heart that compared with the old Buddha, Xuan Zang is more likely to be a **** king.

"Xiang Yang told me."

After thinking about it, Xuanzang said directly, "Xiang Yang told me before leaving that the old Buddha is a **** king, let me pay attention to him and prevent him from attacking us."


Zhao Gongming's face changed, and his voice was called out.

"what happened?"

Other people are all puzzled to see the old Zhao, what is the right situation, even the old Zhao has been scared a big jump.

"It's nothing."

Zhao Gongming's look is unchanged, faintly said, "Suddenly remembering Xiangyang, they went to the origin of the gods, if they really steal the origin of the realm, I am afraid it will be very dangerous now."

"It is true, but since they dare to steal the origins of the gods, they should already know the dangers."

Xu Wei said.

"That's the case, but if anyone knows where they went into the realm of the gods, and then placed traps where they first entered?"

Xuanzang said immediately.

"how is this possible?"

After listening to a few people, all of them changed their faces. If this is the case, it can only show that there are really a few of them.

For a time, both Li Shentong and Xu Wei’s eyes looked at Xuan Zang at the same time, and their eyes were faintly murderous.

"What do you mean?"

After Xuanzang met, he suddenly became embarrassed. You two stupid forks, Lao Tzu has already been so obvious, just to tell you that the old Buddha is a **** king, you don’t believe it, even if you aim at me, Is this not trusting me?

Too much.

Xuan Zang is more and more unhappy, he thinks that these two guys are completely fools. Among the five emperors, they are either the princes of the gods or the idiots. Only the northern emperor is the most authentic and the most intelligent. The Emperor of Heaven is the most perfect emperor of the Five Emperors.

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