Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3190: God's Heaven, great good man

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When Xiang Yang thought, when he first thought that the origin of the Golden God King had been swallowed up by the Sword, suddenly his eyes were fixed on the Sword, and there was a light flow on the Sword. Then, a golden energy light group emerged from it.

Xiang Yang’s mind was moved, and the golden energy light group was directly collected. The face suddenly showed a pleasant color. “It is the power of the **** of the **** of gold.”

Although the gods of the gods are also chaotic saints, there is nothing wrong with them. However, they are congenital gods. After they are sanctified, the body will also condense the origin of the king.

In particular, the nine old kings of the original gods are the most powerful symbol of their own attributes in the realm of the gods.

Although the Golden God King is a chaotic **** gold, it is the chaotic **** gold of the **** world. After his body is swallowed up by the sacred sword, the original source of power is the congenital metal origin of the gods.

"That is, after I refine the power of this group, I can control the origin of the metal of the gods?"

Xiang Yang blinked, then smiled and threw the power of this group into the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' and refining it instantly.


At this moment, Xiang Yang only felt that there was a very powerful energy flowing in his body. Not only that, but when he looked at the front, he had a different feeling. It seemed that he could feel the travel in the air. The metallic energy in it, but also the energy.

"If I want to, I can become the new King of Gold."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself. He understood that if he was willing, he could definitely inherit the control of the metal energy of the gods and become the new generation of King of Gold.

However, are you willing to become the King of Gold?

Obviously impossible.

"Golden King..."

However, although Xiang Yang did not want to be the king of gold, the thirty-six-winged angel formed by the incarnation of Tiandao was moved. He looked at Xiangyang’s direction and seemed to have sensed death. King of the Golden God reappeared, but the breath was a little weak.

Moreover, with the 'introduction' of the Golden God King, he was able to penetrate the isolation of the Xiangxian sword array arranged by Xiang Yang and saw Xiang Yang.

The next moment, Xiang Yang's look was stiff.

Just listening to the voice of the gods in his mind, "My child, I give you strength, help the Dark God to destroy the creatures of other worlds..."

"I rely on..."

Xiang Yang was stunned, and the heavenly way of the gods turned out to be a king of gold, and he also gave himself strength.

He blinked his eyes and looked at the origin of the gods. He saw that the incarnation of the heavens seemed to point at himself. Suddenly, the infinite golden power of the land of the gods was toward Xiangyang. come.

This energy is boundless and instantly integrated into the body of Xiangyang, it is the origin of metal.

"Is this the initiative to send energy to me?"

Xiang Yang’s tears are full of emotions. The heavens in the realm of God are really good people. I feel that my strength is too weak and I need to strengthen my strength. However, there should be no means of staying in the heavens.

At the same time, the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ in his body emerged directly, and all the forces of these metallic origins were intercepted, and then they were refining into their own energy through the “Heaven and Earth Oven”.

He only felt that there was a lot of energy flowing in his body, and the energy in the space inside each cell became stronger and stronger. Of course, what made him feel depressed was that he could not make himself strengthen too much power.

But it doesn't matter, the heavens of the gods are the real richness of the rich, and the source of the gold is the source of the source.

"My child, absorbed these energies, grew up, became the new king of gold, and destroyed the powerful foreigners."

Xiang Yang’s brain reappeared in the mind of the gods, and this voice was full of mechanized feelings, making Xiang Yang feel as if the robot was speaking in his own brain.

He blinked and yelled, "God Heaven is to train me to be the new King of Gold. So, if the Dark King is refining by me, can I still get the God of Heaven to give me? The power of the darkness, wants me to be the dark king of the new gods?"

"If I just don't improve my cultivation, but continue to absorb the power of these metallic sources, will God's Heavenly Roads endlessly pass on the power of metality to me?"

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang's heartbeat accelerated. Originally, he used the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' to receive the power of these gods' metal origins and directly refining them for their own use. However, after thinking about it, this time, he received At the same time, only about one-third of refining, the rest of the energy was intercepted by him in the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

However, Godworld does not seem to have a strong sense of consciousness. It just feels that Xiangyang’s growth rate is too slow. It wants to let Xiangyang break through and become the new King of Gold, thus controlling the metallic energy of the gods. Tianshen Tiandao has also instilled the power of metal origin to Xiangyang.

"Too much, too polite."

Xiang Yang sighed and felt that the Tiantian Heavenly Road was really polite, and he always instilled energy into himself.

On the other side, outside the Jianxian sword array, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are crazy attacking the Dark God.

Originally, if the previous two people were not really the opponents of the Dark Gods, but this time, after they refining some of the power of the gods, they cultivated each of them by about 30%, making them both Together, they have been able to fight against the Dark King without falling into the wind.

"Which ants can actually fight against the gods for so long?"

The dark **** is getting more and more scared. The news he got from the avatar is that although Yang Shu and Sun Monkey are both powerful, they can only compete with the weakest god, and he is the ninth of the gods. The big congenital god, powerful and unmatched, absolutely don't have to worry about not being the opponent of these two people.

The meaning of the Western Emperor's old Buddha in the Five Emperors' Heavenly Emperor to the Ontood Dark God is that only Xiangyang is the most powerful and most important to pay attention to, but it is not yet sanctified.

According to the Dark God King, as long as there is no sanctification, even if it is a disciple of the pulse, it is not strong enough. So this time, after he got the news of the avatar, he killed it on the spot, just to get Xiangyang. Chaos in the hands of three people.

He even thought that if he could get the treasures in the hands of three people, he could even resist the king of light.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. Rao is the king of darkness who has done his best and is still blocked by Sun Monkey and Yang Lan.

"Ha ha ha, refreshing, the king of darkness, one of the nine strongest gods in the realm of the gods, the master of the dark hell, mastering the power of the darkness of the realm of the gods, oh, generally, weaker than the **** of light I don't know how many times."

The shape of Sun Monkey has turned into a tens of millions of tall konjac. He shouted with excitement, holding a wishful golden hoop, and attacking the dark **** like a madman.

The size of the Dark King is also very large. It is the true body of the Supreme God. His body is a congenital god, condensing the power of the darkness of the gods, powerful and unmatched.

He held a slashing knife and used a variety of **** techniques. He was hard-pressed with Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. The more he confronted, the more he worried.

"Their reinforcements are coming, hurry up and beat him."

Yang Lan also turned into a giant of several million feet tall. He held a three-pointed and two-edged sword and displayed a **** battle. Every knife fell, and there was no sword in his jaw. He seemed to be a swordless god. The knife is deadly. If the Yasheng strong man comes, very few people can block his knife.

The king of darkness roared, "Oh, ants, you will die."

"Tiandao helps me."

He sensed that other **** kings accepted the call of Heaven to deal with Xiangyang three people. He knew very well that if other **** kings came, even if they killed the three people, he could not get all three. The treasures will kill the three.

Of course, at this moment, there are only Sun Monkey and Yang Lan. As for why Xiang Yang is not there, the Dark God King has not taken care of it.

"My child, as you wish."

The land of heaven is right next to it. The gods of heaven are very angry at the thieves who steal the source. After hearing the loud screams of the dark king, with a grand voice, there is a majestic power of darkness. The sea of ​​origin has swept out and headed for the dark king.

If the Dark God King can get these energies given to him by the Heavenly Heaven, he will definitely be able to take the strength to the next level, and in turn will suppress Sun Monkey and Yang Lan in turn.

After seeing the dark **** king, his face showed a surprise color. "Good."

As long as he got the help of Heaven, he could definitely destroy the two people. Although he did not sense where Xiangyang went, he could at least get the chaos of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

"not good."

After Sun Monkey and Yang Lan met, they changed their faces. The avatars of the gods of the origins of the land were actually helping the dark gods. Then, even if they were strong, they could not stop the dark king. .


Sun Monkey did not say anything. He shouted loudly and shouted. Although he did not call Xiangyang’s name, everyone knew that he could not help but ask Xiangyang for help.

Xiang Yang is in the midst of the sacred swords, while absorbing the power of the metal source that Tiandao passed to himself, while thinking that the heavens and the heavens are really good people, it is entangled in whether or not to block the power of the gods in the darkness. To the Dark God King, after hearing the help of the Sun Monkey, he sighed helplessly. "Monkey brother, Monkey King, the Dark King has not yet become strong, you can't help but ask for help..."

Although helpless, he had to help, because he also sensed that other gods in the realm of the gods have already come to this side.

"If you want to shoot, then destroy the Dark King."

Xiang Yang’s eyes were cold and he shot.

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