Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3191: Dark **** king, detestable

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"The ants, with the help of the heavens, the gods of the gods will be able to extinguish the enemy in an instant."

Seeing the origin of heaven and earth, the dark gods are excited, and they can't wait to use their own magical powers to attract the power of heaven and earth to integrate into their own bodies.

He was very excited. This time, he was finally able to destroy the two monkeys, Sun Monkey and Yang Lan.


However, when the Dark King took the initiative to take the power of the darkness of the heavens, suddenly, there was a **** big trip in front of the power of the darkness.

The Dading moment swallowed all the power of the darkness, and then turned into a **** light that disappeared instantly.


The dark **** king is dumbfounded.

The power of the darkness that Tiandao gave to himself was originally intended to make himself upgraded and used. He was taken away by the peaches halfway.

After the reaction, he was angry, "Bastard, ah..."

The Dark God King roared, madly rushing toward the front, trying to get rid of the man who robbed him of his energy.


The Dark King did not really kill the past, because when he had not moved, he was involved in the horror of the horror, and the sacred swords were spread out, and the dark gods were shrouded in an instant.

Rao is the place where the dark **** king is located, but he is also unable to resist the swordsmanship.

"Xiang Yang, your kid is finally shot, scared to death."

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were also involved in the Jianxian sword array. Their body shape was directly receded toward the rear. The grandson monkey was turned into a normal person, and he continued to breathe with a golden hoop.

Although their strength has increased a lot, but they really have to fight with the gods of the gods of the dark gods, they must do their best every moment, even if they are tired enough.

Xiang Yang’s figure floated on the side of the two people, and they took a picture of them on both of them. The two suddenly felt that there was a strong source of power to integrate into the body of the two. It was just that Xiangyang’s interception of the heavens was to be given to the darkness. The power of the darkness of the king of God.

These two sources of power did not enter the body of the two, they did not care to talk to Xiang Yang, and quickly refining this power.

Xiang Yang is walking towards the dark **** king.

"That is the power of the king of God."

The Dark God King obviously can sense that the power of Xiang Yang to Sun Monkey and Yang Lan was given to him by the Heavenly Heavens. His eyes were red and his voice was loud and angry. "Xiang Yang, you are looking for death."

"This king of God will kill you."

The dark **** is mad, and Rao is the master of the **** of the gods. Rao is his high, and after seeing his own things being taken away by Xiang Yang, he was also given as a gift to Sun Monkey and Yang Lan by Xiang Yang. He only felt distressed and vowed to destroy Xiangyang.

"Oh, the old Buddha even told me my name, it’s amazing."

Xiang Yang looked at the dark god, with a strange color on his face.


The dark **** king is too lazy to talk to Xiangyang nonsense. He holds a death sickle and goes straight to Xiangyang.

"It's good."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and his mind was moved. The four swords of the immortality floated around his body, bursting out with a terrible sword.

Then, his mind was moved, and the four swords of the celestial beings were simultaneously killed toward the king of darkness.

First, the sword of Xian Xian, and then the sword of the immortal, the sword of Xian, and the sword of Xian.

The four-handed swordsmanship cut through the void, with a terrible sword, holding a long sword, and squatting on the sickle.


Although the Death Scythe is a congenital magic weapon, it is only a congenital spiritual treasure. Even the innate treasure level has not been reached. Compared with the four-handed swordsmanship of the acquired treasure level, it is really not too strong.

The four swords of Zhu Xian were smashed on the death sickle. After the four swords, the death sickle was flung out, and the dark **** face was shocked. However, before he reacted, Xiang Yang’s sword was killed. It is.

"A sword is open to the sky."

Xiang Yang is very direct, and the first sword directly exerts a blow to the sky. The sword of the outbreak is a virtual sword, and the swordless light flashes toward the dark god.

At the same time, the four swords of Zhu Xian also merged together, with a powerful and unparalleled sword into the sword.

This sword has reached its peak at this time, and the mighty power broke out. After the dark **** king saw it, the heart trembled and could not help but reveal the shocking color.

"It's so strong, although this kid is only Yasheng, but the real strength is not weaker than me."

While the dark **** king is thinking in the heart, the dark power emerges and turns into a dark **** to float in front of him. This is a miniature version of hell, it is his magical power that can be manifested by the power of the gods and hell. Whether it is attacking the enemy or defending is his strongest magical power.

"However, although you are strong, it is not so easy to deal with this god."

As his voice fell, only a roar of sound rang, and the miniature version of the dark **** in front of the guy suddenly swelled up, and then when Xiang Yang’s open hit fell on it, it exploded instantly.


An earth-shattering force flowed, Xiang Yang's eyes flashed, his hands clasped with swords, and the four swords of the immortals flew out, respectively, guarding the various sides of the swordsmanship, which stabilized the Jianxian sword array and blocked the shock wave. He once again raised the sword and killed him.

"The first sword, the first sword, no."

This time, Xiang Yang’s kendo has changed. It is no longer the strongest sword after his fusion, but the first sword to display the first sword. No.

The first sword of the first demon sword, born out of nothing, as long as you think in your heart, a sword can be seen, everything can be manifested.

This time, the person manifested by Xiang Yang is not someone else, it is the Heavenly Holy Respect.


With the incomparable beginning of the magical gas burst out, in the Tsing Yi, the heavenly sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred out of the void, he is the same as the real Tongtian sacred, regardless of his body or agility.

"Tongtian old child?"

When Sun Monkey saw that Tongtian Shengzun was summoned by Xiang Yang from the void, he was shocked and couldn’t help but whisper. "Is this the spiritual projection of Tongtian?"


Yang Wei is next to Sun Monkey. His face has a serious look and he sighs. "He is just the brand of Xiang Yang's swordsmanship. It can be said that it is Xiangtian's heart."

"It turned out that it wasn't the real old man. Can he imagine the Heaven of Heaven to marry the Dark King?"

When Sun Monkey heard it was the strong man in Xiang Yang’s imagination, he suddenly felt boring and shook his head. “It’s not as good as Xiang Yang’s own sword to kill the Dark King.”

"This is not necessarily the case."

Yang Lan whispered, and the heart felt a little confused. If the Xiangtian sacred summoned by Xiang Yang is not strong enough, how could he summon the sacred sage at this time?

You know, other gods are already near, even if he can sense the breath of the gods, the next moment, the gods will appear here.


At the same time, Xiang Yang also sensed the approach of other gods, but he did not care, but snorted and slammed out a powerful scorpion sword, volleyed sword, cast a sword, shouted a sword .


At the moment when Xiang Yang came out of the sword, the Tongtian Holy Respect who was summoned by him also had a sword. Although it was not a sword of Xiangyang, it contained the martial art of Tongtian Shengzun, and it was also the sword of the celestial being. The same is the sword of Jian Xian, with a terrible power, a sword to go out.

What a brilliance of this sword, a sword smashed out, nine days of brilliance, as if the boundless void would explode, chaos must be shattered.

This is the 诛 剑 sword, but also the sacred sword.

The two swords instantly merged together and turned into a sly sword light, slamming through the void in front.

The Dark God is coming out of the chaos and preparing to launch an attack toward Xiangyang. Suddenly, his face changed greatly. Jingying looked at the heavenly sage. "Tongtian... No, you can't appear here. ""

"Give the king of the gods."

While he was screaming, there was a dark abyss behind him, as if it were the door to the infinite hell, the horrible energy flowed, the decaying breath erupted, and a terrible magic sword soared from the abyss.

"I rely on, this guy really has a card."

Whether it is the Sun Monkey or Yang Lan, the eyes of the Dark King are here. The power of this move is powerful, even if they both feel that this handle has risen from the dark abyss. When they were in the sword, they also sensed a very incredible power.

Xiang Yang's gaze condensed, but there was no change in his look, and there was no other movement, but he continued to look at this sword.


A dark magic sword was born from the dark abyss with boundless blood and sorrow, and instantly slammed into the sword of Xiangyang and Tongtian Holy Respect. In the crash, two swords light collided.

"This is the magical power created by the king of the gods to imitate the decaying abyss. This magical power has an incredible power. This sword is the supreme magic weapon obtained from the decaying abyss, which can kill the chaotic holy deities."

The eyes of the Dark God King looked in the direction of Xiang Yang, and his face showed a smug smile, apparently very satisfied with his magical power.

This is his trick at the bottom of the box. He was originally prepared to deal with his old rival, the **** of light. However, now the king of light has broken through to become a chaotic sage. He dare not fight with the **** of light. Use this trick to deal with Xiang Yang.

Although Xiang Yang is only a sub-sacred strongman, but with the shadow of Tongtian Holy Respect to manifest this sword, it will not humiliate him to use the supreme power.

"Junior, you should have already guessed that the Western Heavenly Emperor of the Five Kingdoms Emperor's Bell is the avatar of the King of God. Hahaha, rest assured, after you die, the King of God will turn you into the avatar of the King of God. At that time, the king of the gods will enter the fairy world and enjoy all of yours."

The Dark God King looked at Xiang Yang proudly, maybe he thought that Xiang Yang would die, and he said to Xiang Yang, "This God King has a magical power, you can copy all your original books, after the three of you die Immediately, the world will reappear three of you, and you are still very obedient."

"It’s a supernatural power, it seems to be very powerful."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but widen his eyes and said with a sigh. "No matter what, after a while, you can refine it with the oven of the heavens and earth. You should be able to get his magical power. However, this so-called supernatural power is estimated. Copy it?"

"You can die."

After saying something, the dark king of God proudly found that several people in Xiangyang had widened their eyes. He felt very satisfied, so he laughed and prepared to kill Xiang Yang.

He casts a law, and controls the magic sword to explode more terrible power, and wants to fly Xiang Yang, the sword.


However, his law was broken out, and the power was indeed stronger, but it also speeded up the destruction of his magic sword. In the blink of an eye, he only heard the sound of 'touching', his one. The sword of the stalk broke down instantly, turning into countless pieces and rushing toward the dark king.

"how is this possible?"

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