Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3192: God king, heaven cry

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"No, how is it possible?"

When the magic sword that rose in the dark abyss broke open, the face of the dark **** had a shocking and incredible look.

His smug smile has already gone somewhere, and some are just endless shocks.

There is also Gyeonggi...

This dark abyss of the trick was that he spent a million years, deep into the depths of chaos, risking his life, sitting in the decaying abyss, acting as a guard to realize the supreme trick.

This sword was the sword that he gave when he applied for the guard of the decaying abyss. Although it is not a chaotic treasure, it is also innate and treasured, with the power of terror.

Yes, deep in chaos, the decaying abyss is controlled by people, or someone is guarding the decaying abyss.

Since someone is guarding, it is natural to have guards.

The Dark God King once took the initiative to guard the decaying abyss for a million years, and realized this magical power of his killer, plus this magic sword, after returning to the realm, he still felt that he had reached The peak of the king of God, unless the supreme god, no one is his opponent.

Who ever thought that when he had not really played with the old rival of the King of Light, the King of Light was promoted to become a chaotic sacred, equivalent to the realm of the Most High God, he did not dare to move.

Then, when he met Xiang Yang, he thought that if he got everything from Xiangyang, and Xiangyang passed on the kendo of that one, he might have broken through.

However, he found that the magical power that he was proud of was useless, and even that squadron was also destroyed.

When he was staring at Xiangyang, the sword of the scorpion with a sword and a sword had already cut through the void and directly broke into his body.


The figure of the Dark God King instantly solidified, and his body showed a set of horrible armor, but it was useless. The sword of the Shenjian cut is like cutting tofu. The sword armor was cut open and then slammed into his body with a horrible sword.

His whole person trembled, with an incredible color, his eyes on Xiangyang, whispering in a low voice. "I can't think of it, I can't think of the king of the gods actually dying in the hands of an Asian holy, no..."


Before he could wait for his voice to fall, he heard a roaring explosion and his whole person exploded directly at this moment.

"Heaven and earth oven."

Xiang Yang snorted and the **** light flashed away. The ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ appeared in an instant, in all directions, and it was a **** stove, and everything after the explosion of the Dark King was swallowed.

Then I returned to Xiang Yang's body again.

At the same time, in the distance, the power of the horrible **** of the king broke out, and there was more than one. After Xiang Yang met, his face remained unchanged, and he said directly to Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, "Go."

To put it bluntly, there is no muddy water, and the chaos wears Yunshuo to jump up and take back the swordsmanship. The three directly tear the void and disappear instantly.



"No, there is a **** king who has fallen. Outside this source, there is actually a king of the gods being killed. It is the king of darkness, my God..."


After the three descendants of Xiangyang, the three gods and kings came together. They were very angry first, and then when they sensed the fact that there was a fallen king, it was a shocking color.

Immediately, after the heavenly way of the gods sensed the breath of the gods, the heavens and the tears, the blood and the rain fell, the cold winds and the sorrows, and the gods were filled with a sad atmosphere everywhere.

This breath is not unfamiliar to everyone, because during this time, the emergence of one after another, so that everyone understands one thing, that is, there is another king of the accident.

"God king..."

"The king of the gods is the invincible existence. It is the strongest under the supreme god. The twelve kings of the gods are even more invincible figures. Why, why are they falling apart one after another?"

"Don't the air of my gods be destroyed? Is it because my gods are going to be destroyed?"

"Do not..."

At this moment, countless gods in the realm of God are all exposed to the color of grief. They are more clear that the king of God is degraded. It is absolutely impossible for him to think of suicide, but to be killed.

In the past, there were twelve gods in the realm of the gods. It was a scene of a moment. However, during this time, there were even successive deities of the gods. After being killed by Sun Monkey and Yang Lan from the beginning, they have now become the fourth king. Was killed.

Among the gods and hells, a Zunya holy strong man all showed a shocking color, and they sensed that their god's breath disappeared.

"No, no... how could this be? No..."

The power of these dark hells continually screamed with unbelievable expressions, the king of God was destroyed, and the heavens of the gods were also missing, not to mention the Dark God is the master of the dark hell.

The king of darkness fell, and the only master of their dark **** was gone.

From then on, how can dark **** fight against the brighter realm?

Among the gods, light and darkness have always existed oppositely. Although both the King of Light and the King of Darkness are one of the twelve gods, they are also innate gods.

However, whether they are usually theirs or not, they are very uncomfortable, especially because their respective men are more likely to have a big fight.

Today, the king of darkness is fallen, and for the mighty of the dark hell, it is like the end of the world.

Of course, although these people are suffering from pain, they do not have the demise of the Dark King.

The avatar of the Dark King, the Emperor of Heaven in the Western World of the Immortals, the old Buddha Lord of the Buddha Gate, is now in the midst of the battle with Xuanzang, and he is still being beaten by Xuanzang.

The power of Xuanzang is very terrifying. It has reached the level of half-step chaos. It can be said that it is stronger than Zhao Gongming. Even if it is compared with Sun Monkey and Yang Lan who did not break through, it is estimated that Xuanzang is not too weak.

This battle, the serious Xuanzai showed his invincible strength, making people in the venue all shocked.

"Old Buddha, send you on the road." Xuanzang snorted, his body shape directly in the air into a large body full of tens of thousands of tall basalt, basalt roaring, direct palm The old Buddha took it.

The power of this palm is terrible, and it seems to destroy the entire land of the gods.

The old Buddha had the heart to avoid, but found that this palm contained the whole world, and it was no worse than his palm in the palm of his hand, which made him unable to escape.

"Dark Abyss."

The old Buddha roared and he was going to display the strongest trick of the Dark God.

Behind him, a dark abyss rises up, and a supreme magic sword flows, bursting out with a horrible murderous murderous.

"not good..."

At this moment, Zhao Gongming and other people's faces have changed greatly. Only Xuanzang sneered, "What dark abyss, unrelenting blow, this palm, Laozi will destroy you."


However, his idea of ​​destroying the old Buddha is destined to fail.

When Xuan Zang’s foot had not completely fallen, he only heard the sound of “touching”, and the figure of the old Buddha exploded and suddenly disappeared.

"Oh... what happened?"

Everyone was stunned. Xuanzang recovered from the body and frowned at the shape of the old Buddha’s explosion. He couldn’t help but anger. "Bastard old Buddha, traitor, even death does not give me the opportunity to show. Are you committing suicide? Is it better to let me kill?"

A few people on the side did not pay attention to Xuanzang, but after they went forward to explore it, Zhao Gongming said, "There is only one possibility."

"The king of darkness is destroyed."

Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, took a breath of coldness and had a shocking color on his face. "The three sons of Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are so powerful that even the Dark King can be destroyed. This..."

"It should be mainly Xiangyang."

Xuanzang said awkwardly, "My boss has not yet become a chaotic saint. However, the **** king of the gods in the district is like an ant in his hands, killing a dark god, is it not easy?"

"Dark King of God is the king of the gods of the congenital darkness of the gods. Now Xiang Yang not only smashed the king of gold, but also destroyed the king of darkness. This time it completely shocked the heavens of the gods."

Li Tiantong, the central emperor, frowned.

Then, everyone looked up and looked at the sky, only in the sky, blood and rain, with a sorrowful breath, it is the congenital king of the king successively fallen, the gods of heaven and earth have a sense, sad and bloody.


However, in the hearts of the powerful locals in the realm of the gods, these are the tears that represent the heavens of the gods. In front of the powerful people in the fairy world, these blood rains are turned into infinite swords, become weapons of killing, have terrible Extreme power.


When these blood rains sensed the breath of Xuanzang and others, they even smashed the sword, and the blood sword of a handle was instantly condensed, with a powerful murderous smothered toward the four.

"I rely on..."

Xuanzang’s face changed greatly and he cried out. “Even if God’s Heaven has taken the initiative to destroy us, is this crazy?”


While they were fighting against the **** rain, the fringe of the Excalibur was frowned. The gods of heaven and earth actually shot themselves and turned into a **** rain, so that even the blood of the swords would not be the power of the sword. Very strong, can not kill the Yasheng strong, but it will expose them.

It is conceivable that the celestial powers in the whole world of the gods will simultaneously encounter the attack of the blood-stained sword at this moment, and then they will alarm the main gods of the nearby gods and even the gods and kings to kill them.

In the realm of the gods, if there is no heaven that provokes the gods, they still have places to hide, but now that they have alerted the heavens, they are really not hiding places.

Even Xuanzang, Zhao Gongming, Li Shentong and Xu Wei are also thinking about what they should do next.

The Heavenly Heaven is like a huge scanner. It doesn't say that the big and small things in the realm of God can't get through the heavens. At least it is very easy for Heaven to deal with some strong people, especially after being angered. Heaven, that is the most terrible.

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