Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 817: Tragedy duo

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A faint sigh came over. This voice seemed to hold back the smile, and it seemed to be like anger. Although it was just a word, it made Yang Xifeng and Xie Tian’s heart tremble, showing the color of horror. .

Moreover, not only that, Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian’s separate energy attacks on Jian Chen and Wang Chao are banned in the void by an invisible force. This power has no roots and no shadow. I don’t see any power. Anyway, I directly impeded the power of the two people, as if time and space had solidified. This is a situation that two people have never encountered. At this moment, they are even more Surprised.

"It's him!"

"Why is he here?"

If there is a younger generation who can make Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian’s two sacred Tianjiao feel so fearful, then that person can never be the first day of the sacred sword dust on the bright side of the road, nor is it hidden in The master of the folks, Wang Chao, is not the other masters who are not very famous and famous, but Xiang Yang.

Last time, when Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian both came to the secular world, they thought that with the strength of their own people, they could definitely become a powerful and unparalleled existence in this worldly world. However, let them not The thought is that, with their strength, after coming to the secular world, they simply couldn’t get up. They were almost destroyed by Xiang Yang. If they didn’t run fast, they would have disappeared.

It can be said that in the last battle, Xiang Yang’s fierce image penetrated into the hearts of the two people. Even when he was asleep, he dreamed of Xiangyang when he was a nightmare. He was directly awakened. Nowadays, the two can be said to be righteously thinking that as long as they can plunder all the sword dust and Wang Chao and refine them, they will definitely become truly enchanting. They are just the time when they are proud, once again. When I heard the voice of Xiang Yang, my heart trembled and I was scared.

“Why? Why can I see him every time?”

Yang was shaking in the wind and was so scared that even his lips were shaking. He felt that he was really miserable. He just went to the world of the world and was thinking about enjoying a wonderful life in this world. He wanted to Based on his own ability to be king in this secular world, he did not expect that, before he started, he was disabled by Xiang Yang.

Later, it took a lot of time to finally fix a wound. After I finally got to the heavens and the earth, I didn’t get the heavens and the earth. Even if the world is unfair, he will fight for the opportunity, killing and refining each other’s Improve the training, and finally take a step ahead. In the mid-term strength of Jindan, and then see the best of Tian Jian, the two sacred swords of Jian Chen and Wang Chao are still condensed in Jin Dan, as long as they kill two people and take away the two Everything, he will be able to have stronger strength. When he enters the late Jindan, who can do it right in the world of the world where the world has changed?

At this moment, Yang Zaifeng still does not know that there has been a small accident in the world. He only thought that the current situation is the same as before. After the change of the heavens and the earth, all the practitioners above the Golden Age can not enter the secular world. If he had a small accident like the change in today, let alone the master of the previous Golden Age, even if the giants of Daomen were able to enter and leave the world at will, I am afraid there would be no such arrogant thoughts.

However, at this moment, what Yang did not think of was that he was so unlucky, and just heard the moment, he heard the sound that made him dream of being able to wake up. It was the voice of Xiang Yang.

“Why? Why is this?”

Xie Tian was almost killed by Xiang Yang’s fist last time. The fear of Xiang Yang in the heart was also not to be underestimated. Now when he feels that his attack has been banned in the void, he suddenly feels trembled. The horrified voice was called out.

"Hey, how do I feel that these two guys are so tragic?"

Jian Chen and Wang Chao looked at each other. They looked at Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian’s eyes with a smile. Even if they were pitiful for Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian, ​​they suddenly fell from the peak. At the bottom of the valley, this feeling is really terrible.

"Xiangyang boss is the Tianjiao Reaper. Any Tianjiao, even if it is a enchanting existence, must be suppressed when he meets him, and it is still a tragic ending." Jian Chen squats, with his face The expression of gloating.

"It is true."

Wang Chao nodded in agreement with his face. Although Xiang Yang was not the Tianjiao of the Taoist Temple, but one of the two geniuses of the Taoist and the sinister, can one of them be strong in front of Xiangyang? I don’t see you, even both myself and Jian Chen have become willing to become the younger brother of Xiang Yang’s younger brother?

Among the two, Jian Chen is the first day of arrogance on the bright side of Daomen. It is really earth-shattering. It is not excessive to say that the first person in the younger generation of Daomen is not excessive, but Wang Chao did not put it in the face. Shang, but his real cultivation is also no weaker than Jian Chen. They can be said to be the most powerful two of the official and folk people of Daomen. Both of them were directly accepted by Xiang Yang and became the younger brother of Xiang Yang. Which of the Taoist priests can compare with them?

"You are so extravagant, the time of the power of the heavens and the earth is not unlimited. You are not good at cultivation, you are still chatting here..."

Just as the two men sighed, Xiang Yang’s figure appeared suddenly at the side of the two people. He didn’t have a good look at the white ones. For the two guys, he also wanted to laugh, just like Jian Chen and Wang Chao’s thoughts, Xiang Yang also think that Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian are really unlucky. Every time they are proud of the spring breeze, they have to meet themselves. Hey, can you say that the two men owe themselves a whole life? Debt?

"Hey, boss, we will continue right away."

Both Jian Chen and Wang Chao were busy, and they immediately continued to devote themselves to cultivation.

Xiang Yang took a look at the two people. It was obvious that the cultivation of the two had actually reached the final step. As long as the two men gathered together the perfect source of Jin Dan, the future practice road would be smooth and smooth, even if it was a fairy. Possible things.

"Xiang Yang!"

At this moment, Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian both trembled, and even if they heard the familiar sigh, they felt scared by Xiang Yang, but after all, they did not really see the shape of Xiang Yang. They still have a hint of fantasies in their hearts, and at this moment, when Xiang Yang appeared so lively in front of him, directly confirming that the scene was just the masterpiece of Xiang Yang, the two people suddenly became desperate.

"What do you call the young master?"

Xiang Yang didn't have a good look at the white, and gave a soft breath. Just as the two men attacked the sword dust and Wang Chao, they were frozen and the energy attack disappeared instantly. In these two evil energies In the middle, Xiang Yang felt the energy of the two energies with the incomprehensible energy, and with the evil atmosphere attached to it, he suddenly frowned.

"How many people have you killed in the end? There is so much energy in the power, it is really killing."

Xiang Yang sighed, he already saw it. The energy of these two people is not the most pure power they have cultivated themselves, but the different kinds of energy mixed with more than ten kinds. Obviously, these two people It is to hunt and refine the energy of many people to have such a repair.

"Xiang Yang, we did not offend you."

Xie Tian’s face trembled and said quickly, although his cultivation had already reached the level of Jindan’s mid-term, and at this moment, Xiang Yang did not restrict his actions, but he had just rushed out to Wang Chao. Attacking, even the same level of practitioners can not easily follow, and in Xiangyang here, do not see what action Xiangyang has, directly attacked him and Yang Zaifeng all in the air, and then more casual It’s terrible to blow away in one breath.


Yang is also trembled in the wind, and quickly said, "Xiang Yang, we are not doing anything to you, we just have a hatred with Jian Chen and Wang Chao, come and find revenge for them, if, if you want to protect them, We are not looking for revenge, I will leave now."

After a clarification, he turned and walked away. At the same time, his heart was shaking and meditation. "Don't deal with me, don't stop me, just let me go safely, I will never appear again." The secular world, as long as there is this guy in this secular world, it is simply my forbidden place..."

When I think that I have appeared in the secular world twice, I want to see the big show, I was directly touched by Xiang Yang, let alone the 'Da Zhan Shen Wei', even the little life does not know. Can you keep it? Yang is determined by the wind. As long as he escapes his life, he will return directly to the door and never come to the world. It is simply scary.

"I... I am leaving too."

When Xie Tian saw Yang Zaifeng so direct, he turned and left. He suddenly felt that he was too stupid. He knew that he should leave early, instead of letting Yang take the lead. However, when Yang turned around and left, it seemed that there was nothing. Then, let's go quickly.

At the same time, Xie Tian also carefully looked at Xiang Yang, then fled like a direct turn to chase Yang behind the wind rushed up.

"It’s fast to run, but if you can still let you run this time, what should I do with this strength?” Xiang Yang’s mouth sneered, he was not in a hurry to catch up, but his right foot was Gently on the ground, I just heard the sound of 'Boom', an invisible force spread along the feet of Xiangyang and then spread to the place where Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian escaped. .

"Run and run, be sure to stay away from him."

"When you go a little further, you can fly away from the sword directly, and you must flee him at the fastest speed."

While Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian both stepped back and forth toward the rear, the gods knew that the movement of Xiang Yang at the rear had been observed. They thought that they would just walk forward a long distance and wait until the distance to Xiangyang. When they were a little farther away, they left the sword directly.

Poor two people are also the peerless arrogance of the sword in the door. However, when facing Xiangyang, it was really scared to be courageous. At this moment, even if they turned and left toward the rear, although they wanted to suddenly Away from Xiangyang, however, they did not dare to leave the face of Xiangyang directly to show off the means of Yujian flight, but slowly, and walked a little farther away, away from Xiangyang and then used the means of Yujian flight to escape. .

Two people are afraid that they will run too fast when they run too fast. When Xiang Yang is under the anger, they will not be able to escape their life. However, they are slow, but they are even more afraid of Xiang Yang. They will suddenly stop them, and at this moment, their hearts are so restless.


Just as Xiangyang had made all the preparations and planned to take the two back, and when playing with the two, there was a roar in the back home, followed by a powerful momentum. .

"Ha ha ha...waiting for the millennium, today finally broke through to the expiration period."

Then, just listening to an excited laughter, a breath of the top-ranking strongman broke out. It was the ancestors of Xiangyang who finally broke through the Yuan Ying period with the help of their powerful strength. And the bottleneck of the outburst period, all of a sudden repair has reached the level of the flood season.



"How can it be possible to break through the secular period in the secular world?"

When Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian, ​​who were rushing their heads and rushing toward the distance, suddenly felt their face changed, they suddenly changed their faces. They stopped to look at the past and saw the ancestors of the family. The whole body burst into a strong atmosphere, and when the volley rose, the two were dumbfounded.

"What is going on? Isn't it true that after the advent of the world, is it true that the masters of the Golden Age and above can't enter the secular world? But how can he still break through the secular world? ?"

Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian both felt that the whole person was not good at all. They suddenly felt that even if there was no Xiangyang, there would be no future. It should be known that even if they are strong, it is impossible. At the same time, the breakthrough has reached the level of the Yuan Ying period, let alone the other party has already broken through to the expiration period at this time. The strength is earth-shattering. Is there such a strong person in the secular world and their madness?

"Why.... Why is this?"

The two looked silly at this scene, feeling that the sky in front of them was dark and there was no light in the light. Their dreams of dominating the world in the world of the world were all shattered at this moment, and they were all shattered. .

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