Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 818: Leave me alone.

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After the breakthrough of the ancestors of the Xiang family, the whole person went up to the air in the light column of the source, but before he continued to absorb more of the power of the source, he only heard the sound of 'bang'. The light column formed by the power of the source suddenly disappeared. Obviously, the will of heaven and earth does not want to continue to provide the source of the ancestors to the ancestors.

The power of the source is the foundation of a world. Just like the life of a practitioner, the consumption of too much will have an impact on this world.

Although this world is a fragment of the ancient source of the gods, the power of the source is very strong, but it can not be squandered at will. Under the request of Xiangyang, it is the limit of the will of heaven and earth to help the breakthrough of the ancestors of the family. Naturally impossible. Endless supply of the source of power to the ancestors of the ancestors, after all, after reaching the expiration period, the speed of absorbing the power of the source is faster than before, I do not know how many times, such consumption is too large, even if the world will not Ken is so consuming the power of this world.

“Congratulations to the ancestors for the breakthrough to the expiration period.”

Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at Xiang's ancestors. He couldn't help but sigh. He was an old monster who had been practicing for thousands of years. Although he did not improve himself, his understanding of the practice was not his grandfather's ability. Compared.

Just now, when Xiang Yang helped the ancestors of the family to break through the repairs, they directly passed the law of the 'Battle of the Seven Kings' to the other party. Although the ancestors of the family were only exposed to the 'Battle Seven Strikes' for the first time, He immediately started to use it, and directly cultivated the law of the 'Battle of the Seven Kings'. The real element was almost used for a long time and turned into a higher level of the overlord of the seven kings, and in Xiangyang. With the help of the breakthrough to the out of the flood season.

'Overlord Seven Strikes' could have been said to be a practice of practicing qi, but it is not so easy to become a practicing qi by this method. It is necessary to cultivate from the innate, and to temper the real yuan step by step. The strength of practicing the spirits is good, and the ancestors of the Xiang family are already the strongmen of the Yuan Ying period. Obviously, it is impossible to re-walk the path of practicing the gentleman. Therefore, just the method of 'the seven kings of the overlord' is regarded as a The high-level comprehension method is to cultivate, and the old man is equally unlikely to spend too much time to re-smelt the real yuan, and directly use this method to consolidate Jin Dan.

"This is the expiration date!"

The ancestors of Xiangjia held their fists and felt that their power at the moment was able to smash the sea and tear the void. The whole person was full of confidence. His cultivation has been stagnant for a thousand years in the Yuan Ying period. It can be said that he is almost desperate. He feels that he will run out of life after one or two hundred years, but he did not expect that Among the descendants, there was a person who could help him break through to the expiration period. At this moment, Xiang’s ancestors were full of gratitude to Xiang Yang.


The ancestors of Xiangjia’s ancestors moved and displayed the momentary movements of the strong men who were able to display them. The whole person directly tore the void and instantly appeared in Xiangyang’s side. Haha said with a smile, “Good boy, this time. It’s really thanks to you, I can break through to the expiration period."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "It is also the accumulation of the ancestors themselves, or else, even if I have a great ability, I can't help people break through the peak of the Yuan Ying period."

Xiang Yang said that although there is a compliment in this, but it is not all compliment, if the accumulation of the millennial ancestors is sufficiently strong, even if Xiang Yang has the strength of the peak of the fit, it may not be able to do it. So easy to help the family ancestors break through to the expiration period, Xiang Yang is not a panacea after all, can only play an auxiliary role.

"Haha, this is the re-creation of grace, I remember." Xiangjia's ancestor took a shot of Xiangyang's shoulder. He wanted to reward some treasures to Xiangyang. However, after thinking about it, he found that he had nothing to yangyang. Suddenly, the helplessness in my heart.

If it is the ancestor of someone else's family, treating the posterity, you only need to reward a little treasure to make future generations excited, and this old ancestor is really too suffocating, not only to repair the breakthrough needs the help of the younger generation does not say It’s not as good as the future generations, and even if you want to give Xiangyang something, I’m afraid that Xiangyang can’t look at it. Therefore, he can only helplessly shook his head and say, “I have nothing to give you. I can only thank you for it."

"You are my ancestor, why do you have to say anything to me? If my grandfather heard it, I am afraid that his old man will kill me." Xiang Yang is a soft smile, facing the ancestors of the family, He has no psychological pressure. This is the change of state of mind brought about by strength.

Let me not say that his current cultivation has reached the peak of the amazing period of integration, and it continues to increase. It will take a long time to reach a stronger realm, even if he does not have the help of the origin of the will of heaven and earth, his own strength. It also reaches the level of earth-shattering. If you let the relatives of the family compare with him, I am afraid that Xiangyang can easily suppress each other with a fist. Of course, no matter what, the other party is the ancestor of Xiangjia, Xiangyang’s ancestors With great respect, if you don't, you won't have to worry about helping the other party break through.

"Haha, well, then I won't be with you." Xiangjia's ancestors laughed, and his eyes stunned to Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian, ​​who were carefully moving toward the distance to escape. The eyes suddenly cooled down. "The two people are so courageous that they intend to come to my house to make trouble. It is time to kill."

Although he was just practicing, he did not completely close his own perception of the outside world. He knew that Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian both came here to make trouble. Before because of the key time of cultivation, and Xiang Yang was there, he naturally They didn't manage the two people. At the moment, when they saw the two, he suddenly raised a killing intention, and a powerful murderousness broke out like a tide.


The ancestors of the ancestors cultivated the incomprehensible law, plus a person who was decisive and decisive. At this moment, he was determined to kill Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian. He blinked his eyes and slammed it directly.


The silver light of the practice burst out, turning into a hegemonic punch that smashed the void directly toward Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tianbang who were quietly moving their bodies.

"Do not..."

Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian were originally carefully moving away from the distance. They thought that Xiang Yang and Xiang Jia’s ancestors were there to describe the old kung fu. They both could take the opportunity to escape, but they did not dare to make a big move. It was discovered by Xiang Yang. However, what they did not expect was that the temper of the ancestors of the ancestors was so hot that they directly killed them. At this moment, their faces changed greatly and the body shape exploded at the fastest speed. It is necessary to fly away from the sword.


"what is this?"

However, when they just jumped up, they suddenly felt that there was a powerful force pulling their feet under their feet, so that they could not leave the ground anyway, looked down and saw the earthy yellow light on the ground. It is flashing, it is this strange power that has been pulling them and blocking them from leaving the ground.

"No... why, what is this power?"

"Oh... I am the celestial arrogance of the evil spirits. I will become the sacred and noble existence in the future... No..."


The two men screamed in horror, with a thick and unwilling color in their eyes, but they were useless. The ancestors of the ancestors rushed over, with incomparable tyrannical power, they would have no resistance in an instant. The two were smashed.


The silvery light erupted. Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian's evil road Tianjiao were blasted at this moment, turning into a thick **** fog, and some magic weapons fell to the ground.

"I rely on..."

"He... both of them have been blown up?"

Just when the two were blown up, there were countless streams of whistling in the distance. The person who rushed to the front was not someone else. It was Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian’s old acquaintance, the yin and yang of the yin and Yang dynasty.

The spirit of Wang Fei’s body has reached the Golden Age. However, unlike Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian, ​​the breath of his body is even with the breath of the power of the source. Obviously, this guy’s luck. Very good, even got a gift from the power of the world, and repaired to reach the Golden Age.

"It's him!"

"Oh my mom..."

Wang Fei first saw that his two old acquaintances were blown up and trembled, and then he saw Xiangyang, who was standing on one side. He was even more scared. He almost turned around and thought that the whole person turned directly in the air. Going on the way to the road.

"Since it is here, let's say hello to your two brothers."

Just when Wang Fei turned and was about to run away, a faint voice came over. After listening to it, his face suddenly changed. 'Your sister’s, Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian have been killed, let them go with them. Say hello, is this sentence to kill yourself? ’

"I am stupid..."

While Wang Fei was squatting in his heart, a black and white yin and yang were erupted on his body, and a flying sword appeared at his feet. He used the yin and yang as the auxiliary, broke the void, and the sword flew quickly, even his speed. I don’t know how many times faster than when I came.

"A good yin and yang power, although not pure, but you have the power of yin and yang, the strength of the power, there is a bit of strength." Xiang Yang face unexpectedly looked at Wang Fei, did not expect that this king Flying can actually cultivate the power of yin and yang to such a degree, but it is also a talent.

"It's a pity."

Then, Xiang Yang sighed, and the power of yin and yang that Wang Fei cultivated was not really pure, and the power of the source was not known to be obtained by any clever method. Therefore, his power of yin and yang is very Miscellaneous Bo is not refined, but also with evil spirits. This is inseparable from Wang Fei’s own origins, and he is doomed to be unlikely to achieve much in the future.

"If you come, leave me."

Xiang Yang sighed, his mind was moving, only listening to the sound of 'banging rumbling', and Wang Fei, who was driving away from the distance with flying swords, felt that a powerful and unmatched force was in the void. When it broke out, he immediately pulled him to the front of Xiangyang.


Wang Fei was horrified at Xiang Yang. He just felt that an unparalleled power was just like the power of heaven and earth. He was so powerful that he could not resist, even the whole body was banned. It can be said that there is no rebellion. The force was pulled back, which is simply terrible.

Although Xiangyang was strong before, when the war with them was at the time, the strength of Xiangyang’s outburst was still only innate. Even when Xiangyang wanted to kill them, it took a certain amount of means. Nowadays, Xiang Yang didn’t do anything at all, and pulling him back in an instant was simply more horrible.

"What are you doing?"

Xiang Yang took his hands and looked at him indifferently. His heart was thinking about whether he would kill Wang Fei. Wang Fei and Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian are the same people. Xiang Yang has no doubt about this. However, this guy is so frightened and has not yet started to work. If he does, he feels like he is bullying. The same, this makes Xiang Yang a bit unaccustomed.


After Wang Fei listened, his face changed suddenly, and there was sweat dripping from his forehead. What did he come here for? Of course, the purpose is the same as that of Yang Zaifeng and Xie Tian, ​​because although he has received the power of the origin of heaven and earth, but perhaps it is the eccentricity of the heavens and the earth, giving him only a very little source of power, making him unable to condense the source of gold. Dan, so I can only quickly gather Jindan, and then I am thinking the same idea as Yang Zaixian. This is not the case. I have seen so many sources of light, I plan to come here to 'hunting'. I didn't expect the unfortunate encounter with Xiangyang.


"Who is it, dare to kill me!"

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