Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 835: Torture her

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"what are you doing?"

When I saw the strange and bright light on Xiang Yang’s face, the face of the beautiful white man who was the only descendant of the nine-tailed fox was suddenly changed, and it became extremely ugly with a trace. Frightened, she understood that Xiang Yang would never have any good ideas at the moment, and she is now unable to move. If she is not careful, it will be ruined.

"We must break through the imprisonment, even if we sacrifice a tail." The beautiful man in white whispered to himself, with a firm color in his eyes. As a nine-tailed fox, he was born with nine lives. Because she has nine tails, each tail represents a life, die once, break a tail, as long as there is a tail, even if it is a form of God can survive.

"Is the ban of the will of the heavens and the earth? I must break through." With the self-speaking voice of the beautiful man in white, there is a violent force in the depths of her body that is surging and slamming on the earth. The power of imprisonment.


I only heard a roaring sound from the white body of a beautiful man, and then there was a halo of black and blue that spread out, even the void around her trembled. No, it should be accurately around her. The rules of heaven and earth were directly shaken, and Xiang Yang was able to feel the trembling rules of the heavens and the earth. It was the rule that the beautiful white man directly affected the void of the heavens and the earth around her.

"Little fairy, a little bit, or else I can't guarantee if I can't hold on to you."

Xiang Yang smirked and threatened the beautiful man in white, and the bottom of his heart was shocked. This white beautiful woman is the only descendant of the legendary nine-tailed fox that can compare with the four holy beasts, even if it is The will of the heavens and the earth will use the power of the rules of the heavens and the earth to seal all the forces in the body. When it is rushed to the gate, it can still explode such a strong breath. It is conceivable that if she is not imprisoned, the power that really broke out Absolutely earth-shattering, even if you don't have time, you won't be able to hold it.

However, there is no such thing as the world. The origin of the beautiful man in white is even more powerful. Now, it is still inevitable that he will become the defeat of Xiangyang. Of course, whether Xiangyang can do this scene is all standing behind him. The existence of the will of heaven and earth, if there is no world and the will to provide power, if there is no heaven and earth will to suppress the beautiful man in white with the power of the law of the heavens and the earth, with the strength of Xiangyang itself, I don’t know how much it needs to reach this level. Year's time.

"Small thief, I am afraid, if you have the courage, you will kill the deity. Otherwise, the more you release the deity, the longer you will suffer." White is a beautiful woman with murderousness. Coldly looking at Xiang Yang, she is not afraid of threatening Xiang Yang, nor is she afraid that Xiang Yang does not really kill her, because she knows very well how her identity is earth-shattering. In this world, as long as there is a little insight, know After her identity, she did not dare to deal with her.


After Xiang Yang listened, he smiled and smiled with a strange smile on his face. "Yes, I dare not kill you. However, if you want to control you, it does not mean that you must kill you. You are a small body, delicate and soft, in case I can't help it, I will directly..."

"Little thief, what do you want to do?" Xiang Yang’s words were interrupted after being stunned by the beautiful man in white. It’s really that Xiang Yang’s eyes are too infiltrating, as if his eyes are infinite. Like the desire, plus the words that Xiang Yang said, she reminded her and suddenly felt trembled.

"Nothing, just do a small experiment first."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, his voice was very gentle, but it made the beautiful woman's heart more trembled and shouted. "Little thief, if you dare to treat me, I must make you die."

She has seen resoluteness from Xiang Yang’s eyes, although she does not know how Xiang Yang will deal with her in the end, but she knows that she must be downcast. She really did not think that Xiang Yang would be so crazy, even dare In the case of your true identity, you have to deal with yourself.

At this moment, the beautiful woman in white is really flustered. She squints at Xiangyang, her eyes are shaking and screaming. "Little thief, if you dare to treat me, I must let you Life is better than death. When you are exhausted, you must let the eternal life suffer from the most painful suffering in the world."

"Little fairy, I have already said it in your sentence, I don’t know how many times."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and then smiled with a strange smile on his face. He sighed in his heart. "The world will be the elder brother, you must give this little girl a certain life, but don't let her get angry and have a chance to deal with me."


The answer from Heaven and Earth to Xiang Yang is so refreshing. It thought that Xiang Yang was going to do it according to his ideas. He could control the descendants of Jiuwei Tianhu in his hands. At that time, even if it was above nine days. The words of a supreme, nine-tailed fox are not related to their own affairs.

Heaven and earth will do so much, isn’t it necessary to clarify the relationship from this matter? Because it is the condensed core fragments of the ancient source of the gods, it can be said that it inherits the small half of the heaven and earth will of the ancient source of the gods. It is very clear that the nine-tailed fox family above nine days How is it earth-shattering, if the real one is staring, then, even if it is the world’s will of the world after the fragmentation of the ancient source of the gods, it will inevitably be angered. The bit is gone.

Therefore, Heaven and Earth will try their best to let Xiang Yang conquer the beautiful woman in white, one is because as long as it is done by Xiang Yang, he can easily get out of this matter, even if it is nine days. The one above the anger is only for Xiangyang; the other is that if Xiangyang really signed a spiritual pet contract with the beautiful man in white, then the two people’s life and death together, even if it is above nine days A bit of anger, because it is estimated that the only blood-blood descendants of white and beautiful people can not really be true to Xiangyang.

"Next, let me see how the blood of this legendary ancient beast will differ."

"What? What are your kids doing?"


On the same day, the will of the day thought that Xiang Yang was looking for what he thought, and when he was in a very comfortable mood, Xiang Yang’s next practice made him feel incomprehensible, only to see that Xiang Yang’s golden one-necked fox After the golden blood was taken out, there was a strange smile on his face. He did not use this as a medium to display a spiritual pet contract. Instead, he said with a smile, "I don't know if I can open up a few acupoints." ”


At the same time as Xiang Yang’s voice fell, he only heard a roar of sounds, and then he jumped out of the sky above his head and saw it hanging directly above the head of Xiang Yang’s head. The stock is powerful and unmatched.


"this is?"

This is not the first time that Xiang Yang has exhibited the magical power of the 'Heavenly Oven' in front of people, but it is the first time it has been displayed in front of so many people who have knowledge and cultivation, and when her heaven and earth ovens are displayed. After coming out, the two giants of the Qingfeng Pavilion and the patriarchs of the Taoist Temple trembled with stunned and incomprehensible colors.

"What is this? A strong atmosphere."

The owner of the Qingfeng Pavilion whispered softly, with a deep shock in his eyes. Although he could not see the mysterious place of Xiangyang’s 'Heavenly Oven', he could see that Xiangyang’s Tiandi Oven There is a very strong scent of destruction, even if he is inhaled, I am afraid that it will be refining in the blink of an eye.

"His growth has exceeded our imagination." The ethereal patriarch whispered to himself, and his eyes also showed a dignified color. At the same time, her eyes were full of horror. Xiangyang was a few months ago. When Zong, the master who wanted to kill a Golden Age was exhausted. Moreover, at that time, the real strength of Xiangyang was only the realm of congenital perfection. Now, how long has it been, Xiang Yang’s repairs and repeated breakthroughs have reached the level that she must look up. For a moment, her heart has mixed feelings.

"Fortunately, there is also the existence of Yun Yun's masters and apprentices, which makes me so close to his Guanlan. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will escape to the gate as others do, and I will never dare. It’s in front of him.”

Then, the ethereal patriarchs remembered the relationship between Yun Yun Master and Xiang Yang. She was fortunate in her heart. I felt that when Xiang Yang and Zongmen’s disciples collided, they saw the potential of Xiang Yang. If you favor your own disciple, you can say that Xiangyang and the Essence are together.

However, the reason why the patriarch of the ancestors was to tie Xiangyang to the Essence, her main purpose was to reach an agreement with Xiangyang to rescue the Taoists trapped in the Kunlun Mountains, or else, with the ethereal patriarchs of the year. The status of how to go to Xiangyang is such a junior who is just a new realm of perfection.

"No, the change of heaven and earth has passed. How can I save people?"

Suddenly, the face of the patriarchal lord changed, because she remembered a very terrible thing. The only chance to save people in Kunlun Mountain was that when the world changed, the world was unstable and there were many creations. With the variables, by then, the famous mountains will be opened, and many of the inheritance opportunities hidden in the Xianshan blessed land will appear one by one. At that time, the forbidden land in Kunlun Mountain will also be opened, as long as it is not a practitioner who is too strong. I can enter it to save people, but, as today’s change, I don’t know what happened again. I didn’t see any facts about the inheritance of the famous mountains and rivers, which made her miss the best way to rescue the Taoist. The time is right.

"What can I do?"

The ethereal patriarchs are very calm on the surface, but the depths of the heart are with anxious and helpless colors, waiting for the millennium, in order to be able to find the heavens and the earth to change the Taoist rescue, however, this hope just saw, When she had not waited for her action to save people, hope disappeared directly.

"Don't we be destined to see you again in this life?"

The ethereal patriarchs whispered in the heart, the whole body was covered under the black robes, and the body was shaking slightly, but even if the Lord of the Qingfeng Pavilion sensed it, there was no strange place. In his opinion, the ethereal patriarch It should be seen that the strength of Xiangyang is too strong, and with this smashing atmosphere of the heaven and earth oven, it will be trembled and trembling.


When the ethereal patriarchs trembled and shivered, the void trembled, and the heavenly oven at the top of Xiangyang finally changed.

Author Meng Yu said: Recently the body is very bad, coupled with moving the dormitory, the final exam, the head is very painful, in the morning to go to the infusion to drip, come back to write a chapter, continue later.

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