Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 836: Blowing a good wind

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When the ethereal patriarchal heart trembled and shivered, the void trembled, and the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' at the top of Xiangyang changed again. Only a loud roar sounded, and Xiang Yang’s hand flexed and slammed. A drop of golden blood flew up and was directly blasted into the 'Heaven of the Earth'.


Then, with the spread of the mysterious atmosphere, the lid of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' was closed, and then the void jumped and instantly disappeared into the void.

"Little thief, are you dare?"

After seeing this scene, the beautiful man in white has changed his face and made a loud and angry roar. Her eyes are red and trembling. She wants to eat people’s eyes and look at Xiangyang. If it is not the rule of heaven and earth. If forced to suppress, I am afraid that she has already rushed over desperately.

"I can not?"

Xiang Yang mouth with a faint smile, seems to have an incredible look, pointing to his face, and then looked seriously at the beautiful woman in white, "There were many people who said me like you. I don't dare, but, in the end, I will use the facts to convince them that I dare not? However, you'd better have a mental preparation, and what happens in the future may be even more shocking to you. ”



The white woman's beautiful woman's eyebrows are upright. In the eyes of the star-studded eyes, there is a flame burning in it, and there is a powerful murderous outburst. However, when her screaming sound has not yet come out, she only listens. A roar came from Xiang Yang's body. When she saw the scene with the sound, her face suddenly changed.


At this moment, the world is roaring, and Xiang Yang has a golden light in it, which seems to burst out at any time. In the endless void, a mysterious atmosphere will burst out. One of them has a mysterious atmosphere that transcends the world's will of the world. The other people don't know what this breath is, but as the only blood descendant of the nine-tailed fox, the blood derived from it is earth-shattering. How can a beautiful white man not know what it is.

"This is a natural atmosphere, how is it possible?"

In the eyes of beautiful white people, there is a shocking color. Heaven is the true avenue of heaven and earth. It is the 'dao' of the common heavens of the heavens and the world. The world is born, even the gods are controlled by the will of heaven. Next, unless those sages who can truly be detached from everything can break through the heavens and achieve true happiness.

It is reasonable to say that the will of heaven will not be easily revealed. Nowadays, the will of this heavenly Tao has actually appeared, but it is too puzzling, and it is even more shocking to see the beautiful people in white. The arrival of the will of the heavenly will of all the life and death cycles of the masters of the heavens is obviously for Xiangyang.

"Heavenly will..."

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s heart also has a horror sound, it is the world’s will to the world, the voice of the heavens and the earth will be shaking, and then it will lose all the breath, in the face When this piece of the void appears to control the will of the heavens and the earth in the world of life and death, even if it is the will of the world in this world, it can’t help but be scared to hide directly, no longer dare to appear. .

If Xiang Yang is free, he will certainly ask about the will of the world and the will of the world. It will make the heavens and the earth scare and hide directly. However, at this moment, Xiang Yang’s body has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he has not been able to ask so much.

"Boom... rumbling..."

Just listening to a roar of sound, Xiang Yang's whole body burst into a golden light, this is not the light of his own power, but the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' after swallowing the golden blood of the beautiful white man Erupted out.

"This is .... too abnormal."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, because he felt that after the refining of the golden blood, the power that emerged for himself was not used to open up the energy of the acupoint space in the body, but directly became a **** The mighty energy, with a mysterious atmosphere.

"This is the life of the blood, the soul of the nine-tailed fox is in it, but it is the key to her rebirth..."

At this time, a mysterious message naturally appeared in the heart of Xiangyang, which emerged from the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. It was after the refining of this golden blood by the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. The energy and information obtained.


At the same time, Xiangyang's soul caused it, just like suddenly opened up, his hands quickly placed on the chest, began to condense one after another mysterious seals flying in the endless void.


The endless void trembles and there is a mysterious atmosphere that bursts out directly. This sigh of breath is divided into two parts, some of which are directly integrated into the beautiful body of white, while the other part is entered into the body of Xiangyang.


"This is a contract for yin and yang."

When a breath was incorporated into the body, Xiang Yang suddenly understood what it meant. His forehead had a mysterious atmosphere brewing, and then the imprint of a lifelike nine-tailed fox appeared in Xiangyang. On the forehead.


At the same time, the forehead of the beautiful white man also has a sigh of breath. It is a silhouette of a colorful ray of light. If you look closely, you will find that this personal image is exactly the same as Xiangyang.

"Yin and Yang life and death contract, damn, how can this kind of contract?" When the white beautiful woman sensed the imprint of the forehead, the face suddenly changed and suddenly became extremely frightened.

'Yin and Yang's life and death contract' is the most mysterious contract between heaven and earth. This is a kind of symbiotic contract. Both sides have equal status and share the life and death. When one party is in danger of death, the other party will immediately sense it and will know directly. The other party's location can even catch up with the rescue. If one party dies, the other party will also be killed by the contractual power between the two.

The yin and yang contract of life and death, which can be said to be dead together, can be said to be the most mysterious and very vicious contract. Unless the two parties are willing to give everything to each other, they will be willing to share with each other, otherwise, Almost no one will sign this life and death contract.

"How come? Why..."

The beautiful man in white is going crazy. She is the only blood descendant of the ancient sacred animal, the nine-tailed fox in this world. The top person who is noble and incomprehensible has signed such a yin and yang contract with a human cultivator. This is simply a matter of life for her.

"Oh, ah..."

"Little thief, you are so bold."

The beautiful man in white whispered in a low voice. At this moment, all her long hair fluttered and volleyed, and a **** murder broke out. She only heard the sound of 'bang', and the void around her trembled. There was an earth-shattering atmosphere, and her anger was directly breaking through the power of the heavens and the earth to imprison her.


The void is empty, and the supreme power of one after another bursts out. This force directly covers the void, and even appears in the endless void for the Xiangyang and the white-looking beautiful people. The disappearance of the heavens in Tianwanjie disappeared and no one found it.


As the only descendant of the ancient sacred beast, the nine-tailed fox stayed in the heavens and the celestial beings, the white beautiful woman really broke out with powerful strength. It was absolutely earth-shattering. At this moment, she only heard her make a low voice. The snoring, where the sound passed, the void was all broken in an instant, the chaos of the air rolled, but in the moment of the moment it was instantly destroyed by this force.

"I rely on it, it is really too strong."

This force is directly directed at Xiangyang. When the power broke out, Xiang Yang felt that his heart was shaking and he was so scared that his eyes were about to fall out. It is really too strong for this force. He is shocked by the strength of his current Chengdu.

"The strength of this little goblin, I am afraid it really surpassed the brother."

Xiang Yang was staring at the beautiful white man who was full of strength, and his heart was shaking. Before, he didn’t think the strength of the other party really reached, but now, he finally understands. The strength of the other party is earth-shattering. Even if his own brother Yunfei Yang comes, it is impossible to be the opponent of the other party.

"However, now, we have signed a contract of yin and yang, and it seems that you can't do any harm to me any more." Then, Xiang Yang remembered the yin and yang contract of life and death signed between the two. At that time, he suddenly showed a strange smile, and the beautiful man in the opposite white had a hook on his face. "Little goblin, come on, if you didn't kill me, even if I lost."

"Little thief, go to hell."

In the white, the beautiful person reveals the color of madness. The power of mysterious power bursts out. The power of blue is so powerful that it is able to destroy the heavens and the earth. Even if a large city appears here, as long as it When it is spread by a little power, it will be destroyed in an instant.


The void trembles and continually breaks open, and then merges together. The chaos is flowing in it, and the mysterious atmosphere is brewing in it. The power of white beauty is destroying the earth, but In the face of this force, Xiang Yang was only standing with his hands on his back, with a faint smile on his lips, and even a little defensive action was not made.

"go to hell."

The beautiful man in white was originally a noble and true fairy of heaven. However, at this moment, she turned into a **** Shura from hell. Generally speaking, in addition to the accident of Xiang Yang in her heart, there is no other. thing.

"killing and killing, even if it is a broken tail, it is not hesitating." White is absolutely beautiful, people have even planned to go with Xiangyang, because she is a nine-tailed fox, owning nine lives, even if It was with Xiangyang, and only sacrificed one of the nine lives.


However, when this force of destruction of the earth hit the side of Xiangyang, it suddenly became calm.



At this moment, whether it is the white beautiful woman, or the other people watching the war below, after seeing this scene, they all widened their eyes to reveal an incredible color.

"Oh, it’s a cool breeze..."

Xiang Yang was carrying his hands, his face with a faint smile, and looked up at his sullen expression.

The author said: "Ill, headache, the second chapter, that's it."

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