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Chapter 799 High price

As Xu You expected, after that, Blue Star received several similar electromagnetic wave signals.

After analysis, some of the information contained in it is the same as before, only the Chinese word "peace".

And there are also some electromagnetic wave signals that express some other information.

"Is this... an address to reply to?"

After analysis, Xu You discovered that the position expressed by one of the electromagnetic wave frequency bands seems to be a coordinate in the universe.

Due to the limited information contained in the electromagnetic wave, the location of this coordinate is not particularly specific.

But through the comparison of the actual position of the universe, this should be another planet in the Alpha Centauri star system.

Blue Star has already determined the position of this planet, but according to the judgment of various parameters of this planet, this planet is not suitable for living things.

From this point of view, this is likely to be a planet controlled by the Proxima Centauri peace faction, responsible for receiving and sending some secret information.

After sorting out all kinds of information, an important meeting was held within the Shenzhou Space Administration to discuss the countermeasures for this matter.

As Xu You who directly analyzed the true meaning of these electromagnetic waves, he was naturally the most important member in the meeting.

And Lin Shi also followed Xu You to the China Space Administration to attend the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Xu You got straight to the point and directly talked about his views on this matter.

"I think that this alien electromagnetic wave incident is likely to be the peace faction of the Proxima Centauri civilization, sending us a message to seek a real peace between the two sides. I personally think that the possibility of this is still very high. "

Speaking of his own point of view, Xu You still didn't make a very certain conclusion.

After all, the existing information is still relatively small, and it will not be ruled out. This is just a means of the Proxima civilization, deliberately making the illusion of wanting to achieve peace.

But Xu You felt in his heart that this possibility was still very small, because no matter from which angle he looked at it, it was not a logical thing.

"Academician Xu, what do you think we should do with this matter?"

"I think we need to use our most powerful technical means to communicate with this location coordinate. I hope to use the psychology of the Proxima Centauri peace faction to achieve the containment effect of the Proxima Centauri mainstream forces. Of course, all of this is It needs to be based on the premise that we will not expose our true strength."

Xu You has always been very cautious in doing things, because if this is really just a strategy of the Proxima civilization, it may let them know the true strength and true will of Blue Star, thus accelerating the conflict between the two civilizations.

Xu You hopes to achieve his goal as much as possible on the premise of ensuring that the situation will not intensify.

"Academician Xu, how to implement the specific plan?"

"I will create a wormhole to reach that coordinate position, communicate directly with that position, show our strength, and determine more information. I believe that if they really yearn for peace, they will definitely be willing to have a deeper relationship with us." levels of cooperation."

Everyone present was a little surprised when they heard Xu You's plan.

"Academician Xu, do we now have the ability to directly create a wormhole leading to the Alpha Centauri star system? Doesn't this require a super quantum of level 6 or above?"

"Yes, it is already possible. Although the energy of the six-level super quantum we captured before has been severely attenuated, it is temporarily unable to have the energy to create a long-distance wormhole, but if we provide enough quantum feed, it can still be recovered. Plenty of energy."

What Xu You said is true. Now that the output of the Blue Star super quantum has increased a lot, as long as he wants to, he can provide enough energy for this sixth-level super quantum to make it create another one that spans four light-years. of wormholes.

But in fact, this is just Xu You's backup plan.

What Xu You hopes more is that the X-1 super quantum in his body can help him complete his plan this time.

"Academician Xu, if this plan is feasible, it is indeed a plan that we can look forward to. How much help do we need from the China Space Administration here?"

"Afterwards, I will make a detailed plan and try to ensure that nothing goes wrong. I will list the specific needs in detail later."

During the meeting, Xu You stated some major plans, which finally won the support of most people.

Because of the special properties of the super quantum, it is difficult for the super quantum to easily upgrade its level, but it is relatively easier to absorb energy.

Because of this, Xu You can theoretically determine that after energy supplementation, this 6-1 super quantum can create this wormhole again.

After the meeting, Xu You returned to his office, closed the door tightly, and began to think quietly in his brain.

"X-1... this time is for peace, can you help me create a wormhole leading to the Alpha Centauri star system?"

Xu You tried again to communicate with this super quantum in his body.

Xu You knew that with the ability of this super quantum, this matter could be easily accomplished.

However, in the last attempt, X-1 still rejected Xu You's request.

The reason for this may be that Xu You's brain power is not enough, or it may be that X-1 is not willing to do this thing.

But now, the situation is completely different.

Xu You is no longer the original Xu You, and this mission is more to achieve a peaceful outcome between the two civilizations.

Not long after Xu You made this request, Xu You felt the interface change in his mind.

"This is...X-1 agreed to my request? But, does it require a certain price?"

Xu You carefully retrieved the information in his brain, and then determined what the specific price was.

"Do I need to consume all the vitality points for the next thirty days? I see."

Xu You never imagined that it would cost such a high price for X-1 to complete this task.

Judging from Xu You's current state, every point of vitality is of great significance, enough to achieve a breakthrough in an academic field.

And the total vitality value of 30 days is as high as 720 vitality points. Even if these vitality points are only used in the deep learning state, the effect will be incalculable.

After some thinking, Xu You finally made a decision.

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