Top Student

Chapter 802 Proxima Centauri

After a day of adjustments, Xu You has gradually gotten used to the state of not relying on the vitality value of the system for normal work.

Speaking of which, Xu You really likes this kind of natural life.

Although using various magical states of the system can speed up Xu You's research speed, there is always a sense of urgency that prevents Xu You from enjoying the fun in life.

Due to the state of deep learning, it essentially slows down the passage of time, which makes Xu You feel like he has spent several lifetimes of normal people.

Now, although Xu You can no longer use those special states, with Xu You's current ability, he can still complete various research tasks smoothly, but the speed is not as exaggerated as before.

"Well, since the teacher said so, then I won't think about it anymore." Lin Shi said.

In fact, it wasn't that Xu You didn't have any expectations for the response from the neighboring star civilization, but Xu You had almost determined that they would reply within a few days.

Excessive expectations will slow down time instead, so Xu You puts all his energy into his work and does not think about these things for the time being.

at this time.

Xu You suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

This is Xu You's feeling when he got the X-1 super quantum information feedback. Although Xu You is temporarily unable to use any functions provided by the system that require the use of vitality points, he can still communicate with X-1 Super Quantum.

At the same time, in Xu You's personal computer, there was also a sound of receiving the message simultaneously.

"Teacher, it's a reply! We have received a reply!"

Lin Shi's reaction speed was very fast, and she felt the voice of reply almost at the same time as Xu You.

"Quick! Analyze the message!"

At this time, Xu You no longer pretended to be calm, because compared to the news reply from the neighboring civilization peace faction, Xu You was actually looking forward to it.

Soon, Xu You and Lin Shi analyzed the information hidden in these electromagnetic wave frequency bands.

This time, they still used the same method to hide the information in other dimensions.

However, after eliminating the risk of information leakage, they hid more information in it this time, not just sending some simple text messages.

"This is... a basic introduction to Proxima Centauri?"

Soon, Xu You and Lin Shi analyzed part of the information.

Here are some basic introductions of Proxima Centauri, including the multiple races of Proxima Centauri, the characteristics of Proxima Centauri, and so on.

In addition to some introductory text, it even contains some picture information.

After quickly reading these contents, Xu You's expression revealed nothing but complete shock.

"Sure enough, the Proxima Centauri are also a species similar to the Blue Stars. They can walk upright and have a very developed brain. But in terms of details, there are still many differences between the two."

Very similar to the Blue Star people, the Proxima Centauri people are divided into several different races according to their living location, living environment, living habits, etc. The differences include different skin colors, different languages, and some strange physical characteristics, etc. .

However, there is no reproductive isolation among these different Proxima races, and they have a high degree of unity.

It's just that the Proxima Centauri have a characteristic that the Blue Stars don't have at all.

All Proxima Centauri have completely lost their hair, and there is not a single hair on their entire body.

Xu You didn't know if this was the destination of the Blue Stars in the future.

"Teacher, are all Proxima people bald? They don't even have eyebrows, so if they sweat on their foreheads, wouldn't the sweat flow directly into their eyes?"

After seeing these characteristics of Proxima Centauri, Lin Shi couldn't help quizzing curiously.

"No, that's not going to happen. In the course of rapid evolution, their sweating mechanism has also changed. In fact, they don't sweat a lot, even when it's very hot, and can take other There are no sweat glands in places like the top of the eyes.”

Xu You, who has a good accumulation of biological knowledge, quickly came to these conclusions through the information provided by the Proxima civilization peace faction.

In fact, the information provided by the Proxima Centauri Civilization and Peace faction is relatively limited. They only use the shortest language and the most basic pictures to introduce the characteristics of the Proxima Centauri.

However, Xu You's knowledge reserve is so strong, even if Xu You doesn't have the blessing of the system, he can still use the weakened version of the brain simulation skills to process, analyze and refine the information.

At this time, Xu You discovered a new piece of information.

"Lin Shi, look, Proxima Centauri does not have the structure of vocal cords."

"There is no such structure as vocal cords? How do they communicate?"

Although this structural feature does not prove that Proxima Centauri cannot make a sound, it can at least show that Proxima Centauri cannot speak various languages ​​as flexibly as Blue Star humans.

"Brain waves... are brain waves!"

After a short thought, Xu You quickly came to these conclusions.

The general level of brain power of Proxima is very strong, and this also allows them to easily emit various brain waves and communicate with other people.

The intensity of this brain wave does not need to be too high, because this face-to-face communication method is only suitable for short-distance communication, and often only a few meters of brain waves can be transmitted.

As for long-distance communication, the people in Proxima directly use various electronic devices, just like the people in Blue Star use their mobile phones to chat online.

"I didn't expect that Proxima Centauri communicated mainly through brainwaves. If the level of intelligence is determined according to the strength of brainwaves, any Proxima Centauri can become a professor-level person on Blue Star."

What Lin Shi said was true. It is a relatively objective way to judge the intelligence level of creatures by using the intensity of brain waves.

"Yes, Lin Shi, I also agree with this point of view. The reason why the Proxima Centauri civilization can develop at a very fast speed is inseparable from the highly developed brains of the Proxima Centauri people. Even the most ordinary humans in the Proxima Centauri have very strong thinking skills."

Such characteristics can make every Proxima person very good at thinking, and make the field he is involved in develop rapidly.

After analyzing the information about the characteristics of Proxima Centauri, Xu You continued the next analysis work.

Soon, Xu You discovered that the following information was about the basic system of Proxima Centauri.

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