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Chapter 803: A Wonderful System

"The Proxima civilization is worthy of being a highly developed civilization, and their system has developed to the era of artificial intelligence."

After analyzing the information, Xu You couldn't help sighing.

Like the current Blue Star, although the Proxima Centauri civilization has different countries and races, it has also achieved a community of destiny, and there have been no large-scale wars for hundreds of years.

Of course, this is not because Proxima Centauri are very peace-loving, but the power of Proxima Centauri is very concentrated, and there is only one most powerful organization.

In the face of this organization, other organizations do not have any strength to resist, and naturally they dare not conflict with it.

As for other forces, once there is a tendency of large-scale conflicts, this largest organization will immediately take some measures to end these conflicts.

As for some small conflicts that have no impact on the overall environment, this organization will generally not intervene unless the impact of such an incident is too serious.

Because small conflicts don't bring much meaning, this keeps Proxima b in a relatively peaceful environment all year round.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the credit of artificial intelligence.

In the Proxima civilization, artificial intelligence acts as a law enforcer, strictly implementing various legal provisions in accordance with the legal provisions specified by the high-level Proxima civilization.

When artificial intelligence implements the legal provisions, it will be very mechanical and ruthless. No matter if any Proxima Centauri violates the law, it will strictly follow the requirements of the legal provisions, even including all Proxima b high-level personnel.

This strict law enforcement method has caused many high-level personnel of Proxima b to be punished for violating the law, and the benefit is that the law is completely fair to every Proxima person.

Artificial intelligence does not have any emotions, and will not treat certain Proxima Centauri people specially because of their different classes. This also makes the Proxima Centauri civilization hardly any corruption.

"This way of enforcing the law is really ruthless and terrifying. But it is also this kind of strict law enforcement that makes the people of the Proxima civilization respect the law very much, and almost no one has a chance to break the law. "Xu You said.

"Yeah, I don't know if the future Blue Star will develop in this direction and let artificial intelligence become the law enforcer of the entire planet. But if this is the case, it still makes people feel a little indifferent."

Lin Shi holds a rather skeptical attitude towards this matter, because Lin Shi feels that many situations need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis, and if everything is really decided by artificial intelligence, it will appear too impersonal.

"Well, in fact, I also think that it is possible to let artificial intelligence be responsible for part of the management work. If everything is determined by artificial intelligence, then Blue Star will no longer be what it was before. Of course, Proxima Centauri civilization and our blue star Star civilizations still have many differences, they are originally a kind of creature that does not rely on emotions."

Compared with the humans of Blue Star, the people of Proxima Centauri appear to be much more rational and calm, and their behavior is more determined purely by interests, with little emotional influence.

Xu You felt that the reason for this situation should be the higher mental level of Proxima Centauri as a whole.

Often the smarter people act more rationally, and they will not often act on their emotions.

After analyzing the information, Xu You immediately contacted the Shenzhou Space Administration and informed him that the Proxima Centauri Peace Sect had sent a message to Xu You.

This incident undoubtedly aroused the strong attention of the China Space Agency.

The leader of the China Space Administration immediately contacted Xu You to discuss this matter in detail.

"Academician Xu, I really didn't expect that the Proxima civilization is such a wonderful civilization. There are many differences between them and the Blue Star civilization in the way of birth and development. It seems that the Blue Star civilization is not the only civilization. Way."

"Yes, the civilizations in the universe must be very diverse. If we can discover other civilizations in the future, I think we will discover more types of civilizations."

The different civilizations identified by Xu You not only have different emphasis on the development of civilizations, but also include different biological structures.

The life on Blue Star is all carbon-based life, but Xu You feels that in this vast universe, there may still be various life types such as silicon-based life.

After chatting about the message sent by the Proxima Centauri peace faction, the leader of the China Space Agency continued to ask:

"Academician Xu, how do you think we should respond to the message after this?"

"I think the peace faction of this Proxima Centauri civilization should already believe that we are a powerful civilization. Maybe they don't think that the Blue Star civilization is much stronger than the Proxima Centauri civilization, but at least it will not be weaker than the Proxima Centauri civilization. The existence of civilization. However, judging from their attitude towards us now, they should not fully trust us."

Xu You can see that the information sent by the Proxima Peace Faction still has a lot of reservations, and no particularly detailed information has been given.

Of course, as the first formal communication, being able to provide this information is considered very sincere.

After Xu You paused, he continued:

"Next, we will continue to strengthen our connection with the Proxima Centauri Civilization Peace Faction. We need to let them understand that the Blue Star Civilization is a far more powerful civilization than the Proxima Centauri Civilization. If they don't want to stop the Proxima Centauri civilization from attacking, then The price can only be borne by all Proxima Centauri."

Xu You was very resolute when he said this, as if the Blue Star civilization was really much stronger than the Proxima Centauri civilization.

After a few seconds of silence on the other side of the phone, he said:

"Academician Xu, are you confident in accomplishing this?"

"I will do my best to complete this matter. Of course, this is only one of many plans, and our normal technological development will continue."

Projects such as the Space Carrier, Space Elevator, Death Planet, etc. are all proceeding normally.

Because all the bluff is just a tactic to delay the attack, and in the end it still needs to rely on hard power to fight against the civilization of Proxima Centauri. Naturally, Xu You will not relax the normal technological development.

"Okay, I understand, then I will work hard for Academician Xu."

"It's nothing hard, it's all for the sake of all human beings in Blue Star."

For all of Xu You's actions, the China Space Administration has given a very open attitude. After all, the current development of Blue Star is inseparable from Xu You's efforts.

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