Top Student

Chapter 804 Loyalty

To put it bluntly, without Xu You, many technologies of Blue Star would not exist now, and they might not even be destroyed by the technological means of Proxima Centauri civilization.

After finishing the call with the Shenzhou Space Administration, Xu You continued to draw up a reply plan for the peace faction of the neighboring star civilization.

This time, Xu You wanted to convey two main messages.

The first one is to further demonstrate the strength of the Blue Star civilization and make the peace faction of Proxima Centauri feel intimidated.

The second is to let the peace faction of Proxima Centauri civilization feel a sense of urgency and find ways to contain the offensive actions of Proxima Centauri civilization.

Xu You knew that although the Blue Star Civilization and the Proxima Centauri Civilization had reached a settlement, it was only on the surface.

Since the two sides have no positive contact, the leading organization of Proxima Centauri will never believe that Blue Star Civilization must be a civilization they cannot defeat.

Only when their pioneer space fleet also suffers setbacks will they further consider the next plan.

Because in their minds, there is no real peaceful civilization.

In the following time, Xu You quickly drew up new information, and sent it to the wormhole again through the X-1 super quantum.


Alpha Centauri star system.

"Information! It's a message from the blue civilization!"

The moment Xu You sent the message, the Peace Faction of the Proxima civilization received the message.

Such a fast speed is precisely because the wormhole connects these two distant locations.

Soon, they parsed the information and carefully read the information in it.

This time, Xu You deliberately used the X-1 super quantum to demonstrate the super technological strength that many blue star civilizations do not have now.

And these information, which has surpassed the level of the Blue Star civilization, made the peace faction of the Proxima civilization quickly believe in the strength of the Blue Star civilization.

"It's really scary. The strength of such a civilization is far stronger than ours."

"Yes, fortunately, the Blue Star civilization is a civilization that truly yearns for peace. Otherwise, our Proxima Centauri civilization would have been destroyed long ago."

"After the detection of the artificial intelligence system, it is determined that the information is not forged. Moreover, if the level of a civilization is not so high, it is impossible to show us this information at all."

These peace factions of the Proxima civilization are not very easy to deceive, and they also have a very high awareness of prevention.

However, since a lot of information provided by Xu You comes from the X-1 super quantum itself, it is not false information, and this also makes the peace faction of the Proxima civilization believe the information without any doubt.

Severly had the same idea as others after learning the information.

"Yes, I have always felt that a powerful civilization does not necessarily have to destroy other civilizations, relying on these to ensure the safe development of civilization. Just like for lower creatures, we will only protect them all the time, and will not try to destroy them. destroy them."

At this time, Severly already believed that the Blue Star Civilization did not try to destroy the Proxima Centauri Civilization, just because the Blue Star Civilization felt that the Proxima Centauri Civilization was a low-level civilization that did not pose a threat to the Blue Star Civilization.

But if it really angered the Blue Star Civilization, then it is only a matter of minutes for the Blue Star Civilization to destroy the Proxima Centauri Civilization.

"No, we must find a way to prevent the arrival of the Blue Star Civilization! We must immediately express our loyalty to the Blue Star Civilization!"

Severly looked very excited, such emotions are very rare among Proxima Centauri.

As early as when Severly was young, she showed this kind of strong emotion that was incompatible with normal Proxima people, which made many Proxima people feel that Severly was a different kind.

But this does not mean that Severly is a Proxima Centauri with low brain power. On the contrary, Severly used this characteristic of herself to make herself more interested in astronomy.

Because of this, Severly became an important astronomy leader in the Proxima Centauri civilization and was responsible for the survey of one of the planets.

While working in Severly, I also accumulated some of my own kind, Proxima Centauri people who also have similar strong emotions, and formed what I called a small organization, that is, the Proxima Centauri Peace Faction.

"Fortunately, with the strength shown by the Blue Star civilization, it should not be able to directly use the wormhole to reach us instantly. Even if they have a speed close to the speed of light, it will take several to several years for their space fleet to reach us. Ten years."

While speaking, Severly organized new information, wanting to express their peace wishes to the Blue Star Civilization.

With the abilities of Severly and others, they cannot directly prevent the Proxima Centauri civilization fleet from attacking.

But no matter what, Severly wants to protect the safety of the Proxima Centauri civilization very much.

Even if it was at the cost of her life, Severly would not hesitate at all.



After seeing this name, Xu You raised his eyebrows.

"An astronomy technician in charge of planetary exploration, and also the supreme leader of the Proxima Centauri peace faction. In the message just sent, she expressed their loyalty to us."

Xu You read the message sent by the Proxima Civilization Peace Faction, and couldn't help but chuckled.

Xu You never thought that one day in the future, he would be respected by an alien civilization.

Even if this is only a very small number of people in this alien civilization, this is a very incredible thing.

"They are willing to give all their strength to achieve a peaceful ending. It's just that they don't know how to proceed. I hope we can guide them."

Xu You read the information sent by Severly, thinking about how to deal with this matter next.

"Teacher, this is indeed good news. It's just that we don't know enough about the situation of the neighboring star civilizations. How can we guide them how to act? Unless the teacher can come there in person."

Lin Shi's seemingly random words gave Xu You a new direction.

"Yeah, if I can descend there, everything will be very easy to solve."

Hearing Xu You's words, Lin Shi was taken aback.

"Teacher, you don't really want to come to the Proxima Centauri galaxy, do you? It's 4.22 light-years away from us. Even if you can go there at the speed of light, it will take more than four years."

"If the wormhole can be used directly, this is the place that can be reached in an instant."

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