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Chapter 807 Xu You's Clone

In addition to being able to see Lin Shi's appearance and hear Lin Shi's voice, Xu You can also use the super quantum to feel Lin Shi's temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, etc.

It can be said that Xu You can use the super quantum to feel almost all the information transmitted in the form of waves.

The only regret is that Xu You can't know the thoughts in Lin Shi's heart, which is also a technology that cannot be achieved temporarily.

The thoughts in the human mind will not be easily presented in the form of waves, unless such thoughts are deliberately amplified, just like Xu You's behavior of actively triggering brain waves.

In contrast, Proxima Centauri people have very high overall brain power and cannot freely control their brain waves, which makes them unable to easily hide their thoughts.

And this is also a negative effect brought about by excessive brain power.

On the Proxima Centauri, the Proxima Centauri have no secrets, as long as they are willing to detect the brain waves, they can know the thoughts in anyone's mind.

Therefore, there is no so-called "duplicity" in the civilization of Proxima Centauri.

"Okay, Lin Shi, you can go back."

After some experiments, Xu You had initially obtained all the experimental data he needed, and said to Lin Shi.

"Okay, teacher, then I'll go back."

After getting Xu You's consent, Lin Shi immediately picked up her personal computer and returned to the laboratory.

Speaking of which, the experience just now really made Lin Shi feel very horrified.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably faint from fright when he encountered such a situation.

Even if Proxima people see such a scene, it will definitely make them doubt life.


After finishing the first experiment, Xu You and Lou Song discussed the data of this experiment together.

"From the data point of view, the experiment is still very successful. In the same scene, we can appear in any position in the blue star. But I am a little worried, if the Proxima Centauri uses the super quantum capture technology to swallow our super quantum If so, how do we proceed with our operations?"

Listening to Lou Song's question, Xu You replied:

"I think, at least for the peace faction of Proxima Centauri, they will not have such an idea. As for how to make this technology appear directly on Proxima b, so that more Proxima Centauri people feel the danger, it is still a matter of A matter worth discussing."

While Xu You and Lou Song were discussing these issues, the door of the office was pushed open.

Seeing Lin Shi walking into the office out of breath, she could tell that she must have trotted all the way.

"Lin Shi, your speed is very fast, you are almost catching up with the speed of the super quantum." Lou Song joked.

"You're still laughing at me. You almost scared me to death just now. Lou Song, didn't you know that the teacher was going to punish me on purpose?"

Xu You answered first after hearing the words: "To be honest, this is Lou Song's suggestion, but I think this suggestion is really good, so I adopted it. I believe that when Proxima Centauri sees such a scene, it should be more than you. Be real."

Lou Song sniggered at the side, and did not refute Xu You's statement.

"Hmph, you two are working together! Show me the experimental data, and make up for my wounded heart!"

"Okay, Lin Shi, don't gossip about these things, hurry up and look at the experimental data."

Naturally, Lin Shi would not really hold grudges against Xu You and Lou Song, the reason why she rushed over so quickly was to see the experimental data earlier.

Looking at the statistics that Xu You and Lou Song had just collected, Lin Shi kept nodding her head.

"Teacher, I really didn't expect this experiment to be so successful. The match between you and the super quantum is really excellent."

"Yeah, the smoothness of this experiment has indeed exceeded my expectations. I even feel that my body has been perfectly integrated with that super quantum, and I can control it very freely."

Xu You vaguely felt that the reason why he was able to adapt so quickly to the combination with the super quantum might be inseparable from X-1.

Over the years, the X-1 super quantum has always existed in Xu You's body, which also made Xu You gradually get used to completing various interactions with the super quantum.

In the following days, Xu You and others continued to conduct many experiments to further optimize this technology.

Xu You controlled his avatar separately, went to many places such as the Sam Space Agency, the Shenzhou Space Station, and the Lunar Research Station, and communicated with many people.

Of course, these exchanges are very friendly, based on the advance notice, it is not like the time with Lin Shi, letting his own projection suddenly appear in front of Lin Shi.

Otherwise, an elderly person like Robert might be frightened by the sudden appearance of Xu You and be sent away.

After learning about the latest technology developed by Xu You, everyone gave a very high evaluation.

Especially Robert, after witnessing this miraculous technology with his own eyes, Robert is about to regard Xu You as a god.

"Oh, the great academician Xu You, even though you have told me about this technology in advance, I am still shocked by the sight in front of me. In my mind, you are no different from a god."

"Thank you, Researcher Robert. This is just a scientific trick. If there is a so-called god, what he does will be beyond our comprehension."

"Anyway, Academician Xu You has such a lofty status in my heart. I believe that in the eyes of aliens, you must also be a god-like existence!"

"Thank you, Researcher Robert!"

After all the technologies were ready and tested, Xu You made formal preparations to show his technology to the Peace Faction of Proxima Centauri.

"After continuous research and experiments, we have confirmed the possibility of this technology. Since the super quantum has the property of instant communication in the long-distance state, our communication with the Proxima Centauri Peace Faction will no longer have any lag sex."

In the previous communication with the Proxima Peace Faction, although Xu You had already gained some information, after all, the efficiency of such information transmission was still too low.

What's more, this new technology may also cause a dimensionality reduction blow to the neighboring star civilization, so this is undoubtedly a more appropriate way.

After making all the preparations, Xu You wrapped the third-level super quantum in X-1.

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