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Chapter 808 Lord!

Under the package of the X-1 super quantum, the powerful energy in the wormhole will no longer have a devastating effect on the low-level super quantum, which can also ensure that this third-level super quantum can reach the wormhole smoothly the other end of the

"The wormhole journey has been successfully completed, and the two super quantums have safely reached the other end of the wormhole," Lin Shi said.

Since the journey of the wormhole is only completed in an instant, X-1 Super Quantum completed its mission just after Xu You issued the order.

"Okay, the third-level super quantum can be separated. Next, we will bring a surprise to Severly."

After separating the third-level super quantum, Xu You immediately controlled the super quantum and found the trace of Severly.

Finding a specific Proxima Centauri on this planet is not complicated, because the brainwave signals sent by each Proxima Centauri are uniquely recognizable, and it is entirely possible to use this information to locate each Proxima Centauri immediately.

At this time, Severly is studying some experimental data in the research station of the planet.

At this moment, the super quantum controlled by Xu You arrived at Severly's side in an instant, and projected Xu You's holographic projection.

Since Proxima Centauri does not communicate with voice, Xu You directly communicated with Severly through simulated brain waves.

"Severly, I'm Xu You."

Suddenly feeling the brainwaves appearing in her mind, Severly was also taken aback. She raised her head and saw the image of Xu You appearing in front of her.

"Xu are Xu You from Blue Star? Oh! This is really unbelievable!"

Severly was really shocked by the scene in front of her, but soon, a stronger emotion occupied Severly's brain.

This feeling is looking up at things that one cannot understand.

Although Severly already knew that Xu You achieved this effect through some kind of technology, until now, the Proxima civilization has not been able to produce such a technology to make the Blue Stars feel similar fear.

"Severly, this is only a part of our technology. After that, we will gradually let you feel more of Blue Star's technology."

When Xu You said this, he was naturally vain in his heart, because even Xu You himself didn't know what skills he would show Severly in the future.

But as long as there is X-1 super quantum, Xu You can create all kinds of magical technologies.

"Lord! Please let me call you Lord!"

At this time, Severly's emotions became even more agitated, and she directly expressed the highest respect to Xu You.

Any civilization will be in awe of some incomprehensible things, even the powerful Proxima Centauri civilization.

Xu You didn't care about Severly's title, and continued to send brainwaves to Severly, conveying the information he wanted to express.

"Severly, I think you should understand the current situation very well. I don't know how you will choose the future fate of Proxima Centauri?"

Even though Severly had shown the highest respect to Xu You, Xu You did not give any orders directly to Severly.

The reason why Xu You faced Severly with such an attitude was that he hoped that Severly could also participate in it and find the best way to solve the problem.

After all, Xu You's understanding of the civilization of Proxima Centauri is far inferior to that of Severly. Without understanding the situation, Xu You cannot make the best plan.

After thinking about it, Severly said to Xu You:

"Lord, I think we need more pious convictions. With the strength of just a few of us, it is difficult to fight against the mainstream of the neighboring star..."

Xu You listened carefully to Severly's narration. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he didn't interrupt right away.

Xu You knew that the more he said, the more he would be exposed.

In order to maintain his mysterious image, Xu You still tried to say as little as possible.

"Lord, do you not have a comprehensive understanding of the system of the Proxima civilization? It is like this. In the Proxima civilization, all major proposals are decided by everyone's vote. Every Proxima person Everyone has their own voting rights, even the core organization of Proxima Centauri does not have complete decision-making power..."

Listening to Severly's explanation, Xu You gradually understood all this.

In the Proxima civilization, in order to make the Proxima people have a very cohesive force, each Proxima has a certain power and participates in various decision-making decisions.

Such an institutional approach did not cause any major problems in the development of Proxima Centauri civilization.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the overall quality of Proxima is extremely high. Almost every Proxima has a very good understanding of various science and technology, comparable to a Blue Star university professor.

It is precisely because of this foundation that every vote is biased towards decisions that are more beneficial to the interests of Proxima Centauri civilization.

"A series of actions, including the Blue Star, can only be carried out on the premise of winning the support of many Proxima Centauri. Lord, I say this, can you understand?"

Hearing Severly mentioning this, Xu You felt a little unexpected.

Xu You knew that, at least for now, a similar system could never be implemented on Blue Star.

"Severly, there is nothing the Lord cannot understand."

Xu You didn't explain too much to Severly, because it would allow Severly to speak freely.

"Okay, Lord, I worry too much. So I think, to stop their stupid actions, we still need to expand our team of believers. We need to let more people realize that the launch of the Blue Star Going offensive was a wrong move."

Xu You quickly understood what Severly meant, because the special system of the Proxima civilization can only stop the Proxima civilization if more Proxima people believe that Blue Star is not a civilization that the Proxima civilization can defeat. Attack of Civilization.

"Unfortunately, my current super quantum is only a third-level super quantum. If I enter Proxima b without authorization, it will be easily swallowed by a high-level super quantum." Xu You thought.

Now Xu You can't control X-1 to complete too many operations, so he can only use this third-level super quantum to complete the production of holographic projection and instant communication technology.

In this case, it would be difficult for Xu You to continue to carry out his actions.

At this time, Xu You had a whim, and simply recalled the third-level super quantum, interrupting the communication with Severly.

"Master? Lord..."

Seeing Xu You suddenly disappear in front of her eyes, Severly fell into deep thought.

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