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Chapter 809 Severly's Brain Supplement

The reason why Xu You made such an operation was to let Severly come up with some solutions to the problem.

Xu You knew that it was impossible to completely fail to understand how he achieved this technology with Seveli's ability.

And such a sudden and silent cessation of communication can give Severly more space to imagine, making her think that this is all the deliberate behavior of the "lord".

As Xu You expected, after a short period of contemplation, Severly seemed to understand Xu You's profound intention all at once.

"I understand that the Lord is testing me, testing whether I can complete the tasks assigned to me."

After all, Severly is a professional astronomer of Proxima Centauri, and has a lot of knowledge in various industries, so she quickly analyzed the technology used by Xu You just now.

After a rigorous analysis, Severly unexpectedly discovered that all that Xu You created came from a third-level super quantum.

"It turned out to be only a third-level super quantum? But how did the Lord let it enter the wormhole?"

Severly knew that in order to enter the wormhole, the super quantum level must reach at least level six.

And the distance between Blue Star and Proxima Centauri is more than four light-years. If it is not through the wormhole, this third-level super quantum cannot come to Severly at all.

"It turned out to be the technology that allows the low-level super quantum to enter the wormhole! It is worthy of being the master who is far beyond our civilization!"

After knowing some inside stories about this technology, Severly not only did not reduce her admiration for Xu You, but became more and more convinced that Xu You was the master in her mind.

Because, the Proxima Centauri civilization has not achieved any results on the technology of how low-level super quantum enters the wormhole.

The more people like Severly who admires science, the more they will be in awe of unexplainable things.

But after understanding all this, Severly still had some doubts in her heart.

"Since the Lord is already so powerful, why didn't a high-level super quantum be used to make these, but a low-level super quantum instead?"

But soon, Severly figured this out.

If advanced super quantum is used, then the existence of Severly has no meaning.

This is exactly a task entrusted by the Lord to Severly, to test Severly's ability and prove her worth.

What Severly didn't know was that the real reason behind this was that Xu You didn't have a suitable high-level super quantum to choose at this time, so he could only choose such a low-level super quantum.

After "braining out" Xu You's thoughts, Severly quickly researched the future plan.

If more Proxima people believe in the existence of the "Lord" and believe that attacking Blue Star is a wrong plan, it is necessary to solve the problem of low-level super quantum appearing in Proxima b.

On the current Proxima b, the highest level super quantum is the fifth level super quantum, which can easily swallow the third level super quantum.

Therefore, Severly couldn't directly help Xu You's projection reach Proxima b, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get the result they wanted.

"Wait a minute...I know what to do."

After thinking about it, Severly quickly came up with an idea.

If multiple similar low-level super quantum can be arranged on Proxima b, it will be impossible for Proxima Centauri to find the real projection source, thus ensuring the safety of this third-level super quantum.

This is like creating countless shadow clones. When most of the shadow clones are just illusions, the real body becomes difficult to find.

Coupled with the high-speed movement of the super quantum, even if the Proxima Centauri have been devouring these super quanta, they cannot swallow all the super quantum within a limited time.

After all, the low-level super quantum of Proxima b is still very abundant, and there will be no scruples in using it.

Thinking of this, Severly built a relevant model in her computer, and prepared to calculate the safety of this plan.

The current resources of Esevery are enough to mobilize tens of thousands of super quantum, and when these super quantum move around Proxima Centauri b, it is almost difficult to lock the source of the holographic projection.

"Very well, in this case, even if they can capture all the super quantum with the fastest speed, the time created is enough for everyone to appreciate the Lord's posture."

Thinking of this incident, Severly looked very happy, and looked forward to Xu You's next visit.


In Xu You's office, Xu You and Lin Shi are discussing the matter of Xu You coming to Proxima Centauri.

"Teacher, why did you suddenly end the communication with Severly last time before you finished talking with her? Under the circumstances at that time, we can still continue our plan."

Lin Shi didn't know what Xu You was thinking at the time, because if Lin Shi had handled this matter by herself, she would have explained more to Severly and asked Severly to help her do more things.

"Lin Shi, we don't know enough about Proxima b now. Severly is a native of Proxima b, and knows far more about Proxima b than we do. I believe she will help us come up with the best planned."

Hearing Xu You's words, Lin Shi said in surprise:

"Teacher, can we really do nothing and put all our hopes on the alien Severly?"

"No, of course it's not doing nothing. Aren't we busy with the research of various technologies now? I do have some expectations on Severly, but this is just one of the alternative plans." Xu You said .

Speaking of which, Xu You did have a lot of confidence in Severly, and it didn't even come from Xu You's understanding of Severly.

Lin Shi pondered for a while in doubt, but still chose to believe in Xu You's decision.

At this time, Xu You said:

"Okay, it's pointless for the two of us to talk about this here. It's been a few days since Severly has been hanging out, and it's time to go to her side again to see what's going on with her."

As he said that, Xu You controlled the X-1 super quantum, and entered the wormhole with the third-level super quantum.

After many times of practice, Xu You has been able to control these super quanta more and more proficiently, reaching a state of "unity".

In an instant, this super quantum appeared beside Severly.

At this time, Severly is still studying the plan she prepared, constantly checking whether there are any problems in it, and looking for the possibility of improvement.


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