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Chapter 817 The Last Hope

If it is only for local interests, then although a few Proxima Centauri can live the best life, most Proxima Centauri will have to pay for it.

Therefore, after a long period of civilization development, the Proxima Centauri civilization finally evolved into the current system.

And this also makes the development of Proxima Centauri civilization very efficient, reaching a higher level of civilization in a shorter period of time.

In the past few years of the development of the Proxima Centauri civilization, there have been no internal problems, but these problems have been successfully resolved in the end.

Especially in recent decades, the Proxima Centauri civilization has never seen anything like this.

Because of this, the incident that appeared in Xu You's projection this time seemed to be so important to them.

The chief of Proxima Centauri calmed down quickly and determined the direction of the next clue.

"Since we can use so many super quantum, it must be the Proxima Centauri with certain power. According to this clue, the scope of our investigation will be much smaller."

Although the resources of Proxima Centauri are very rich, the number of super quantum involved this time is too large, and it is definitely not a resource that ordinary Proxima Centauri can provide.

After detailed analysis by the people of Proxima Centauri, most of these super quanta are actually low-level super quanta, and their function is only to interfere with the position of the target super quantum.

If we continue to explore in this direction, it will only be a matter of time before Severly's abnormality is discovered.

At this time, Severly already felt the danger, and even had the idea of ​​fleeing.

After all, if the core organization of the Proxima Centauri civilization finds out about their behavior, then they will definitely be severely judged by the Proxima Centauri civilization.

Even, almost all Proxima Centauri will stand on the opposite side of Severly.

Every Proxima star would not believe that Severly's behavior was for the future of the Proxima civilization. They would only think that Severly was a traitor of the Proxima civilization and helped the Blue Star civilization create this panic.

But even at this time, Severly still does not regret her actions.

Severly believes that what she has done is indeed more beneficial to both civilizations.

With the current capabilities of the Blue Star Civilization, the Proxima Centauri Civilization must not be able to defeat the Blue Star Civilization.

And if the Blue Star civilization wants to reach the Proxima galaxy to attack the Proxima civilization, it also has to pay a certain price.

In this case, maintaining peace with each other is the safest choice.

But at this moment, Severly still had a lot of panic in her heart.

"If I'm caught...then I will be sentenced to the cruelest death sentence..."

In the laws of the Proxima civilization, not only the death penalty exists, but also the death penalty of different degrees is selected according to the seriousness of the criminal suspect.

If the degree of crime is not particularly serious, the suspect can die relatively peacefully.

However, if the criminal suspect's crime is particularly serious, then he will only obtain the power to die after suffering endless pain.

"But, if you want to escape now, it's almost impossible." Severly thought to herself.

Although not far from Severly, there is a wormhole leading to the blue star, but Severly is not a super quantum after all, and cannot enter the wormhole, and naturally cannot reach the blue star.

And if you just escape with an ordinary aircraft, it will immediately attract the attention of the Proxima Centauri civilization, and within a short time, be captured by the Proxima Centauri civilization.

Because Severly is just a researcher and does not have the authority to use any advanced weapons, he cannot escape the tracking of the powerful space equipment of the core organization of the Proxima Centauri civilization.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much. If it doesn't work, you can send a signal to the Lord according to the Lord's order."

Although Severly is not sure, if she is really cornered, what method Xu You will use to save herself.

But Severly still trusts Xu You very much, so this has become Severly's last hope.


In the family courtyard of Jijing University.

In the evening, Xu You continued his research in the study without feeling sleepy at all.

Since regaining the authority to use the vitality value, Xu You only felt that his desire to learn had become stronger, and he cherished this precious opportunity that did not come easily.

The current Xu You has a vitality value of up to 24 points every day, and theoretically can maintain a continuous high-intensity study state for 24 hours.

But although Xu You's energy is enough to support the study without sleep and food, Xu You still has to set aside some rest time for himself.

After all, sleep is a process of brain detoxification. If you really don't sleep for many days, it will only make Xu You's fatigue level accumulate quickly, and you will not be able to use any vitality.

More importantly, this will also cause damage to Xu You's brain and body. Even if Xu You can be repaired by nano-robots, this is not a rational choice.

Xu You, who put all his energy on research, didn't know that he was on the verge of improving his learning level at this time.

After regaining access to the vitality value, Xu You's learning experience accumulation speed increased again, perhaps because the X-1 super quantum has been upgraded to a certain extent.

Unknowingly, Xu You finally reached this critical point again.

[The experience value of the host is full, and the learning level is being improved...]

【Learning level: Lv10→Lv11 (0/1000000)】

[After the learning level is improved, the brain value and daily vitality value will be increased simultaneously]

[Brain power: 1680 → 1808]

[Daily vitality value upper limit: 24→26]

[Re-evaluating the host's academic value...]

【Academic value: 1496↑】

[The host's exploration of Super Quantum X-1 has been refreshed! 】

[Super Quantum X-1 Unlock Level: 20%]

Feeling the warm current flowing in his mind, Xu You only felt extremely comfortable all over his body.

"I didn't expect... to raise the learning level again so soon?"

Looking at the lines of text that appeared on his system interface, Xu You couldn't help but get excited.

After so many years of accumulation, Xu You has reached a learning level as high as eleventh level, and has increased his brain power several times.

Thinking of the process of going all the way, Xu You still feels like a dream.

However, Xu You didn't feel how hard this process was.

Because whether it is learning knowledge or the process of research and scientific research, Xu You enjoys it very much.

Xu You naturally does not find it hard to do what he likes all the time.

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