Top Student

Chapter 818: Choosing an Asteroid

"The daily vitality value... has reached as much as 26 points. It seems that even if I don't eat or sleep every day and maintain a state of deep learning, I can't exhaust all these vitality points."

Thinking of this, Xu You couldn't help but giggled.

Once, Xu You also thought about this question. If one day, his daily vitality exceeds 24 points, will he waste some vitality no matter what.

It wasn't until later, when Xu You acquired a skill that consumed more vitality, that he realized that his worries were in vain.

At this time, Xu You noticed the two lines of text at the bottom of the system interface.

"The host's exploration of Super Quantum X-1 has been refreshed... Could it be that after these days of running-in, I finally have the ability to truly control X-1 Super Quantum?"

According to the introduction on the system interface, Xu You has already unlocked 20% of X-1 Super Quantum's ability.

This kind of 100% doesn't seem like much, but Xu You knows that for this super quantum whose level is unknown, this is already a very large part of its ability.

It's just that the system didn't introduce the abilities in detail, and Xu You still needs to explore it by himself.

"If we build a wormhole again like before, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Thinking of this, Xu You tried to control the X-1 super quantum to build a wormhole again.

But this time, Xu You did not choose the Proxima Centauri galaxy as the end point of the wormhole. After all, there is already a wormhole there, and it would be too wasteful to build another wormhole.

Therefore, Xu You chose another galaxy that is closer to the solar system as the end point of the wormhole.

The distance from Blue Star to here is farther than Proxima b, but this time the X-1 super quantum still completed the establishment of the wormhole very easily, without even consuming even one percent of the energy.

"It's so easy... It seems that it should be very easy to build a wormhole in the future!"

In this case, Xu You can rely on the X-1 super quantum to quickly explore various galaxies around the solar system.

However, Xu You soon realized that this ability could not be used without restriction.

After creating a wormhole, X-1 Super Quantum seems to have temporarily lost the ability to create another wormhole, and has fallen into a state similar to "skill cooling".

"Is there a limit to creating long-distance wormholes, or is my authority still insufficient, so I can't continuously create wormholes?"

Xu You didn't know the answer to this question, so he could only continue to explore this super quantum.

Through further exploration, Xu You found that all low-level super quantum abilities can be realized by X-1 super quantum.

In addition, X-1 Super Quantum also has some more powerful capabilities.

As for more abilities, because Xu You's unlocking of this super quantum is still limited, it is not yet possible to obtain them in detail.

However, just these abilities that can be used now are enough for Xu You to research more advanced technologies.

"The Death Planet project can finally officially start." Xu Youxin said.

The super quantum itself is a kind of intelligent particle with a very high degree of intelligence, and this X-1 super quantum with an unknown level has a very powerful intelligent ability.

As long as the X-1 super quantum finds a suitable asteroid, it is enough to complete the transformation plan of the asteroid and make it into a large-scale weapon.

Thinking of this, Xu You controlled the super quantum and flew towards the direction of the asteroid belt.

In the asteroid belt, there are a lot of asteroids, and among these asteroids, there must be asteroids suitable for transformation.

After more than ten minutes of flight, the X-1 Super Quantum approached the asteroid belt.

"The first dead planet, let's look for a smaller asteroid first. Let me set the ideal parameters first."

According to his goals, Xu You set various parameters of the death planet in his mind.

At this time, Xu You didn't know the specific speed of X-1 super quantum transformation, so to be conservative, Xu You still set the setting parameters of the target death planet to be smaller.

Even so, this is a terrifying weapon with a diameter of several kilometers.

Although in terms of size, this level is not much different from the Kunpeng.

But after all, the death planet is a "suicidal" weapon. Once such a weapon is successfully made, its power cannot be compared with that of the Kunpeng space carrier.

And if multiple such weapons can be produced, the Blue Star civilization will be strong enough to fight against the Proxima Centauri civilization.

"Okay, let's look for it according to this parameter first."

After Xu You clicked OK, X-1 Super Quantum began to search for suitable asteroids.

Seeing that it was late, Xu You didn't wait any longer, so he went back to the bedroom to rest.

When he woke up the next morning, Xu You discovered that X-1 Super Quantum had found a suitable asteroid.

After browsing the parameters of this asteroid, Xu You is also very satisfied with this asteroid.

"The size is very suitable, and the matter on the planet is also very suitable for transformation... It is indeed the X-1 super quantum, it is really too smart."

Before Xu You gave the order to transform, the X-1 Super Quantum did not start to transform, but just waited for Xu You's next order.

"X-1, if it is modified, how much time will it take?"

Immediately, in Xu You's mind, X-1 Super Quantum gave the answer.

"One month... It seems that the speed is really not too fast."

It is just an asteroid that is not too big, and it will take a month to transform it.

If it is a larger asteroid, it may take several years to transform it.

But no matter what, Xu You definitely wanted to give it a try first.

Thinking of this, Xu You said in his mind:

"Then let's start, transform according to the most powerful direction, without considering the reuse of dead planets."

Xu You knew that since the Death Planet was positioned as a consumable weapon, the most important thing to consider must be the power of the weapon.

Even if a death planet can only be used once, as long as it can achieve the desired effect, it is very cost-effective.

After Xu You issued the order, X-1 Super Quantum immediately started the transformation of the asteroid.

Judging from the asteroid's appearance, nothing unusual could be seen at this time.

But Xu You knew that the X-1 super quantum had entered the center of the asteroid at this time, and began to transform it.

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