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Chapter 819 Exposed

Since the effect of super quantum is more on the quantum level, even advanced super quantum cannot directly have a very obvious effect on macroscopic objects.

But this does not mean that super quantum cannot transform macroscopic objects. In fact, high-level super quantum can indirectly affect macroscopic objects in many incredible ways.

Including the fact that Luo Wenkun was parasitized by the super quantum of the Proxima civilization before, which is a very typical example.

It was because of that incident that Xu You realized the power of super quantum, and the exploration of super quantum reached a new height.

After assigning tasks to the X-1 Super Quantum, Xu You didn't care about this matter anymore. After getting up, washing and eating, he continued to go to the laboratory to do his own work.

Xu You is looking forward to what kind of surprises X-1 Super Quantum can give him one month later.


The distant Alpha Centauri star system.

Proxima b.

"Sir, we can basically confirm that the super quantum that visited Proxima b last time came from Proxima d. The Proxima person in charge of exploring this planet is Severly."

Hearing this news, the head of the core organization of the Proxima Centauri civilization already understood the root of everything.

"It turned out to be Severly stationed on Proxima D. No wonder she had the opportunity to contact the Blue Star civilization. For that planet, our management is still too loose."

Because the various environmental conditions of Proxima d are not suitable for Proxima people to live in, the Proxima civilization does not pay too much attention to this planet, and only conducts some planetary exploration work.

Because of this, Severly was able to have such an opportunity to send signals to aliens and communicate with the Blue Star Civilization.

However, at this time, the chief of the Proxima Centauri civilization core organization did not immediately decide to arrest Severly, but decided to take action after further improving the chain of evidence.

"The current evidence is not perfect enough to formally convict Severly, and Severly can only be arrested as a criminal suspect. In this way, Severly will be closely monitored to prevent Severly from escaping, and strengthen the investigation of relevant Search for evidence. I think it is very possible that Seveli contacted the Blue Star civilization a few years ago. If more detailed evidence can be obtained, Seveli can be directly arrested."

"Okay, sir, I see."

In fact, according to the current situation, it is not impossible to directly arrest Severly, but it will be more helpful to find some evidence if you don't startle the snake first.

Because if the arrest operation is too hasty, it is likely to kill Severly and destroy a lot of key evidence, which will affect the success rate of the final judgment.

For a case of this level, all Proxima people must participate in the trial.

Only when the evidence is very convincing can it be guaranteed that the final trial will be completed with an overwhelming advantage and Severly will be given the most severe punishment.

At this time, Severly didn't know that she had been suspected by the core organization of Proxima Centauri, and was still immersed in her work.

In Severly's mind, what she did was completely a good thing, both emotionally and ideally.

This also made Severly not feel any guilt, after all, what she did was likely to avoid a large-scale war.

It is also because of this that Severly seems to enjoy her work more than before.

In order to ensure that what she did was not discovered by the Proxima civilization and caused misunderstandings by some Proxima people, Severly also tried her best to keep these secrets.

It is a pity that the core organization of Proxima Centauri civilization is too powerful in exploring information.

Even though Severly had tried her best to hide the relevant information, the Proxima civilization still found some clues.

After a period of evidence collection, Severly's previous communication records with Lanxing were also successfully uncovered.

Although this communication seems very ordinary, after detailed measurements, it was determined that the destination of these electromagnetic waves was Blue Star.

If this was just a coincidence, it would be too difficult to explain, so the chain of evidence for Severly's contact with Blue Star was basically confirmed.

"Severly, please come with us."

Finally, the Proxima Centauri came to Proxima D, ready to arrest Severly.

In fact, Severly had already sensed the danger in advance, but it was too late to escape at this time, and she might even be killed directly.

Therefore, Severly did not make any resistance, but according to Xu You's previous explanation, launched that specific electromagnetic wave in the direction of the wormhole.

"Lord, if you can, please save me..."


At this time, Xu You, who was working, suddenly received a signal from inside the wormhole.

In order to ensure that he can receive the signal from Severly in time when a special situation occurs, Xu You specially arranged the 6-1 super quantum in the wormhole, so that he can get the wormhole in the first time. any information in the .

"Is this... Severly is in danger?"

Thinking of this, Xu You couldn't help immediately wanting to control the X-1 super quantum to create a wormhole leading to Proxima b.

But it is a pity that Super Quantum X-1's ability to create wormholes is still in the state of skill cooling at this time, and cannot create wormholes that are too far away.

This allowed Xu You to first control the X-1 super quantum to return to the vicinity of the blue star, and then rush to Proxima b through the wormhole near the blue star.

"Severly, you must be fine!"

Xu You has promised to protect Severly's safety. Since Selfury believes in herself so much, Xu You will do his best to save Severly.

While waiting for the X-1 super quantum, Xu You was also thinking about the danger that Severly encountered.

"I should have thought of this a long time ago and brought her to a safe place earlier." Xu You said guiltily in his heart.

Although what Severly did was very secretive, and Severly is also a very cautious Proxima person, but after all, the technological strength of the Proxima civilization is very strong. If you want to find any clues from these clues, It's not impossible.

Aside from regret, Xu You was also thinking about how to rescue Severly.

At this time, Xu You can only use part of the functions of X-1 Super Quantum, and cannot directly bring Severly back to Blue Star.

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