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Chapter 839: The Past

At this time, Severly seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked Xu You.

As early as when the Proxima Centauri civilization explored the universe, it discovered that there were some traces of intelligent life activities in the solar system.

At that time, they still believed that this intelligent life existed on the moon, so they had the subsequent series of actions.

"Yes, Severly, just as you remember. The moon is the first extraterrestrial planet explored by our blue star humans. As early as the last century, Sam completed the exploration of manned landing on the moon. And in this In the century, Shenzhou became the leader in lunar exploration, and further upgraded the lunar exploration until it developed into the current scale..."

Xu You patiently told Severly everything about the moon, except for some particularly confidential content, Xu You did not hide anything from Severly.

Of course, Xu You still didn't go directly to Sevely to explain such very secret topics as "Black Core" and "X-1 Super Quantum".

After all, speaking of these, it will involve the problem of the system in my mind, and it will be difficult to explain in depth by then.

"So, Mr. Xu, that black core was actually left here by the Blue Star humans?"

"Well... There is a very high degree of confidentiality about this issue, and I can't discuss it with you in detail now. If there is a chance in the future, let's talk about this matter again."

Xu You tactfully rejected Severly's question, and Severly was also very interested and did not continue to ask the bottom line.

"Mr. Xu, when the asteroid flew to the moon, you had already made accurate calculations and were prepared to change its trajectory, right? You also know that this asteroid can be so accurate Is there some more complicated reason behind the flight to the moon?"

"It can be said that at the beginning, according to our calculations, the probability of this asteroid finally falling near the blue star was very low, only about one in a thousand. But gradually, the probability of this asteroid visiting the blue star The probability has been rising, and I gradually feel that something is not right, and I have raised my vigilance and prepared for it."

"Then Mr. Xu, Blue Star should have many choices at that time, right?"

"Yes, in fact, the initial plan was to directly use nuclear weapons to blast it. This method has a very high success rate and is relatively easy to implement, but it may cause some negative effects and affect the lives of Blue Star humans. So later I decided to use a less destructive method, through multiple impacts, to affect the trajectory of the asteroid without causing destructive damage to the asteroid..."

Listening to Xu You's explanation, Severly couldn't help nodding her head again and again, lamenting Lan Xing's handling of this incident.

After talking about the asteroid incident, Severly brought up the quantum parasitic matter of the moon.

"Mr. Xu, do you know that in the beginning, the object that the sixth-level super quantum wanted to parasitize was you. However, due to some unknown reasons, the super quantum failed to parasitize you, so I had to settle for the next best thing. Parasitic on Luo Wenkun's body."

Hearing Severly's words, Xu You was taken aback.

"It turned out to be like this. I asked why it happened to be parasitic on Luo Wenkun's body at that time."

In fact, at that time, Xu You had some doubts about this, how did this super quantum choose the parasitic object.

Until now, after listening to what Severly said, Xu You finally understood the problem thoroughly.

"It must be because the X-1 super quantum was protecting me silently at that time, so that I could not be parasitized by the sixth-level super quantum, and then the super quantum chose Luo Wenkun. From this point of view, it is Luo Wenkun who suffered on my behalf. These pains."

Thinking of this, Xu You felt more and more that he owed Luo Wenkun a little, and caused Luo Wenkun to suffer these pains that he should not have suffered.

However, from another way of thinking, if this super quantum is really parasitic on Xu You's body here, then Blue Star will probably not be able to discover this matter, and will fall into a more passive situation.

The current result is actually the best result, and although Luo Wenkun has suffered all these pains, fortunately, the final outcome is good, and Luo Wenkun finally managed to get out of it.

"Fortunately, this matter did not have a real impact on Blue Star. On the contrary, it caused great confusion to the civilization of Proxima Centauri. Mr. Xu, did you already know about this when Luo Wenkun was parasitized by the super quantum ?”

"To be honest, it wasn't there at that time. At that time, Luo Wenkun did have some abnormal reactions, but we all thought that Luo Wenkun was just a little tired, and he was not used to the environment on the moon. Until gradually, I discovered the problem, so I chose We'll do whatever we can and pretend we really don't know about it..."

Listening to Xu You's narration, Severly's mood is also constantly changing.

"Mr. Xu, in fact, these practices were decided by the votes of all the Proxima Centauri. At that time, most of the Proxima Centauri chose to agree with these practices. This made us, the very few Proxima Centauri who voted against, cast a large number of votes." It seemed pointless."

"So, what you voted at that time was a negative vote?"

Xu You was a little surprised by Severly's words, because if it were him, he might not object to such an approach.

After all, the competition between two intelligent civilizations must be very cruel.

"Yes, I chose to oppose it at the time. I don't want a war between two intelligent civilizations, even if the strength of the Proxima Centauri civilization is far stronger than that of the Blue Star. We have a lot of living space, and there is no It is necessary to launch an attack on a distant civilization, and it is enough to ensure that our civilization is in a safe state."

Xu You admired Severly's point of view very much. Xu You could not say that he was an absolute pacifist, but he still yearned for peace in his heart.

Even with the most powerful technology, Xu You doesn't want to become a crazy destroyer, he just wants to use technology to make the planet better.


After several days of the situation, the space elevator has approached the moon and is about to reach the end.

During this period, Xu You and the others did not delay their research work, and carried on their work as usual in the elevator room.

Of course, in comparison, the speed of the space elevator is much slower than that of the aerospace fighter, and even if there is a sleeper to rest, it is not so comfortable.

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