Top Student

Chapter 840 New Moon

"I didn't expect that we had been working on the elevator for five consecutive days. Speaking of which, this trip was still a bit tiring, just like taking a long-distance train." Lin Shi said.

"Yes, and we stayed in the best elevator room. Most of them were in the most ordinary elevator room. The environment is not as good as ours. After these five days, we should have been exhausted long ago."

Xu You also had to admit that from the perspective of riding experience, the space elevator was not as good as imagined, and it didn't feel like traveling at all.

Of course, compared to the treatment of previous astronauts, this is already a very comfortable trip.

"The space elevator is about to reach the moon. Since the gravitational direction of the moon is different from that of the blue star, the direction of gravity will change after reaching the moon. Please be prepared."

At this time, the announcer in the space elevator is updating everyone on the latest situation.

Xu You already knew about this, because Xu You participated in the research of all the details in the space elevator.

"Everyone don't need to panic. In the space elevator, due to the effect of artificial gravity, the gravity will not change in any way. Only after going out and reaching the transit area, the gravity will gradually change. This process will also be very slow. Our bodies are totally adaptable."

Because the elevator that Xu You and others took was the first to leave, this elevator was also the first to reach the moon.

Xu You and others came out of the elevator room and entered the transit area of ​​the space elevator.

After a slow rotation, the direction of gravity is gradually the same as that of the moon, but the magnitude of gravity is still applied according to the gravity of the blue star, so that people will not feel any difference.

"It turns out that this is directly leading to the underground shelter of the moon. If you look here, you don't have any feeling of coming to another planet." Severly said.

"Yes, after all, the surface of the moon is not suitable for life. We will definitely not come directly to the ground. Let's go to our room first, take a rest, and put on the spacesuit the next day, go to Take a look at the surface of the moon."

Xu You and Lin Shi have been to the moon several times before, and have also lived in the underground shelter on the moon. Naturally, they will not focus on the underground shelter on the moon this time.

After arriving at their underground refuge room, several of them went to their own rooms and took a rest.

The journey of the past few days is indeed a bit exhausting. Wearing space suits directly to the moon is very demanding on the human body, so they still choose to take a good rest first.

And as other elevators also reached the moon one after another, the first group of Blue Stars who immigrated to the moon came to their underground shelters on the moon.

Except for a very small number of people who have experienced the lunar underground shelter before, most of them are coming to the moon for the first time, and they feel very excited.

Even though the journey of the past few days made people feel very tired, this kind of excitement allowed them to dispel the feeling of fatigue, allowing excitement and anticipation to occupy their brains.

After receiving their room keys, everyone ran towards their room.

"Is this the underground shelter on the moon? Why do I feel better than the five-star hotel in Blue Star?"

"That's great. I can't afford a multi-million dollar house on Blue Star, but on the moon, I can own a mansion of more than 100 square meters for free. I am willing to spend the rest of my life on the moon and never return to the moon." It's Blue Star."

"This kind of living environment is very suitable for people like me who like to stay at home. I don't even need to open the door, and I can fulfill all my needs."

Most people are very satisfied with this new environment, and don't feel that this is just an underground shelter on the moon.

Of course, coming here doesn't mean they don't have to do anything, they still need to continue working.

There are already a lot of jobs on the moon, and many of them do not have high requirements for people. As long as they have the most basic working ability, they can be fully qualified.

These people who come to the moon must rely on work to earn income to maintain their own lives and help the lunar ecosystem to run well.

The next day, Xu You took Lin Shi, Severly and others to the surface of the moon in spacesuits.

After a night's rest, several people have fully recovered to a good physical condition.

Needless to say Xu You's body, Lin Shi is also a person with very good physical fitness among scientific researchers, and they all have excellent physical fitness.

And the body that Xu You chose for Severly is also genetically excellent, completely reaching the level of a professional athlete.

After reaching the surface of the moon, Severly exclaimed when she saw the scene in front of her.

"My God, is this the moon of Blue Star? What a beautiful planet!"

The current moon has undergone the first round of transformation, and it is no longer as desolate as before.

But after all, the construction on the surface of the moon is more for research and application than for living. Those desolate elements can still be seen everywhere on the current moon.

But it was this feeling that made Severly feel the natural beauty of the planet.

There are no similar moons around Proxima b, which is one reason why Severly feels so excited.

"Yes, the moon is a beautiful planet. As early as thousands of years ago, our China had many stories about the moon. At that time, we also had the idea of ​​going to the moon, and now we have realized this great dream."

In ancient times, this kind of dream could only be realized in fairy tales, but in modern times, the development of science and technology has made this wish a reality.

"In fact, many things are very magical on Blue Star. When I was in Proxima b, I never thought that on a planet, I could see stars and satellites that seemed almost the same size. I always felt that , the existence of Blue Star is really special and magical."

Hearing what Severly said, both Xu You and Lin Shi felt that these coincidences were really incredible.

"Yes, until now I haven't been able to understand the reason for this, whether it is inevitable or just a coincidence."

While talking, Xu You and the others walked towards a lunar scientific research station.

Near here, a planetary engine is being built. Xu You can also inspect the progress of the lunar planetary engine when he comes here.

"Academician Xu, I didn't expect that we would meet again, together with Professor Lin and Researcher Severly. Let me introduce you, this is Researcher Chris."

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