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Chapter 844: Quantitative Change Causes Qualitative Change

When the simulation entered this stage, Xu You finally came to a major conclusion.

On the road to the birth of life, many individuals of life have just appeared, and they bid farewell to this planet without even leaving any offspring, and this kind of life quickly came to an end.

It was not until the birth of life individuals with the ability to reproduce that the first species appeared on the planet.

"Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. When there are enough chemical substances needed for life on the planet, as long as the environment is suitable and the time is sufficient, life forms will definitely be born. It's just the same experiment that cannot be reproduced in the laboratory." Xu You thought.

Because in the laboratory, it is definitely impossible to do experiments for hundreds of millions of years continuously, and such work can only appear in simulation.

Next, Xu You continued to focus on the simulated world of the brain, and observed the evolution of life afterwards.

After several generations of evolution, this species has continued to grow and expand its territory.

Although their vitality is not tenacious, and each living individual may survive for a few days, or even only a few hours, relying on their strong cell division ability, the overall number continues to expand.

And in the continuous reproduction, their species characteristics have also undergone some changes, and they have continued to evolve in a direction that is more suitable for survival.

After all, whether an individual of life can survive for a long time is entirely a choice made by the environment. Therefore, after a long period of evolution, this species has become more and more adapted to the environment of the planet. Individual survival time, reproduction speed, etc. There have been various degrees of improvement.

Just when Xu You thought that this species was about to develop to a higher level, some new situations appeared.

For some reason, the environment of this planet has undergone drastic changes.

Under such drastic changes, the species that had adapted to the environment of the planet suddenly couldn't adapt to the new environment, and all of them died.

This kind of death, a mass extinction-style demise, is like putting a bunch of cells in boiling water for a long time, and no single cell can survive.

In this way, this planet once again entered an era without life.

After watching the whole process, Xu You couldn't help sighing.

"Life is so fragile. Just a large increase in temperature can easily make a species extinct."

At this time, Xu You couldn't help but wonder if something similar happened in the early days of Blue Star's life.

After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, a life or a species was finally born, but they were still extinct due to force majeure, and the planet entered a lifeless period again.

Until a similar development process is repeated many times, species can gain a firm foothold on the blue star, continue to reproduce and evolve, and survive mass extinction events again and again until the birth of human beings.

After sighing for a while, Xu You readjusted his state and continued the previous simulation.

After the extinction of the first species, although the planet no longer has life, it has not completely lost its "vitality".

This so-called "vitality" is because there are various chemical substances on the planet that are easy to form life structures.

This is the basis for the formation of life. With these substances, it is also possible for the planet to appear life again.

After another hundreds of millions of years, the planet successfully gave birth to life again, life with the ability to reproduce!

"It is not the same as the life of the previous generation, but it is still somewhat similar. It seems that the appearance of many things is not accidental."

The scale of the species this time is larger than last time, and the species has existed for a longer time.

However, after a similar harsh environment appeared, this species was destroyed by the environment again, and no individual survived.

In this way, Xu You kept simulating, and dozens of similar species were born on the planet, but because the environment of the planet was not so ideal, these species did not evolve into advanced forms in the end. and completely extinct.

"Four billions of time have passed... It seems that it is very difficult for this planet to give birth to advanced life."

After some simulations, Xu You was basically sure that there was a high probability that life existed on Mars, but these lives were very simple forms of life, and they did not last for a long time.

Even so, this is a very great discovery, and it will be of great significance to the study of biology.

Coming out of the brain simulation state, Xu You felt mixed feelings.

Although this discovery is very meaningful, it also proves how fragile life is from a certain angle.

Even a planet like Mars, which is more suitable for the emergence of life, ultimately failed to breed species that can live on the planet for a long time.

"Teacher, have you finished your simulation yet?"

Seeing the change in Xu You's state, Lin Shi hurriedly asked Xu You.

"Yes, the existence of life on Mars is basically certain. It's just that these lives are very simple, similar to the earliest single-celled organisms on the blue star."

When Xu You said this, his mood was relatively calm, but when Lin Shi heard this, he seemed very excited.

"Is this true? That is a major discovery in the history of human biology!" Lin Shi said excitedly.

"Yes, this is of course a milestone discovery, even enough to change human civilization. No, I have to plan the next research work carefully."

Xu You knew how significant this discovery was, so he immediately thought about it.

In fact, Xu You has never had a specific plan for his time arrangement, because the situation is changing at any time, and Xu You must also adjust his time arrangement at any time according to the situation.

Once a major breakthrough occurs in biology, it is very likely that human beings will also undergo fundamental changes.

After thinking about it, Xu You decided that after returning to Blue Star, he would start a new project team in the biology laboratory of Jijing University to carry out this part of the research work.

Thinking of this, Xu You immediately contacted the relevant personnel and communicated about the establishment of the project.

"My simulations have basically confirmed the fact that life existed on Mars. Now we need to conduct some research work to further verify some conclusions and complete some exploration work." Xu You said.

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