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Chapter 845 Biology Expert

Because it will take time to bring the soil samples from Mars back, Xu You didn't want to wait quietly for a month, but wanted to catch up with the progress of the experiment as much as possible.

According to the information transmitted back by the Mars rover, it is enough to do a lot of work. There is no need to wait for the soil samples to be shipped back before doing all the work.

"Okay, Academician Xu, we are now preparing for the establishment of the project team."

After Xu You finished talking about his thoughts, Xu You's suggestion was accepted very smoothly.

The current Xu You has a very high prestige in the entire Blue Star, even if some ordinary people seem to have some inexplicable ideas, no one will easily question them.

After returning to Blue Star, Xu You had a good night's rest at home. Early the next morning, Xu You received the news that the project team had been established.

Xu You took Lin Shi and Severly to meet with the members of the project team and explained his ideas and plans.

"This time, the content of our subject research is to clarify the origin and development of organisms, the influence of various conditions on them, and to find the essence of evolution. This subject seems very huge, and it has been the Blue Star Biological World for so many years. Since then, I have not clarified the content..."

Xu You narrated his thoughts concisely, and the others listened to Xu You's speech very seriously, and took notes from time to time.

Although Xu You is not an expert in biology in the strict sense, everyone knows Xu You's status in the scientific world, and dare not despise Xu You in any way.

Because in the field of biology and medicine, Xu You's research on stem cells is very in-depth, and he has created a branch of human organ regeneration technology, which has greatly increased the life expectancy of human beings. These achievements let everyone know that Xu You is actually very important to Biology is still very well understood.

"According to our latest information, it is basically certain that life existed on Mars. If possible, I hope we can reproduce the process of life emergence in the laboratory."

Hearing Xu You's words, everyone's expressions began to change.

If it is only to conduct research on related issues, although it is very difficult, it is not completely impossible.

After all, everyone present is a world expert in the field of biology, and no one is an idler.

However, Xu You's goal is still too ambitious. It can even be said that it is absolutely impossible to achieve with the current technology.

"Academician Xu, I know this idea is very great, but I still want to ask a question first."

"Well, please."

Xu You calmly agreed to the expert's question without any emotional fluctuations.

"Academician Xu, according to your thinking, as long as the internal and external conditions of the planet are suitable and enough time is given, life will definitely be born. But this time may last hundreds of millions of years. How can we reproduce it in the laboratory? What about these?"

After listening to the expert's question, instead of getting angry, Xu You felt a little happy about the question.

Being able to ask such a question proves that this expert has understood his thoughts very seriously.

The current Xu You has a very high reputation and status in the entire Blue Star, which provides Xu You with great convenience, but at the same time, it makes almost everyone appear relatively low in front of Xu You. The posture, for fear of offending Xu You.

Including the discussion of scientific research, even if other experts have their own ideas, they may not dare to put them forward in front of Xu You.

"Yes, that's a good question. In fact, when I was thinking about this, I also thought about the same problem, but I already have a solution."

"What is the method, please advise Academician Xu!"

"That's right. In fact, from a mathematical point of view, the processes from inorganic matter to organic matter, then to macromolecular organic matter, amino acids, proteins, and finally to simple single-celled organisms can all be understood as events with extremely low probability. Without intervention, the appearance of various situations is random, just like a discrete random distribution. But if we find the causal relationship, we can greatly increase the probability of the result we need, so that Let this time be greatly shortened..."

Xu You narrated his own way of solving this problem in a way that he understood.

Xu You believes that the biggest difference between himself and other experts is that he is proficient in various disciplines and is a true interdisciplinary scholar.

Such a result is largely related to Xu You's choice to study in Heqing College of Jijing University, where he can directly communicate with the top scholars of various majors and fully absorb the most cutting-edge knowledge in various industries.

Including Xu You's ability to put forward these ideas this time has a lot to do with Xu You's strong mathematical foundation.

After Xu You's explanation, everyone finally understood Xu You's thoughts.

"I probably understand. Academician Xu, what you mean is to use a more intensive and more focused experimental method to reduce the time required for the success of the experiment, right?"

"Well, that's basically what it means. The natural development of the planet is like randomly throwing basketballs many times. Only a very small number of them can enter the basket. But if we sum up the shooting skills and determine the direction and strength, we can let The accuracy of throwing has been greatly improved. The time required to score the same number of balls will also be greatly reduced."

After a pause, Xu You continued:

"Of course, while we improve the accuracy of 'shooting', we also need to increase the number of balls shot each time. In this way, we hope to complete this almost impossible task within a limited time .”

After listening to Xu You's explanation, everyone has confidence in completing this experiment.

"As expected of Academician Xu, he explained such a complicated issue clearly in a few words."

After explaining the core ideas of the whole experiment, Xu You asked everyone to take a break and assigned the project team members their respective tasks.

Through Xu You's previous brain simulations, Xu You has identified some necessary factors for the formation of life.

From the perspective of the necessary elements on the planet, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other substances are all essential.

From the point of view of temperature, the temperature on the surface of the planet needs to be more suitable, neither too high temperature nor too low temperature, the temperature difference should be as small as possible, and the temperature fluctuation should not be too large.

If the temperature on the planet is too high or too low, it will be difficult for the required chemical reactions to form the substances required for the birth of life.

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