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Chapter 846 Draw a conclusion

In addition to the internal conditions of these planets, the external conditions of the planets are also crucial.

First of all, there is the problem of light source.

The light source emitted by the star is a necessary condition for the birth of life on the planet, just like the blue star is completely inseparable from the sun.

However, too strong light will have a negative effect on the birth of life on the planet. Strong ultraviolet rays will kill almost all living things and make the planet lose its vitality.

Therefore, only after the atmosphere is formed on the surface of the planet can the ultraviolet rays be isolated to a certain extent, so that the light received on the planet can be kept at an appropriate level.

In addition, the distance between the planet and the stars, the layout around the planet, etc. are also more important conditions.

According to Xu You's simulation, generally speaking, smaller planets protected by large planets have a higher possibility of birthing life.

Because large planets can help block many obstacles, and save smaller planets from most impacts, so that life on the planet can grow and reproduce with peace of mind.


In the following time, the project team conducted a large number of experiments and achieved many important experimental conclusions.

Although the great achievement of creating life from scratch has not been completely completed, the achievements that have been made are enough to shock the Blue Star biology community.

During this period, Xu You did not participate in the experiment all the time, but only learned about the progress of the experiment from time to time, and carried out some guidance work on a macro level.

"Academician Xu, we have found the natural production mechanism of amino acids and other important organic chemical molecules. The conclusions of these experiments are basically the same as your prediction. As long as the environment and elements on the planet meet the requirements, after a long enough time, it will be that can produce the chemicals necessary for life..."

Listening to the report from the experts of the project team, Xu You nodded slightly.

Over the past few days, through continuous experiments and summaries, the project team finally succeeded in finding the direction of the experiment, and completed the experimental results that would only be produced in hundreds of millions of years under natural conditions in a very short period of time.

These results have been proven in Xu You's previous simulations, and it was under Xu You's guidance that the project team was able to achieve such a feat.

Of course, the progress of the specific experiment is also very important. Without the help of these biological experts, it will definitely take longer to complete these results.

At this time, Cui Ying suddenly came over.

"Mr. Xu, there is news from the China Space Administration that the Mars probe has successfully transported Martian soil samples back."

Hearing this news, Xu You was very excited, and quickly said to Cui Ying:

"Teacher Cui, can you contact the China Space Administration for me and request to send some soil samples?"

"No need, Mr. Xu, these soil samples are already on their way. The China Space Administration knows that the best biological experts in the world are gathered here, so there is no need for us to ask for it."

Xu You laughed unconsciously when he heard the words, which really provided him with great convenience.

Within half an hour, these soil samples were transported to Jijing University.

Because these soil samples are very important, during the transportation process, special police were specially used to protect the safety of the transportation process.

After receiving these soil samples, the project team immediately analyzed these soil samples.

This is the first time in the history of Blue Star to study the soil samples of Mars. All the experts were very excited and carried out their work carefully.

After some detailed analysis, the project team came to a preliminary conclusion.

"From our existing research results, these soil samples have a probability of more than 99%, and there are traces of life."

"Yes, I can be sure that this is the structure of biological DNA, absolutely not wrong. Life really existed on Mars, and Blue Star is not the only planet in the universe where life has been born, and it is not even the only planet in the solar system !"

After the experts completed the preliminary analysis of the Martian soil samples, they almost unanimously reached the conclusion that the components detected in these soil samples are indeed biological information.

This also proves the accuracy of Xu You's simulation.

"Very good. In this way, we have driven out a month's time. Although it is not yet certain whether this research will help to resist the civilization of the neighboring star, but it is definitely a good thing to be able to drive out a month's progress. It's a good thing." Xu You thought.

After confirming this conclusion, Xu You's mood stabilized a lot.

The next highlight is to see if it is possible to create a cell directly from scratch in the laboratory.

When the project team responded positively to the China Space Agency, the entire China Space Agency was very excited about it.

After all, it is a major event to discover traces of life on alien planets other than Blue Star. In terms of significance, it is even no less than humans landing on the moon.

After the results were verified, the news was officially released.

The public is also completely unprepared for this news, because very few people really believe that life did exist on Mars.

"What? There really was life on Mars? Isn't that too unbelievable?"

"Let me just say that there is life on Mars. Mars is a planet that is more suitable as a base for human survival than the moon. It is estimated that the time for humans to immigrate to Mars will not be too far away."

"The time for humans to enter the interstellar era is getting closer and closer. It is expected that humans will sail out of the solar system in a short time and further expand the scope of the blue star civilization."

In the evening, Xu You and Lu Zhiyao went home together. On the way, the two were also discussing the issue of life on Mars.

"I didn't expect that there was life on Mars. This is another important news that we have witnessed in our lifetime."

"Yes, over the years, we have witnessed too many great discoveries. Fortunately, the news of the existence of life on Proxima Centauri b has not been made public. caused great panic among the people."

At this time, the people of Blue Star didn't know that there was also life, and it was intelligent life, on the planet more than four light-years away from Blue Star.

Their level of civilization is stronger than that of the Blue Star Civilization, and they have had frictions with the Blue Star Civilization many times, and have sent space fleets to the Blue Star.

"Yeah, in fact, it is a good thing for the public not to let the public know about many things. Anyway, their arrival may take decades, and many people will not live until this time, so why bother?" I'm worried."

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