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Chapter 849 Let me go

Through the data transmitted by the Mars probe, Xu You basically confirmed that there is a high probability of life on Mars, which brought human understanding of biology into a new field.

If it is possible to realize manned landing on Mars, it will be more convenient to study Mars and gain a deeper understanding of the traces of life on Mars.

From a strategic point of view, Mars is also very much used as another base of the Blue Star civilization to resist the possible impact of the Proxima civilization.

"Old Hu, I believe that with the latest research results, the China Space Agency's thinking about manned landing on Mars will definitely change."

"Yes, Lao Xu, the situation is indeed completely different compared to before. In fact, I am already preparing some plans for the manned landing on Mars. I am here today, and I actually want to discuss related issues with you. matters."

When Xu You just proposed to build a project team for Mars life research, Hu Shucheng learned about the relevant information, but he didn't communicate directly with Xu You.

Seeing that Hu Shucheng had similar thoughts to his own, Xu You continued to discuss with Hu Shucheng.

Speaking of it, although human spaceflight technology has made a leap forward compared to before, it cannot directly copy the previous technology on the manned landing on Mars.

Because of the uniqueness of the Martian environment, it is best to use spacecraft and spacesuits specially made for Mars if you want to conduct exploration activities on the surface of Mars.

Although the Shenzhou Space Agency already has general-purpose spacecraft and spacesuit technology, which is theoretically suitable for the exploration of any planet, but this kind of general-purpose equipment is still less efficient in comparison, and is more suitable for direct landing on those planets. We have absolutely no planet of any understanding.

As for Mars, humans are not completely ignorant, but their understanding is relatively limited, and more suitable spacecraft, space suits and other equipment can still be manufactured.

"For the future Mars manned landing plan, I suggest that the combination of aerospace fighters and landers should be used instead of directly letting aerospace fighters land on Mars. Otherwise, even if it can land smoothly, it may be a problem to take off again. .”

"Yes, Lao Xu, I think so too. In addition, I still hope to independently research a new type of space suit for Mars. While ensuring safety, try to save some redundant parts and completely surround the environment of Mars. To customize..."

In this way, Xu You and Hu Shucheng discussed continuously for several hours without any pause in the middle.

The Mars manned landing plan involves a lot of content, and it is impossible to discuss all the details in a few hours. After some exchanges, Xu You and Hu Shucheng only made some major plans.

"By the way, Lao Hu, if this manned landing on Mars, I hope I can be the first to go. If I go there in person, I can better understand the traces of life on Mars, which will be of great help to our future research. Very helpful."

Hearing Xu You's words, Hu Shucheng waved his hands repeatedly and said:

"Old Xu, I suggest that you should not be the first group to go. After all, Mars is a planet that we have not yet conquered, and it is far less safe than the moon. That time you experienced such a dangerous thing on the moon, I don't think so. Hope the same thing happens again."

"No, Lao Hu, things like that on the moon will never happen. And you also know that my physical fitness is different from ordinary people. Even if someone wants to deliberately hurt me, it will be difficult for me to lost their lives."

Hu Shucheng also heard about the fact that Xu You took nanobots. He knew that Xu You's body was no longer an ordinary person's body, but Hu Shucheng didn't think that Xu You could rest assured if he had such a planet. Go on an expedition to Mars.

"Old Xu, it's not just this one thing. I know that with your ability, even if you encounter the most difficult and dangerous environment, you are capable of retreating unscathed. However, the transportation from Blue Star to Mars is not systematic now, Xu You If you go to Mars yourself, you don’t know how many days it will take to come back. During this period, there may still be a lot of things you need to deal with on Blue Star.”

Hearing what Hu Shucheng said, Xu You also began to feel that he was really not suitable to be the first astronauts to go to the moon.

Now is the critical stage of the development of the Blue Star civilization, plus the Blue Star civilization is facing the risk of the Proxima civilization invasion, many important project work needs to be handled by Xu You.

If Xu You went to Mars, it would definitely affect the progress of these tasks.

"Old Hu, what you said is indeed very reasonable, but the significance of manned exploration of Mars this time is indeed very important... Forget it, I will go there later when the technology is more mature and the transportation system is more convenient. Let's go."

After some weighing, Xu You reluctantly gave up his idea and decided to temporarily postpone his own landing on Mars.

"Well, at least you don't want to go for the first time. In this way, Lao Xu, I am willing to be the first astronauts to land on Mars, as long as the organization agrees. I can do my best to help you complete the work you want to do, Lao Xu." Xu, you can still trust me, right?"

"Of course, Lao Hu, at least in the field of aerospace, you are definitely the person I trust the most. So let's make it up for now. As long as you want to fight for this opportunity, I think you are completely qualified for this candidate. "

Over the years, Hu Shucheng's energy has not only been devoted to the research of various aerospace technologies.

Hu Shucheng also used his spare time to participate in the training of professional astronauts, and has already qualified to become a professional astronaut.

Coupled with Hu Shucheng's rich accumulation of aerospace knowledge, he is fully qualified to become the first batch of astronauts to land on Mars.

"Okay, old Xu, that's all for today, I should go back to the Shenzhou Space Administration."

"Okay, Lao Hu, then we will meet again when we have a chance, and keep in touch at any time."

After watching Hu Shucheng leave, Xu You's mood was a little erratic.

Xu You had to admit that Hu Shucheng's advice to him was very pertinent, and it was really not suitable for him to be the first to go to Mars rashly at this time.

As for Hu Shucheng's decision to go to Mars instead of him, Xu You also knew that it was definitely not for fame. After all, this matter is full of risks, and Hu Shucheng is not someone who cares about fame.

However, Xu You has been unable to dispel the anticipation for planetary exploration.

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