Top Student

Chapter 850 Mars Robot

"Forget it, with Lao Hu here, I will definitely be able to complete all the tasks I want to complete. I can rest assured that I will leave it to Lao Hu to do it. I will still do the work behind the scenes as before."

Xu You tried to use this method to relieve himself, but after several attempts, Xu You still did not calm down completely.

"Damn... I really want to go there myself. Is there any compromise?"

Xu You knew that as long as he went there himself, he would be able to find more discoveries, which no one else could replace, which was enough for Xu You to create a brand new biological theory.

At this moment, Xu You suddenly thought of a new direction.

"By the way! If I can control a robot through a method similar to quantum entanglement... wouldn't it be equivalent to going to Mars myself?"

Thinking of the Death Planet project he was working on, Xu You had a whim.

The essence of the death planet is to control a huge spacecraft through super quantum.

With super quantum control, Xu You does not need to perform microscopic operations on the death planet, but only needs to impose macroscopic commands.

However, if necessary, Xu You can also personally control the death planet, just like Xu You is really sitting in the cab in the middle of the death planet.

In the same way, if Xu You can create a robot that is similar to humans, and arrange a super quantum in the center of the robot, theoretically, Xu You can also control this robot synchronously on Blue Star.

Relying on the quantum entanglement effect of the super quantum, Xu You can instantly control the robot in various ways at a distance, feel all the data acquired by the robot, and there is almost no delay.

Thinking of this, Xu You immediately constructed related plans in his mind.

Different from the various robots that existed on the Blue Star before, in order to realize Xu You's goal, this robot must have various human senses, so that Xu You can feel like being there.

In addition, this robot must have strong adaptability and can adapt to various harsh environments, including extreme high temperature, low temperature, high pressure, high radiation and so on.

In this way, Xu You didn't even bother to eat, and directly designed this ideal robot in his mind.

When Lin Shi came over after dinner and saw that Xu You didn't even eat lunch and was still in a daze in the office, she knew that Xu You must be planning some major project again.

"The teacher chatted with Lao Hu all morning, and didn't invite Lao Hu to dinner, and now he's here again in a daze...Forget it, it's better not to disturb him."

Lin Shi knew that with Xu You's body, even if he didn't eat for a few days, it wouldn't affect his normal activities. At most, his energy would drop a little, let alone just skip a meal.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi didn't bother Xu You, and continued with her work on her own.

At this moment, Xu You suddenly said to himself:

"It's done, it's done..."

Hearing Xu You's words, Lin Shi turned her head around, and found that Xu You had recovered from the "sleep" state.

"Teacher, you've finally finished your research, do you want me to buy you a meal?"

"No need, just have dinner together at night."

"Well, okay. Teacher, can you tell me what you were studying just now?"

"Okay, I just put this design in the computer directly."

As he spoke, Xu You turned on his personal computer and drew the plan he had just conceived in the software.

Looking at Xu You's design, Lin Shi gradually understood what Xu You wanted to design.

"Teacher, this is... a new type of robot?"

"Yes, after chatting with Lao Hu today, I suddenly want to design a new type of robot that can be competent for the exploration of Mars."

"Oh, it turned out to be a new type of robot specially made for exploring Mars. Teacher, the location here is the super quantum. It seems that he does not need manual control. It can be said to be an upgraded version of the previous lunar exploration robot. ?”

Lin Shi knows that a robot with super quantum as its core will have higher intelligence, which is far better than a normal robot controlled by a chip.

"Well, of course it is an upgraded version of the lunar exploration robot. Of course, the highlights of this robot are not limited to these, look at Lin Shiyu."

As he said that, Xu You quickly completed the design drawing of this robot, and demonstrated some special functions of this robot to Lin Shi.

Xu You's operation speed was very fast, Lin Shi only felt that even if he gave himself ten times the time, he still couldn't complete the same design work as Xu You.

What surprised Lin Shi even more was yet to come.

Watching Xu You's operation, Lin Shi quickly discovered what the special function Xu You was referring to was.

"Teacher, you mean, this robot can be operated synchronously in Blue Star? It's similar to the one in Avatar?"

Xu You also knew what Lin Shi wanted to express. The operation here didn't just mean some simple controls, but that he could really be on the blue star, but he had an immersive feeling of being on Mars.

"Yes, it is somewhat similar to the technology in Avatar. In this way, I don't need to go to Mars in person, but I can feel the same as going to Mars in person."

"Teacher, this sounds really great. I also have the same idea as Lao Hu. It is really not suitable for the teacher to go to Mars in person at this time. With this technology, this problem will be solved at once."

"Yes, but this design still needs to be optimized, and it will take a certain amount of time to produce and test. Fortunately, the manned landing project on Mars is just in the preparation stage, and all this should be in time."

The next day, after Xu You sorted out his plans, he formally submitted an application to the Shenzhou Space Administration, requesting to launch a manned landing plan on Mars.

The China Space Administration is also interested in this. With the complete plan proposed by Xu You, this project has officially entered the stage of preparation.

According to Xu You's plan, the first manned landing on Mars will not be just a small-scale landing, but more than ten astronauts will participate.

With the current level of aerospace technology of Blue Star, it already has the ability to realize manned landing on Mars, and there is no need to be too cautious when implementing the plan.

Coupled with the idea of ​​a new type of Mars exploration robot proposed by Xu You, some robots will also be sent to participate in this manned landing.

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