Li Tianan's voice pulled Su Ye's thoughts back to reality.

Concentrating his mind, Su Ye turned to look at Li Tianan and asked.

"Is the floating chariot plan feasible?"

"It's difficult, but it's not impossible, it requires the same type of wood, stone, and even special materials. And it's very, very difficult to get the corresponding 'floating technology~tree'.

Li Tianan's answer was very professional.

The meal had to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road had to be taken step by step. Li Tianan was obviously more pragmatic than Su Ye.

"But in any case, this green-quality quarry has a special shield, and it is a high-quality material, so its defense capability is of course needless to say."5

"It is a great addition to our resources.

"That's true." Su Ye nodded.

"Some of the special green mining machines, the city walls, I have already placed in the warehouse."5

"There are materials in the warehouse, if there are not enough, you can synthesize them yourself. 99

"Bring up the collection schedule of heavy magnet blocks as soon as possible.

Su Ye said to Li Tianan.

"Yes, my lord."


Su Ye looked at Zhou Kalu.

"How about cleaning up the mineral resources found in the zombie town during this time?

"Two small iron mines, one medium-sized iron mine, and two medium-sized quarry mines have been discovered so far.

"There are so many iron ore?

Su Ye couldn't help but look slightly happy.

In some places, not a single iron ore can be seen for thousands of miles.

And here, in such a small area, five or six iron ore have been discovered.

"The quarry was also discovered, which is not bad.

After thinking about it, Su Ye looked at Li Tianan again.

"Is there any problem in building our steel city wall defense line by combining a small amount of blue jade stones, with heavy magnetite, and using steel and stones as the basis?"

First of all, the blue stone blocks can be restored, and the heavy magnet blocks can make the layer wall have a defensive force field, enhance the defense strength, and reduce the invasion of the dark tide.

Combining these two little materials, based on steel and stone, the steel city wall built must be very strong.

As a resource manager, Li Tianan is an expert in this area.

After a quick mental calculation, Li Tianan gave Su Ye the answer.

"If all the iron ore and quarry mines are collected as fast as the iron ore mines you built before, Lord, it will be more than enough.

“Moreover, construction will be completed soon. 35


Su Ye nodded.

For the construction of his tower defense town and future tower defense city, most of the resources Su Ye has hoarded will be invested in tower defense buildings in the future.

As for Su Ye's sunlight, most of it was cast on guardian beasts and plants.

The towering city walls and the tower defense with strong defense are one aspect.

The defensive power above the city wall is also an extremely important existence.

"What is the current speed of the zombie town?"

Su Ye asked.

"As we bombard the zombie town, the corpse tide has gone completely rampant!"

"They attacked us day and night, but fortunately I had enough standing in my hands to not be afraid of the rush of corpses.

"We can kill as many as we want."

"Also, we didn't move the eastern half that you ordered, Lord.

"In the western half of the area, at present, we have cleared a third of it.

"Only a third of the way?"

Su Ye rubbed his brows.

As far as Su Ye is now, this is directly disturbing the corpse tide, and facing the distorted zombies of 20 meters, it is a powerful strength that directly drives away.

It took about ten days before and after to advance the western third of the entire zombie town.

In this way, it is only one-sixth of the entire zombie town.

It can be seen that this zombie town is huge.

"Just keep going.

After thinking about it, Su Ye said so.

"Yes!" Zhou Kalu said cautiously.

While advancing, Su Ye also needs to beware of the possibility that the enemy may find his camp and then make a sneak attack.

Therefore, for the defense of the camp, there are five chariots here.

At the same time, several other people also brought chariots beside them.

in case something unexpected happens.

"Okay, you all go to work!"

Su Ye waved his hand.

The two of them immediately went to work on their own.

"There's only one week left in the race of the light.""

"According to the current promotion efficiency, it is not a big problem to get the top 30. It is possible to get 20. The top ten needs to work harder.

"However, the further back you go, the faster the advance will be. After all, the zombie stock in the zombie town is almost consumed, so the next step is to destroy the zombie hut."

"After the zombie hut is destroyed, the points given are quite a lot.""

After a few people left, Su Ye entered the city lord's mansion.

Go into your own little secret room.

After some retreat, Su Ye flipped over and took out a green bottle of genetic medicine.

This is a third-order genetic medicine.

Tier 3: Consumes 200 Eyesight, and the overall effect is +200%. Health Strength +100%, Defense Strength +100%.

The tower defense city of the totem orcs in the south has been discovered.

It can be expected that there will be a war in the future.

The opponent will also use all means to snipe Su Ye.

So having a strong physique is also essential.

For Su Ye, using genetic medicine to improve the physical body is the easiest and most direct way.

A week ago, Su Ye was injected with the second-order genetic medicine.

When the second-order genetic medicine was injected, the pain was far less severe than that of the first-order.

It should be that the physical body has been fused with the power of the genetic medicine, and there is no longer such a violent rejection.

After the advanced genetic medicine, the effect is very outstanding.

It almost improved the effect of the second-order in all directions.

After the fusion of the second-order genetic medicine, Su Ye clearly felt that his physical body and soul strength had doubled.

And now, a week has passed, and the second-order genetic medicine has almost been absorbed and digested.

It's time to inject the third-order genetic medicine.

With the injection of the third-order genetic medicine into the body.

Su Ye had a numb feeling all over his body.

Su Ye lay softly on the bed.

The pain is not strong, but more of a feeling that the body has an uncontrollable feeling.

The powerful third-order genetic medicine is strengthening Su Ye's body from the depths of her genes.

For others, the same type of genetic medicine, only the first injection will be effective.

Subsequent injections are completely ineffective.

And Su Ye's genetic medicine, because it is the role of class reinforcement.

Each stage is gradually injected and digested, and the effect is very outstanding.

"Genetic medicines are abundant in the dark world."

"But most people only get one shot."

"For me, the genetic medicine is not consumed much, and in the future, it can even be traded through special channels and sold in the city where I rule."

"The fifth-order genetic medicine has eight times the effect of genetic strength.""

"This is equivalent to an eight-fold increase in physical strength and soul strength, as well as an additional increase in health strength and defense strength."

"No matter how high the asking price is, someone will buy it."

"After all, this thing is a good thing that can increase human lifespan.

"At present, my strength is not strong, but there is no need to worry, but these things have to be planned slowly.

"The things in my tower defense city are better, so that more talents will be attracted to contribute to my tower defense city."

While thinking about it, Su Ye fell into a drowsy sleep.

There are several fifth-order chariots outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Moreover, Su Ye also has the shadow shield guard of the seventh rank.

Even when he fell asleep and was in a coma, the Shadow Shield Guard would protect himself from a sneak attack.

When Su Ye woke up again.

It was already three or four in the afternoon.

Su Ye slept for three or four hours this time.

"The stronger the genetic potion, the stronger the time it takes me to sleep."5

"Fortunately, my body has gradually merged with the power of the genetic medicine, and it will no longer be as painful as it was when it was strengthened for the first time.

Su Ye, who got up, clenched his fists.

A strong power bloomed in the body.

Deep in the muscles of the legs, arms, back, and even the chest cavity, Su Ye felt the surging power.

His powerful punch can almost kill a cow now.

Su Ye threw a few punches quickly.

The fist wind blows through the air,

Amazing speed.


"Not only is the physical strength enhanced in all directions, but so is the perception of the soul, and the same is true of my physical reaction speed. 55

Saying that, Su Ye moved his pace and flew out more than ten meters like a cheetah.

Then the palm rested on the ground, the arm strength exploded, the body bounced like a spring, and then landed steadily.

"The stability of flexibility and body coordination has also improved a lot.

"Sure enough! 99

Su Ye was amazed.

After a little activity, Su Ye restrained his aura and returned to his previous state.

It looks ordinary, without any threat.

If the enemy really thought that Su Ye was so weak and wanted to use some powerful ability to approach him and then assassinate him, then he obviously thought too much.

Su Ye's current strength is still the protective ability of the Shadow Shield Guard.

This made it difficult to kill Su Ye by means of assassination.

In human history, some city lords or town lords were assassinated in the process of battle or in the process of exploring the darkness, which then led to the collapse of the city's guard force and was taken over by others.

And this insidious method obviously can't deal with Su Ye.

Open the page of the source of the contest of light.

There is only one week left.


Rank: 77th

It was only a few hours before and after.

Zhou Kalu and Zhao Qi, the two war commanders, got a few hundred more points, which made Su Ye's ranking improve a lot again.

Apparently, during this time, they cleaned up a lot of zombie huts.

"When the competition is over, you can take out the genetic medicine for them to use.

"Now I have more than 60 copies of genetic medicine."

"I can't handle this much on my own.""

While Su Ye was thinking, a dark "ghost owl" fell from the window.

It's the owl messenger.


The owl called out to Su Ye twice.

Then he threw a white envelope over.

In the dark world, remote information exchange, unless both are near the source of light and enter the source of light.

Otherwise, they must communicate through the "ghost messenger".

Fortunately, the "ghost messenger" is extremely fast and extremely concealed.

These messengers, Su Ye raised them to the fifth order.

Unless they encounter very powerful creatures, they will not lose letters.

Open the letter.

"Dear Lord!

Just now I made a new discovery. I found an abandoned fountain of light, which means that we are building a new core of the fountain of light in the zombie town area.

In addition, the stock of zombies has been consumed a lot, and our speed of advancement has begun to accelerate.

I believe this will bring you more points, Lord, so that you can get a higher ranking in the competition of light.

Your faithful subordinates, Zhou Kalu!"

Read the content of the letter.

Su Ye nodded with satisfaction.

The inner area of ​​the zombie town is far away from here, so it is reasonable to find the Spring of Light.

"Also, I still have extra bright marks in my hands.

"Once a new fountain of light is lit, then..."

Su Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I'll be able to seed more sunflowers. 35

"Therefore, more sunlight is harvested."

"Although I can't upgrade to the third-level fountain of light for the time being, I can have two second-level fountains of light."

"In this way, the spring water supply of the Spring of Light will increase, and at the same time, the security of the source of light in the camp will become more secure. 35

Once a single Fountain of Light is breached, the enemy will quickly move to the new Fountain of Light at the original location, and it is easy to store Su Ye in the Fountain of Light with a large amount of resources, as well as the surrounding camp facilities, as their own.

Even use some dark source power to pollute and completely abolish the fountain of light in this place.

In this way, Su Ye's camp will be completely abolished.

And the development of the camp will be very passive.

The fountain of light is not only the source of who to use, but also the source of strength.

Without the energy supply of the Fountain of Light, many facilities cannot function properly.

Su Ye will be very passive by then.

Although this probability is small, it has happened before.

And if there are two fountains of light, the security of the camp will be greatly improved.

Even if one fountain of light is lost, there is another fountain of light.

"Wait until the zombie town is occupied, and continue to look for the surrounding canyons and the top of the canyon. 35

"Other fountains of light may be discovered. 35

"When the time comes, ignite, three, or even four fountains of light, then it will be more secure."

"Also, Sunshine will earn more.

Entering the source of light, Su Ye began to browse and inspect the operation of the entire camp and the surrounding guardian beasts.

Reynolds has built tunnels on both sides to the top of the canyon passage.

The fifth-order eagle-eyed archers, in pairs, are patrolling the top of the canyon according to their respective patrol trajectories.

In the sky, a certain number of ghost guardian beasts, they hide their traces and fly in the sky.

The end of the view on the south side.

It is the collection point of Lanyu Stone Mine.

This can be seen as a core of Su Ye's defensive power.

After all, the Lanyu Stone Mine is currently one of Su Ye's most important resources.

Many important resources, such as sigils, even sigils of light, and another stable supply of green-quality shadow tanks from another trading channel.

These are all centered on the Lanyu Stone Mine.

Above the tower defense city wall of the Lanyu Stone Mine.

A certain number of archers are guarding the city walls.

As the main force of the battle, the "fifth-order chariot" was resting in the stone house of the camp.

There are also shadow chariots speeding through the canyon passage.

Send some necessary material resources over there.

The source of light can easily take back the resources in the distance, but it cannot send the resources directly.

At this time, it is very necessary for chariots to transport resources.

Now, the entire canyon camp can already be called a preliminary scale.

If Su Ye is manipulating and arming by himself, it is estimated that all his energy will be spent on these things.

Fortunately, Su Ye now has five loyal and capable subordinates.

This allowed the entire canyon camp to go on in a stable order.

Now Su Ye has started to conceive the next camp construction plan.

These few people alone are definitely not enough to support the development of a tower defense city.

Then, the personnel system that belongs to Su Ye and serves for the development of his city must gradually keep up.

...for flowers ·


While Su Ye was thinking about it, he noticed that a carriage was galloping fast, and then stopped in front of the city lord's mansion.

"Lord Lord, there is something important!"

It was Renault who came out and shouted loudly as soon as he got off the carriage.

Exiting the source of light, Su Ye walked out of the city lord's mansion.

"Lord City Lord, the totem orcs in the south, they found us."

Seeing Su Ye, Renault said quickly.

"Have you found us?

Su Ye rubbed his palm slightly, frowning slightly.

To be honest, Su Ye's current camp already has a certain amount of combat power.

Not afraid of initial contact with cities and territories of other races.

If there is a conflict, it may not be Su Ye who suffers.

"What is the specific situation, tell me carefully."

Su Ye thought for a while and said.

If possible, Su Ye also doesn't want to conflict with each other.

Once it really hits, it will definitely be a huge consumption of resources.

This time, it hindered Su Ye's certain development speed.

After all, Su Ye still has to focus on development now.

"Just half an hour ago...

Reynolds thought about it for a while.

"When I was resting in the hut on the south side, I was doing high-altitude exploration at the same time.

"Lord Lord, the powerful wandering soul thunder eagle you gave me, while circling, found other flying ghost guardian beasts approaching our camp.

"I manipulated the Ghost Thunder Eagle to kill it.

"The lord said that the ghost thunder eagle that he and the ghost were very powerful, and the wandering soul was upgraded, but it fell down after only two or three encounters.

In his words, Renault highly praised the power of the Wandering Soul Thunder Eagle.

Su Ye didn't care much after hearing that.

These ghosts, chariots, etc., as long as Su Ye takes them out, they are basically fifth-order existences.

Naturally, the fighting ability is extremely powerful.

It is still easy to deal with ordinary ghosts.

"Afterwards, another seven or eight ghosts flew over."

"Even these seven or eight ghosts are not the opponents of Ghost Thunder Eagle. 99

"However, when the Ghost Thunder Eagle was fighting, an invisible guardian beast quietly approached our territory.

"Fortunately, above the city wall, there are ghosts of vision that specialize in spying on stealth.

"There are more than 20 invisible guardian beasts quietly approaching.

"After they reached a certain distance, I manipulated the shadow archers and quickly started shooting."

"In the end they lost more than a dozen bodies of guardian beasts and fled to the depths of the darkness."

"I didn't chase after it.

"It just so happened that Li Tianan went over there to sort out the resources, so I asked him to guard him, and I'll report on this important matter.

After listening to Renault's story.

Su Ye dragged her chin and fell into contemplation.

There is no doubt that this was an organized and premeditated invasion.

And the opponent's guardian beasts seem to be quite numerous.

Obviously, before that, the other party had already discovered his camp.

In the face of this invasion, Renault obviously did a very good job.

"Have they found our chariot?"

Su Ye looked at Renault.

"No." Renault said cautiously.

"During this time, all the chariots are in the stone house, in a silent state, and will not attack any creatures in the outside world.

"Only some of the eagle-eyed archers and other corpse guards on the city walls.

Corpse Guard!

It is the new green guardian beast that Su Ye released as he advanced the zombie town.

A corpse guard, they have strong vitality and defense, not fast, but they are good at melee.

It has sharp claws, as well as corpse poison attacks, as well as the ability to quickly pounce at a certain distance.

For those agile creatures who are immersed in the city walls, the attack effect of these corpse guards is very effective.

The armored corpse was in the hands of Su Ye and was promoted to the fifth rank.

Health +400%, Defense +400%, Movement Speed ​​+10, Attack Speed ​​+200%, Attack +200%. The attack has a poisonous effect, increasing the comprehensive attribute by 50%.

The fifth-order armored corpse guard has high frankness, fast speed, strong attack ability, and also has a poisonous attack effect.

It is a very powerful melee guardian beast.

Used in the defense of the city, the effect is remarkable.

Even better with Hawkeye Archer.

"If no chariots were found, that would be great!

Su Ye nodded slightly.

In the dark world, the battle with other tower defense cities is different from pure tower defense.

For pure tower defense, just put all the firepower on the wall.

However, in the face of other tower defense cities, this approach is obviously stupid.

Hide most of your own strength and let the enemy cause serious misjudgment, thus forming a strategic error.

This is obviously a very effective countermeasure.

Moreover, Su Ye's hands and these armored corpses and eagle-eyed archers are all fifth-order existences.

Their power is undeniable.

Enough to repel wave after wave of attacks.

After the enemy finally spent a lot of energy to enter the city wall, they found that this was only superficial power.

The terrifying force of the Hidden Chariot will definitely hit them hard.

This is why Su Ye cares so much about whether the chariot has been discovered.

"At this stage, if you can avoid conflict with the other party, don't conflict with the other party.

"After all, we still need to develop."

"Also, the main force is clearing up 100 percent of the zombies.""

"We are at a disadvantage in the fight."

"But, they shouldn't think that we are easy to mess with.

"If they dare to invade, they will beat me hard.""

“It’s okay to teach them a lesson if they go too far.39

Su Ye ordered so.

"I understand, my lord."

Renault said cautiously.

"Hmm! Keep going to the south to defend. 35

"In the past two days, I will gradually strengthen the defense of the chariots in the south to ensure that the Lanyu stone block mine in the south is safe.

Soon, Reynolds left.

Su Ye, who entered the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, sat on the sofa, enjoying the warmth of the fire in the fireplace.

But his thoughts were placed on the incident of the southern totem orc invasion.

"Totem orcs will never give up!

Su Ye secretly said.

Su Ye knows the situation of the totem orcs.

First of all, the totem orcs in the dark world are a branch of a very large race "orcs".

In the entire dark world, the orcs are undoubtedly a big family, and they are the top big family.

Fortunately, the orcs are isolated from each other. Although they are both orcs, they often go to war with each other.

The totem orcs also came from the wasteland in the ancient ruins jungle.

In the ancient ruins jungle, the totem orcs are considered to be a medium race.

It is much more powerful than a small race like humans.

If that's the case, that's all.

More importantly.

Totem orcs, they are a very tough race.

Anyone who dares to go to war against their race will surely suffer their bloody revenge!

Even open the gates of war!

The totem orcs have done this many times.

This caused the general forces to really dare not provoke the totem orcs.

But this is different.

Lanyu Stone Mine, Su Ye will not let it go.

And Su Ye's strength is not something they can provoke casually.

If the totem orcs think their brains are hard enough, they will attack Su Ye and even declare war.

Then Su Ye doesn't mind letting the other party know.

No matter how hard the head is, when it encounters a hammer, it will definitely be broken! 100 million.

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