Time passes day by day.

The time approaching the end of the contest of light is also approaching day by day.

Su Ye's points ranking also skyrocketed in the next few days.

May 1st.


Rank: 71

May 2nd.

A: 11500

Rank: 58.

May 3rd.


Rank: 40.

Unconsciously. It's already May 4th.

There are only three days left until the May 7th of the Bright Contest ends.

these days.

Just as Su Ye expected.

The totem orcs in the south were obviously eyeing the Lanyu Stone Mine.

They should also know the benefits of Lanyu Stone Mine.

During this period, they made three large-scale offensive attempts.

One time it attracted a large number of zombies to attack.

There is even a group of giant zombies.

But they were all blocked.

Then there is the long-range artillery attack.


This is a very destructive force in the process of tower defense, and it is very advantageous.

And when you know that the other party may attack your tower defense wall.

Su Ye started to unlock some other plants.

For example, the orange plant "Corn Cannon".

Orange Plant, "Giant Holographic Nut Wall.

White auxiliary blood plant "Xiantao" and so on.

Especially the giant holographic nut wall, at the fifth level, has an energy barrier.

At the sixth level, the energy barrier was further strengthened.

Plus the recovery of plants such as peach.

Blocking enemy artillery is no problem at all.

And Su Ye's sixth-order orange plant, "Corn Cannon", is an extremely powerful existence.

After the enemy launched the first wave of artillery attacks on Su Ye's tower defense city.

Reynolds immediately brought out the corn cannon.

Under one round of attack, the guardian beasts and totem orcs near the opponent's artillery were bombarded and killed.

In terms of accuracy, that ordinary artillery is definitely not qualified to compare with the corn cannon.

bombarded each other with long-range artillery.

Su Ye is completely dominant in this respect.

The third round of offense, just this morning.

The totem orcs manipulated a large number of ghost guardian beasts to fall from the sky, trying to destroy this tower defense camp from the inside.

But the current Su Ye has long been unaware of the past.

Su Ye still has a large number of ghost guardian beasts in his hands.

A fight.

The fifth-order and sixth-order ghost guardian beasts once again repelled the opponent's ghost guardian beast.

Obviously, those totem orcs are testing.

Test the strength of this tower defense camp, as well as the weak points of this tower defense camp.

And in Su Ye's view. "Four Three Zeros"

This kind of temptation by the totem orcs is completely playing with fire.

It is a temptation on the brink of death.

At present, Su Ye's main force is in the zombie town on the north side of Qingli.

Wait until Su Ye finishes this competition.

After enough time.

It is to clean up these totem orcs who are constantly testing on the edge of death.

This defensive strategy of Su Ye.

Obviously gave the totem orcs great encouragement,

After some testing, they confirmed that the defensive power of the tower defense camp here is not strong.

When the news came back to the totem orc tribe in this medium-sized tower defense city.

The high level of this totem orc tribe immediately boiled.

That is the Lanyu Stone Mine.

The blue jade stone mine that can be called a treasure!

They also got some blue jade stones before.

The huge effect of these blue jade stones has made their entire tribe gain a lot.

However, that epee Lan Yu warrior is too powerful.

Their tribe has attacked the mines three times.

Even once directly pulled the Lan Yu epee warrior to their tower defense city to kill.

It took three or four hours before and after.

Not only did the Lan Yu epee warriors not be shot to death, but they suffered heavy losses.

Lan Yu epee warriors have a very strong recovery ability. If a high burst in a short period of time cannot solve the opponent, then the opponent's recovery ability will make up for the previous damage.

After repeated arguments, they finally gave up and attacked the Lanyu Stone Mine that the Lanyu Epee Warrior said was guarded.

Only occasionally, go over to take a look, and then gain some scattered blue jade stones.

The amount of harvest is still considerable.

The last time the dark tide struck, their tower defense city shrank.

They knew that a large number of zombies would enter the Lanyu Epee Warrior area along the passage.

Then the two sides fought.

At that time, a lot of treasures will be dropped.

As a result, the imaginary corpse tide did not arrive, but in another passage, there were more corpse tides than before.

It took them a long time to clear the corpse tide in the other passage.

Wait until they recover.

They actually discovered that the Lanyu Stone Mine was actually occupied by someone.

The twenty-four large Lan Yu epee warriors were all killed.

Moreover, there are aliens who have built defensive measures on the spot, and their defensive strength is not weak.

Although I don't know why this happens.

But that's a good thing.

This also means that once they break the alien's defense measures, they can further master the Lanyu Stone Mine.

But be careful.

The totem orc still decided to test it step by step.

After confirming the opponent's strength, attack.

And after a few days of trial and error.

In the end, the totem orc family finally came to the conclusion.

The defensive power of the tower defense camp here, although good, is limited to this.

The loss of individual guardian beasts is quite special, and it is very powerful.

However, there are too few in number.

There are only a dozen long-range and a dozen close combat, plus a dozen ghosts. Plus a little artillery.

Other than that, there is no advantage.

Once the army is overwhelmed, the close-range combat artillery will be of little use.

Just the other side as a guardian beast.

Easily killed by them.

At that time, the Lanyu stone will be theirs.

The city owner of the totem beast clan called "Magic Shield City" discussed it with his subordinates.

Finally, a decision was made.

That is the Lanyu Stone Nugget Mine that must be captured.

As a result, more than a thousand guardian beasts, a large number of offensive and defensive chariots, and ballistas in the City of Magic Shield Tower Defense began to start.

And Su Ye was really going to go to the zombie town in the north at this time to open his second fountain of light.

when yesterday.

Li Tianan completed many tower defense constructions inside the zombie town.

Mainly those stone mines, iron ore, and heavy magnetite, and the main target this time, an abandoned bright spring.

A vast zombie town.

Although Su Ye's chariot was advancing, after all, it was only advancing half of the town, and the other half did not move.

Therefore, there will be a large number of wandering zombies in the advancing area.

These tower defense facilities and guardian beasts are more to protect the mining machines in the mining area.

Each mining area tower defense, there are two to four fifth-order eagle eye archers to defend.

It would take more than a month to completely wipe out the entire zombie town.

During this period, it is necessary to build tower defense first and start mineral collection.

Thanks to the protection of these tower defense buildings, Su Ye's quarry resources soared from zero to more than 1,200 pieces per day.

The collection of iron ore is also from the original 256 blocks/day.

Soared to a level of nearly 2,100.

Yes, now Su Ye's daily output of iron has reached the level of 2,100 yuan.

This is already the output efficiency of a standard large-scale tower defense city.

This is a rich mining area with rich resources.

Even if it is someone else to mine, use advanced mining machines.

Every day, there can be hundreds, or even hundreds of iron pieces of income.

For Su Ye, having a high-end mining machine naturally means more income.

The only thing to worry about is security here.

After all, there are a lot of zombies adjacent to these defensive buildings.

Fortunately, Su Ye's chariot was commanded in turn by Zhou Kalu and Zhao Qi, and it was advancing 24 hours a day.

This attracted most of the zombies, and there was no need to worry about the hordes of zombies attacking these defensive structures built by Su Ye to protect the mining machines.

Even if a small group of zombies came over, the many fifth-order eagle-eyed archers on the tower defense city wall were enough to deal with them.

Su Ye, who was sitting in the chariot, was closing his eyes and resting.

Su Ye is going on this trip.

Accompanied by Li Tianan, there were five chariots to protect the front and back, and more than a dozen archers.

Don't worry about safety.

Not long after, Su Ye came to the depths of the zombie town in the dark depths after cleaning up the massive zombies.

I don't know how long the zombies have occupied this area.

However, it is still possible to see a large number of zombie corpses that have not been eroded by darkness for some special reasons, or that the erosion rate is relatively slow from the half-buried soil.

There are many wrecks.

"Lord Lord, the bones of these zombies are buried here and have not been eroded. Relatively speaking, the soil energy here is relatively strong.

"A part is set aside for farming, and the planting effect is very good."

Li Tianan on the side said.

"This canyon area is very large, and there is no problem in building it into a large tower defense city that can accommodate millions of people. 99

"It is very comfortable to accommodate a million people, and it is not a problem to accommodate two million people.

Li Tianan said so.

"Indeed, the area here is large enough and the location is good. It is indeed possible to build a city." Su Ye nodded.

Using the vision of the dark demon soul, Su Ye saw the location of the special mine.

"Lord Lord, there are special mineral resources that we focus on collecting.""

"Heavy magnetite? Su Ye asked sideways.


"A total of 12 mining machines can be placed in heavy magnetite.

"The efficiency of each mining machine is 64 pieces per day, and the total mining efficiency is 768 pieces of heavy magnetite per day.

"The collection efficiency is amazing.

"With such a high collection efficiency, even a large mine will be exhausted in a few years."

"Don't worry." Su Ye smiled.

"This heavy magnetite is a non-renewable resource. It can be collected with an efficient collection rate.""

“In a few years, we may have found more advanced, more iron ore. 35

"Lord Lord is far-sighted, and with our speed of development, we can indeed do this." Li Tian nodded with a smile.

Li Tianan, who followed Su Ye, walked into the city wall of the heavy magnetite tower defense, pointing to the heavy iron ore and telling the story.

"At present, most of these heavy magnetites are stored, just like the Lanyu stone mine."

"Only a small part is used for construction. It will not be used further until this zombie territory is completely captured and the layout blueprint of the city is designed."5

Su Ye nodded.

With these subordinates, Su Ye doesn't have to worry too much about a lot of things, making overall planning for the overall situation.

The ability to have absolute control over guardian beasts and plants.

This is what Su Ye really wants to do.

Check around the gravity and magnetic mining machine to confirm that it is relatively safe.

Su Ye entered the chariot again and headed towards the Spring of Light.

Inspecting one's own territory is also something that a leader must do.

After more than half an hour, Su Ye finally arrived at the second fountain of light.

This is a fountain of light that is relatively close to the cliffs of the canyon.

Before here, it was densely populated with zombies, and a large number of zombie huts stood here.

"Fortunately, I didn't end up here.

"Otherwise it is useless to have a system!"

Su Ye secretly said.

In the dark world, when launching, there are not many guys who fall into boxes.

Don't say human.

Even those big clans.

When they entered another area, the method they used was also the way of long-distance light transmission.

Naturally, it will inevitably fall into a box.

Around this fountain of light, a tower defense city wall with a height of about four meters was built.

The long ones are about thirty meters in length.

The four corners are the four sixth-order plants in the sixth-order chariot.

Only by using sixth-order plants to guard the Fountain of Light, can the safety here be guaranteed stably.

Open the door of the tower defense city.

Su Ye walked in.

Exit the vision of the ghost guardian beast.

Endless darkness shrouded.

Finally, it stopped at the edge of Su Ye's field of vision.

About thirty-three meters away.

This is the scope of Su Ye's dark vision today.

The growth of the physical body, coupled with the improvement of the strength of the soul, allows Su Ye to control the distance very accurately.

When he first came to the dark world, Su Ye's vision range was only 10 meters.

Now, it has grown to a level of about 33 meters.

Su Ye has been greatly improved in both perception ability and deeper insight into darkness.

Su Ye looked at a dilapidated bright spring not far from him.

Even the pool of Guangming Spring is full of mud and gravel, and there is even a zombie arm.

If it weren't for this bright spring with a slight luster, no one would have expected it to be a bright spring.

After thinking about it, Su Ye took out a shovel and dug out the debris in Guangming Water Spring.

Then Su Ye took out a bright imprint, carved his own soul imprint in it, and threw it into the bright spring.

"Om! 35

Bright bloom.

The power of the bright spring water quickly changed the entire pool, making the originally dirty pool quickly become clean.

A new bright spring has bloomed.

And here will be the beginning of the core area where Su Ye will build his own tower defense city in the zombie town area.

If possible, Su Ye is now fully qualified to upgrade this Fountain of Light to Level 2.

But that's not necessary.

A level 1 Fountain of Light will not attract the attention of too many dark creatures.

However, once you get to Level 2, it's different.

I am afraid that the massive zombies in the zombie town on the east side will come rushing in.

This is not conducive to Su Ye's current development.

"The next step is to plant sunflowers."

Feeling the warmth of the Spring of Light, Su Ye secretly said.

With Su Ye's operation.

Eight sixth-order sunflowers were constructed by Su Ye.

Then it was planted firmly around the Bright Spring.

Until tomorrow, Su Ye will be able to expand the daily income of 256,000 sunshine.

When Su Ye planted sunflowers.

Li Tianan, who was on the side, stood quietly and observed.

After Su Ye finished planting, Li Tianan lowered his voice and asked Su Ye.

"Lord City Master, why are you planting these sunflowers?"

He glanced at Li Tianan slightly.

Su Ye said softly..

"Do you know the properties of the sunflower plant?"

"Normally, these sunflowers only produce melon seeds.

"It's a rare luxury snack."

"However, I have mentioned in some old books that this plant has light in their hearts and is always looking towards it."5

"And they have to be in the sun to survive.


Su Ye nodded.

"We humans live in the dark, like this sunflower. 35

"We can't live without the sunshine. Only by relying on the sunshine can we survive."

"I wish I could be like a sunflower, always looking towards the light instead of sinking into the dark."

"I hope that one day in the future, any corner of the world can grow sunflowers."

"Sunflowers can be grown in every corner of the world, doesn't that mean..."

Li Tianan's heart trembled.

"Expel the darkness!"

After all, the last sentence still did not dare to say.

In the dark world, saying to dispel the darkness, this kind of words is simply too shocking.

"Do you think I'm thinking a little too good?"

Su Ye said with a smile.

"Lord Lord's ambition is very great and vast, and the villain is far from reaching the level of understanding of Lord Lord.

Li Tianan was very good at talking.

Su Ye waved his hand.

"That's all for the future."

“Our purpose now is to grow and expand ourselves, and then further expand the manpower.99

"Lord Lord, do you want to expand your manpower again?" Li Tianan asked inwardly.

"Do you think the few of us can support the construction of a tower defense city?" Su Ye looked over.

"Sir, you are joking, it's okay for us to build the overall framework, and it is absolutely impossible to support all aspects of the entire tower defense city. 35

"That's it."

Su Ye said so.

"Wait until a new batch of people is recruited. 35

"You are also considered veterans, and your positions will be promoted accordingly.

"As for the group of people recruited, if they are willing to follow us to build a tower defense city, they will stay.

"And if it's the kind of guy who has other thoughts, or is just messing around, just..."

After a pause, Su Ye continued.

"It's fine to quit.

In fact, what Su Ye wanted to say was to kill him directly.

But now is not the time to say so.

"What to do, you should know." Su Ye glanced at Li Tianan.

"Lord Lord, don't worry, I will definitely select a group of talents who are loyal to Lord Lord for the Lord Lord competition.

Five managers, after this period of review.

Su Ye was naturally very satisfied with them.

No matter in terms of work ability or work attitude, they are impeccable.

Taking them as the core, and then expanding layer by layer, will allow Su Ye to have absolute control over the entire tower defense city.

"In the next few days, you will start planning and designing this area.

"I am not proficient in planning and design, but when you recruit the corresponding personnel, Lord City Lord, you can put forward requirements in these aspects.

"Among the dependent races, there are many talents in these areas."


Su Ye nodded.

Su Ye has been preparing to recruit people these days.

Once the Bright Contest is over, a new batch of talent managers will be recruited.


An afterimage in the air quickly approached, and a cooing sound sounded at the same time.

Is a ghost owl messenger.

After Su Ye opened the envelope, her heart couldn't help but move.

After quickly browsing, Su Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Those totem orcs are really courting death." Su Ye said coldly.

Saying that, Su Ye threw the letter to Li Tianan.

After a quick glance, Li Tianan's expression changed drastically.

The content of the letter is roughly as follows.

Just now.

The totem orcs gathered a large number of guardian beasts and launched a large-scale attack on the Lanyu stone mine.

The guardian beast has over a thousand troops.

Defensive chariots and long-range artillery were also dispatched.

And a large number of flying ghost guardian beasts, bird guardian beasts.

All-round attack on Lanyu Stone Mine.

When defending against those dark creatures.

Those dark creatures, they only know how to bite the bullet and rush forward.

However, in the face of these guardian beasts, and there are a large number of war commanders behind the opponent.

Know how to dodge, know how to avoid.

even attack together.

Su Ye's few and weak defensive forces could easily be cracked by the opponent using this tactic.

This time, the way the Totem Orcs used to deal with Su Ye's 4.5 Lanyu Stone Mine was the "defensive chariot" advancing mode.

A guardian beast such as an archer is far less powerful than a summoned beast of the legal system in dealing with large-scale buildings.

Defensive chariots are easy to restrain archers, and can resist long-range artillery attacks to a certain extent.

This was perfectly used by the Totem Orcs.

They used defensive chariots to fend off damage, although many were killed and wounded by corn cannon attacks.

But it still quickly advanced to the vicinity of the city wall.

A large number of guardian beasts rushed into the tower defense.

At the same time, a large number of ghost guardian beasts and bird guardian beasts descended from the sky, fighting over the sky.

This combination of punches directly caused Su Ye's thirty or forty guards to quickly rout.

It is also a corpse guard that can withstand it for a while.

Eagle-eyed archers have powerful long-range output, but their defense capabilities are only slightly stronger.

In the face of massive enemy attacks, they are not much different from Crispy.

And the corn cannon, after a wave of attacks, needs to rest.

After the enemy rushed over, these corn cannons were of little use.

When the enemy is attacking most fiercely.

Renault decisively let the tank attack.

As soon as the chariot came out, the situation changed on the spot.

An orange plant of the fifth and sixth order.

Even the mutant creatures are directly controlled to death on the spot.

There is no pressure to deal with these ordinary guardian beasts.

And there are ten chariots of the fifth-order chariots, plus two sixth-order chariots.

As the chariot has joined the battlefield.

The situation reversed in an instant.

Whether it is flying in the sky, or the guardian beasts outside the city walls relying on defensive chariots to attack.

Immediately suffered massive bombing.

They suffered heavy losses in just ten seconds.

Of course, there are some ghosts who want to attack the chariot.

But a chariot is a chariot after all, and it is a fifth- and sixth-order chariot.

Those guardian beasts with flying, as soon as they approach the chariot and have not attacked, will immediately suffer a devastating blow from the orange plants.

The attack characteristics of these plants are rather special.

Even the ghosts that have already become virtual, can also cause the same damage.

In addition, the damage of these orange high-level guardian beasts is extremely high, so the ghosts who dare to approach are also dead.

less than a minute.

Except for those who escaped.

The many plants in the free attack mode completely wiped out the guardian beasts of this wave of attacks.

Despite this wave of guardianship, Su Ye achieved a major victory.

But the loss is also not light.

Ghost guardian beast, plant guardian beast, armored corpse guardian guardian beast, because of the bait, more than two-thirds of the casualties were injured.

Fortunately, Su Ye had enough high-level plant chariots, otherwise, this wave would have wiped out the entire army, and even the Lanyu Stone Mine would have been lost.

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