Xiaoyun's mother looked a little pale. After thinking for a moment, she finally frowned and said:

"Doctor Fang……

"Or you can just leave it alone. We are already in the hospital, so let the doctor take care of it, okay?

Fang Xin was stunned for a moment, and then her expression turned into anger.

"Xiaoyun is your daughter, how can you say such things?"

"What can I do?"

Xiao Yun's mother said tearfully:"The hospital insists that there is nothing wrong with Xiao Yun's body. Who should I believe?"

Seeing Xiao Yun's mother crying, Fang Xin was helpless.

This is the suppression of authority.

If I were an authoritative doctor in internal medicine today, no one would dare to question my judgment!

But now I am just an assistant in dermatology.

But a little girl's life is right in front of me, what should I do?

What can I do?

After thinking for a moment, Fang Xin finally sighed and said:

"How about this, you always pay attention to Xiaoyun's physical condition, and if there is anything, be sure to tell me! I'll be waiting for you here!

"Remember, no matter what happens!"

Xiaoyun's mother nodded, wiped her tears and turned back to the hospital.

Fang Xin sat on the steps in front of the hospital, staring at the people flowing through the hospital.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was noon. Fang Xin bought a box lunch and was eating on the steps when she heard the phone ring.

As soon as she picked up the phone, she heard the other side yelling:

"You're not coming, are you? Then don't come.……"


Fang Xin hung up the phone with a frown and cursed.

He worked like a cow and a horse as an assistant, without a single complaint, but in the end, he couldn't even take three days off for such a big thing as a divorce lawsuit.

What's the point of sticking to such a leader?

As soon as he hung up the phone, he heard a harsh voice in his ears.

"Oh, you haven't given up yet?

Fang Xin looked up and saw the doctor in the morning looking at her with a sneer on his face.

"Doctor Liu, who is this?"

"The dermatologist at the 174th hospital said that the little girl in bed 16 had intestinal volvulus."

"Haha, you are the attending physician of gastroenterology, isn't this just showing off your skills in front of Guan Gong?"

"It is understandable that young people are eager for quick success and instant benefits."

Doctor Liu said, sneered, bent down to look at the lunch box next to Fang Xin, and continued:

"I tell you, don’t talk nonsense about things you don’t understand in the future. You must trust authority, okay?

Fang Xin narrowed her eyes and looked at him, saying coldly:

"You quack! You are killing her for money! If she dies, you will be held primarily responsible!"

Doctor Liu was furious when he heard this, and he kicked over Fang Xin's lunch box and said:

"Who do you think you are? I gave you face, right? Get out of here, get out now!"

Fang Xin couldn't help it anymore, stood up, grabbed Dr. Liu's collar and said:

"You are nothing!"

As they were shouting, they heard a crying voice approaching from the hospital entrance. Xiaoyun's mother ran over and said:

"Doctor Fang, it's bad, Xiaoyun... Xiaoyun fainted."

Fang Xin let go of Doctor Liu and said in surprise:

"How could it be so fast? No, Xiaoyun has low blood pressure?"

"A little!"

"Damn! Intestinal torsion caused internal bleeding and induced hypovolemia shock, but this time was advanced due to low blood pressure!"

Fang Xin said as he ran to the hospital:

"Take me over! The man surnamed Liu, prepare an oxygen mask, adrenaline, and saline for me! Quick!"

When Xiaoyun arrived at the bed, her face was already pale, and her forehead was wet with cold sweat. Her hair was messy and stuck to her face.

Fang Xin sat on the bed without hesitation, performing CPR while saying:

"Her blood pressure is not high enough, push me to the operating room!"

The nurses beside her were a little dumbfounded, but they didn't care about it at this time, and hurriedly pushed Fang Xin to the operating room.

Many passers-by were frightened by this scene and quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"It seems like a little girl was misdiagnosed by a doctor and her condition suddenly worsened!"

"The young man reminded him this morning, but he didn't listen!"

"Who is that young man? He seems very capable, is he also a doctor?"

Dr. Liu followed him to the door of the operating room foolishly, looking at Xiaoyun's mother squatting at the door crying, at a loss.

"How could it suddenly become like this? He...he is not a doctor in our hospital!"

When Xiaoyun's mother heard this, she stood up and said to Dr. Liu with gritted teeth:

"If anything happens to Xiaoyun, I will make you pay with your life!"

In the operating room, after Fang Xin's cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Xiaoyun's heartbeat has recovered. He quickly changed his clothes, walked into the disinfection room next to the operating room, changed his clothes, disinfected, put on a mask and walked out.

The assistants beside him were a little dumbfounded, and asked in confusion:

"Who is he? Who will perform this operation?"

"have no idea……"

Fang Xin came out and saw that they were still standing there in a daze. She immediately yelled:

"What are you standing there for? Prepare for surgery! Anesthesia!

"Give me knife number 10!"

The assistant saw that he did not hesitate at all. He was not sure at this time and thought that some important person had come, so he hurriedly did it.

Holding the scalpel in his hand, Fang Xin took a deep breath.

His hand gently pressed on Xiaoyun's lower abdomen, and his brain had an extremely deep understanding of this operation that he had never known before.

Every detail of the operation, including the special treatment method for Xiaoyun, appeared in Fang Xin's eyes.

"What is he doing?"

""Shh... It seems like they are waiting for the anesthesia to take effect!"

After a moment, Fang Xin did not stop.

With his hands raised and the knife dropped, the operation officially began!

【Abdominal decompression! The small intestinal loop has been necrotic. Stop the bleeding first, block the necrotic blood vessels, and prevent intestinal poisoning���Absorb the tissue and remove the necrotic small intestinal loop.

Fang Xin carried out each step in an orderly manner, with his hands coordinating with incredible precision.

The assistants beside him watched Fang Xin's actions, and their original doubts were completely dispelled.

This person's surgical ability is not inferior to any attending doctor in this hospital!

At this moment, the heart rate monitor next to him suddenly showed a slight change.

"No, the patient's heartbeat weakened again."

"Hemoglobin dropped to 70g/L"

Fang Xinru seemed to have known that this would happen, and said without even raising his head:

"Prepare for a blood transfusion!

"Where is the adrenaline I prepared earlier? Give me half an injection."

After a while, the assistant said:

"Hemoglobin has returned to normal."

At this time, Fang Xin had already placed the tweezers and scissors on the tray.

"Phew! The operation is over. Check the heart rate and blood pressure and prepare to suture the wound."

"Heart rate is normal!"

"Normal blood pressure!"

"Breathing is normal!"

The assistants and nurses all breathed a sigh of relief.

It was amazing!

Fang Xin's performance could almost be described as smooth and flowing. His control over the surgical process and every detail was almost comparable to that of a doctor with hundreds of surgical experiences!

When did the Central Hospital get such a young and capable doctor?

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