Outside the operating room, Dr. Liu felt a little anxious.

This was even more frightening than operating on a patient himself.

At this moment, a voice rang out:

"What happened? What's going on? Who's doing the surgery?"

Dr. Liu turned around and immediately walked up to the doctor as if he saw a savior and said:

"Dean Yu, you are finally here!"

Dean Yu is the head of the Central Hospital. With him here, Dr. Liu's courage suddenly rose again!

Dean Yu looked at the people around him and frowned and said:

"I'm asking you, who's doing the surgery inside? Why are there so many people gathered at the door?"

Doctor Liu rolled his eyes, and immediately said with a sad face and spread his hands:

"A guy from the 174 subordinate dermatology hospital found a little girl with intestinal torsion, and he took the girl to the operating room without any explanation!"


Dean Yu raised his eyebrows and said:

"That's an operation! It concerns a life! How can you let someone with unknown background do it? Stop the operation immediately!"

"I tried to stop him, but I couldn't!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoyun's mother rushed over and said:

"You are still here spreading rumors!

"When my daughter was brought here this morning, Dr. Fang warned you! But you didn't listen to Dr. Fang and insisted that my daughter had a stomachache! If anything happens to my daughter, I will fight you!"

"That’s right! This doctor’s medical skills are not that good. People have said that the little girl’s life is in danger, but he still insisted on doing it!"

"You didn't see it, when the little girl was brought here, her face turned pale from the pain."

"What's the point of keeping this quack doctor?"

"Now you are still spreading rumors! How shameless!"

Dean Yu frowned upon hearing this. Seeing Dr. Liu standing awkwardly, he immediately understood what had happened.

"Dear family members, our doctor made a misdiagnosis and it is the hospital's fault. However, if we allow a person of unknown origin to perform the operation, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Please understand the difficulties of our hospital!"

Dean Yu said, turning to look at Xiaoyun's mother and said:

"Dear family member, please understand that we must be responsible for the patients!

"Notify the operating room and stop the operation immediately……"

Before he finished speaking, the light on the operating room door made a"ding" sound, and then the three words"in operation" also changed.

"The operation is over?"

Everyone's heart tightened.

Then they saw several assistants pushing the bed out and said:

"The operation was successful, and the patient was temporarily out of danger and transferred to the ICU."

Xiaoyun's mother breathed a sigh of relief, followed the bed for two steps, and then turned around and asked:

"Where is Doctor Fang?

Fang Xin came out after changing her clothes. Xiao Yun's mother couldn't help herself and walked to Fang Xin, ready to kneel down.

Fang Xin quickly stopped Xiao Yun's mother and said:

"It's okay, there's no need to be like this, go see Xiaoyun!"

Dean Yu looked at Fang Xin and said puzzledly:

"You performed the surgery?"


Fang Xin nodded.

Dean Yu frowned and said:

"You just broke into another hospital and performed surgery without authorization? Aren't you afraid of being held accountable? If there is a little accident, it is not a medical accident, but murder!"

Fang Xin looked at Dean Yu and sneered:

"We had to take emergency measures. The patient was in a state of shock caused by hypovolemia and his life could be in danger at any time!

"It's too late to dispatch a doctor at this time! If I still have to think about gains and losses and responsibilities when facing the patient's life-threatening situation, then I don't deserve to be a doctor!

"As for murder, I think that the real murder is to act on one's own will, not listen to others' advice, treat human life as a joke, and use authority to suppress the truth!"

At this moment, there was a burst of applause from the crowd.

Doctor Liu stood there awkwardly. There was almost no place for him in the small corridor.

He never dreamed that things would turn out like this.

Doctor Liu gritted his teeth and said unconvincedly:

"Who hasn't made a mistake before? Is it necessary to make such a big deal out of it?"


Xiaoyun was out of danger, and Fang Xin's anger had subsided a little, but hearing this sentence immediately ignited his anger again.

"That's a life! How many patients are there every year who could have been treated, but because of your indifferent attitude, the best treatment time is delayed?

"If it weren't for you, the cancer of the industry, there wouldn't be so many medical accidents!"

Everyone started to applaud again after hearing this.

"well said!"

"A quack doctor takes human life lightly!"

"The condition is not serious, why ask for money? I understand that this is the routine of these authoritative hospitals!"

Dean Yu looked at the public opinion around him that was becoming less and less useful to the hospital, and said quickly:

"Everyone! The hospital has its own way of dealing with the condition, but it will never deliberately ignore the condition! Please rest assured!"

As he said this, he walked up to Fang Xin and whispered:

"Young man, can we talk in private?"

Fang Xin shook his head and said:

"I just want to save people. I have no interest in anything else. I have something else to do. Sorry!"

Fang Xin said, and walked through the crowd without looking back, leaving the hospital under everyone's gaze and applause.

Doctor Liu saw everyone chasing Fang Xin away, and immediately cursed in a low voice:

"What's that? It's just a minor illness."

"Shut up!"

Dean Yu frowned and said:

"So many people were filming this just now, this incident will definitely be posted online! You will be in trouble then!

""You mistook a torsion of the small intestine for indigestion. You are amazing!"

Just as Dean Yu said, the incident quickly became popular on the Internet.

Many people edited the clip of Fang Xin rushing to the bedside and giving Xiaoyun first aid and posted it online, causing an uproar.

For a time, almost the entire Internet was discussing this doctor who saw through the patient's condition at a glance and performed surgery on the patient despite all the opposition.

"He is so brave. If he kills someone, he will go to jail."

"What do you know about the above? Since they are in charge of this matter, they have not considered the consequences for themselves!"

"That is, if every doctor thinks that he will go to jail if he fails to save lives, then why bother treating patients?"

"Please give me the full video! It starts from the moment the little girl was sent to the hospital! There will be a big reward!"

"I have a surveillance video from the hospital here!"

"I have the surveillance video outside the hospital! That quack doctor is still looking for trouble!"

"Thank you, thank you! I want all the information of this young man again. Can you find it? I am the director of the First People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province!"

For a time, the discussion about Fang Xin on the Internet was on the headlines.

But Fang Xin didn't know that he had become famous. At this time, he was standing at the door of the Dermatology Hospital. In front of him was a middle-aged doctor with two security guards blocking his way.

"I told you not to come back! From today on, you are fired!"

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