Chen Siwen cursed for a long time outside the door, probably because he saw that Fang Xin was not going to come out.

Finally, he left in a huff.

Fang Xin covered her head and slept until the afternoon.

She sorted out her mood.

She checked the system reminder that she had not seen yesterday.

【Many patients are out of danger, their vital signs are gradually returning to normal, and rewards are being settled.……】

【Mission completion: S+】

【Emergency response level: S+】

【Face slapping index: S+】

【Overall rating: S+】

【Rewards: Advanced Mastery in Pediatrics, Advanced Mastery in Orthopedics. Primary Zhenlong Eye Level +1 (1/5), Tian Bu Hand Experience Increased by 20 Points (30/50), Concentration Level +1 (3/5)]

Fang Xin shook his head, and all kinds of knowledge about orthopedics and pediatrics rolled in his mind.

He was going to become an all-round doctor.

Fang Xin felt happy and stressed.

The happy thing was that the more he knew, the more people he could save.

The stress was that his ability was limited after all, and the pressure he would face in the future would only increase.

But no matter what, as a doctor, saving the dying and healing the wounded is his duty.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

Fang Xin thought of Chen Siwen. This woman would definitely pester him again, and it would be a trouble in the future.

He suddenly thought of the villa that Han Qianxing had given him before. If it really didn't work out, he could move there.

Let this rental house become history in his memory.

Anyway, it wasn't a very good memory.

Fang Xin didn't have many things.

Even if he had, they were all worthless.

When he had no money, he could only make do.

Now that he was much better off, he also wanted to let go of everything he had and start a new life.

Move away, without taking anything with you!

Fang Xin made a decision.

She found the landlord and explained her intention.

Of course, the landlord was unwilling to let Fang Xin leave.

Fang Xin was now famous, and the TV station was squatting near her house every day. They even rented her house at a high price and squatted there.

How could she bear to let Fang Xin go?

"Xiao Fang, how about this? I'll cut the rent in half, and you don't leave. Or how about this? I won't charge you any rent, and you can stay as long as you want."The landlord really wanted to keep him.

"No need, I'm causing you a lot of inconvenience here."

Fang Xin was determined to leave.

""What inconvenience is there? It's very convenient. You see, what we did before was just a misunderstanding. Don't leave."

The landlord still tried to keep her.

The reporter who rented her house raised the rent tenfold. If Fang Xin left, how could she charge such a high rent?

"I really want to move out. By the way, I don't want anything in my room except my clothes. Please take care of them for me. You don't have to refund me the remaining rent."

Fang Xin said, and no matter how the landlord tried to persuade him to stay, he stopped talking.

Carrying a backpack, this is all Fang Xin's things.

He looked at this place with some sadness.

Every bit here, and the happy times he had, thought of Chen Siwen, they also had happiness and joy.

But all this has become a thing of the past. He closed the door and left this place under the landlord's hateful eyes.

He took a taxi to the address Han Qianxing gave him.

Half an hour later, Fang Xin got off the car.

According to the address Han Qianxing gave him, he came to the villa.

It can't be said that this place is magnificent.

On the contrary, it looks very low-key.

But when Fang Xin went deeper into it, he found that there are brocade in this villa.

After walking in, there is a small courtyard.

The small courtyard There is a pavilion with a stream, stone tables, wooden chairs, and a swing.

It looks a bit like a small courtyard of a rich lady.

It is very delicate.

Fang Xin did not expect that a general would have such an elegant villa.

He opened the door and walked into the villa.

The interior is decorated very elegantly, which makes people feel particularly comfortable.

Fang Xin likes this place very much.

Imagine that after completing the operation with high concentration, returning to this villa, enjoying the quiet and elegance here, and relaxing the mood, it would be really comfortable.

Fang Xin walked around the villa, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

Just when he was about to go up to the second floor.

A slender figure walked down from the second floor.

Fang Xin heard the movement and looked up.

But he saw a short-haired girl wrapped in a bath towel coming down the stairs.


A deafening scream rang out.

Fang Xin suspected that her ears were deafened by the sound.

""Who are you? Get out!"

The girl hugged her arms tightly and shouted.

Fang Xin turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

When she came to the courtyard, Fang Xin was confused.

What was going on? Why was there someone in the house, and it was a woman.

Did she go to the wrong place?

It shouldn't be like this. Fang Xin took out her mobile phone and looked at the address Han Qianxing sent her.

That's right, it's here.

Fang Xin looked depressed.

"Who are you?"

The girl changed into a neat outfit and rushed into the yard with a murderous look on her face.

Fang Xin looked at the girl. Her delicate face was cold, her pink lips were tender and her curves were exquisite, she looked like a cold and beautiful woman.

But that face didn't have any murderous aura at all.

Or to describe it this way.

She was obviously full of murderous aura and looked fierce.

But in the eyes of others, she became fierce and ferocious, not only did she not have the deterrent effect of murderous aura, but made people feel very cute.

What's more, it would arouse the animal nature of some BTs.

Because she had an impressive figure of an adult, but she had a pure loli face.

Fang Xin kept thinking of his sins in his heart, and didn't know what he had just thought.

"I'm asking you a question, who are you?"

The beautiful woman's voice had no deterrent power at all, but instead sounded delicate and frail.

"I was wondering who you are? This villa is mine. Why are you in my house wearing……"

Fang Xin didn't say the word"bath towel" at the end, as he felt it was inappropriate to say it.

"What do you mean your home? This is obviously my home. You broke in without permission and said it was your home. If you don't get out, I'm going to call the police."

The beauty said in her voice, which was not at all fierce.

"Call the police. This is my home too! Tell me who you are.

Although the beauty is really beautiful, Fang Xin is a reasonable person.

"You broke into my house without permission and asked who I was. You are so bold. I will call the police right away."

The beauty reached for her phone, but she had just finished taking a shower, changed her clothes and came downstairs. She had forgotten her phone upstairs.

"Wait, is there any misunderstanding here?

Fang Xin had a headache. Did Han Qianxing make any arrangements, so this was a misunderstanding?

"Misunderstanding, what kind of misunderstanding could there be?"

The beauty was a little at a loss.

"This villa was given to me by President Han. Do you know him?"

Fang Xin asked

"Mr. Han? Which Mr. Han?"

The beauty was a little confused.

"Mr. Han Qianxing of Modu Pharmaceuticals."

Fang Xin gave the name.

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