"My aunt? How is that possible?"

The beauty said in disbelief.

"Ms. Han is your aunt?"

Fang Xin was also confused.

"How could my aunt give my house away? You are lying to me."

The beauty thought about it and didn't believe it at all.

"You can call Mr. Han and ask if he gave it to me.

Fang Xin said

"Okay, then you wait here, I'll go ask my aunt."

The beauty said and turned into the room.

A few minutes later, she came out with a complicated look on her face.

"Hello, Brother Fang, I just misunderstood you."

The beauty bowed to Fang Xin.

"No, no, just figure it out!"

Fang Xin hurriedly stopped her from bowing.

"Thank you, Brother Fang, for saving Xiaomeng.

The beauty bowed to Fang Xin again.

Fang Xin was about to refuse when his phone rang.

It was Han Qianxing calling.

""Doctor Fang, I'm sorry. I didn't know my niece was back today. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding!"

Han Qianxing apologized on the phone.

"Mr. Han, I have made it clear. It's okay.

Fang Xin said

"My niece is Han Mengmeng, she is a few years younger than you, and she is a good sister of my daughter Xiaomeng!"

Han Qianxing explained the identity of the beautiful woman.

Han Mengmeng had recently been abroad and had just returned without telling her family.

She stayed in this villa for a day and was bumped into by Fang Xin.

Han Mengmeng is an architectural designer. This villa happened to be designed by her. She also liked it very much and often lived here.

However, when she heard that Fang Xin had saved Han Qianxing's daughter, Han Mengmeng immediately said that there was no problem in giving the villa to Fang Xin.

So far, the misunderstanding between the two was resolved.

"Ms. Han, Mr. Han called me and told me clearly that it was all a misunderstanding.

Fang Xin said

""Brother Fang, you don't have to call me Miss Han. Just call me by my name, Han Mengmeng."

Han Mengmeng said a little embarrassedly.

Fang Xin thought that this name was really very appropriate.

"Hello, Miss Han Mengmeng……"

Fang Xin blurted out

"Brother Fang, can I stay here for a while?"

Han Mengmeng asked shyly.

"Of course you can.

Fang Xin agreed without thinking.

It wasn't that she had any idea.

It was that the villa originally belonged to someone else, but was just given to her.

Fang Xin felt like a cuckoo taking over someone else's nest.

"Thank you, Brother Fang. To be honest, I have designed many villas, but this one is my favorite, so I have a deep affection for it."

Han Mengmeng introduced the villa she designed.

"I like it too. Your design is so comfortable."

Fang Xin praised.

The two walked into the villa from the courtyard.

Han Mengmeng now lives in the master bedroom on the second floor.

Fang Xin asked her to continue living there, and she chose a bedroom on the first floor.

Putting down her backpack, she stretched comfortably.

It feels good to be in the new home.

Fang Xin lay on the warm big bed and daydreamed.

The sky gradually darkened.

Probably because she was too tired yesterday, the hospital did not call Fang Xin, so she spent the day in a relaxed manner.

In the evening, Fang Xin was thinking about what to eat, and bursts of fragrance drifted in.

Fang Xin, who had not eaten much all day, suddenly had a growling stomach.

""Brother Fang, come and eat!"

Han Mengmeng’s voice sounded outside the door.

Fang Xin’s heart moved.

She didn’t expect that this delicate and delicate beauty could cook.

Fang Xin got up and walked out of the bedroom and came to the dining room.

There were three plates of exquisite dishes on the table, and Han Mengmeng came out of the kitchen with two bowls of rice.

"Brother Fang, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made something casually. Please don't be disgusted."

Han Mengmeng said

"It looks delicious at first glance. I didn't expect you to have such cooking skills.

Fang Xin tasted a few bites and praised.

"I usually like to think about things and cook for myself. As long as Brother Fang likes it, that's fine."

Han Mengmeng sat down.

The food was simple and warm.

Fang Xin was filled with emotion.

This simple and warm feeling was what he wanted.

He thought of Chen Siwen. Why didn't she understand such a simple little happiness?

People have different pursuits. Some like ordinary things, while others pursue luxury.

After all, you can't force it.

"I didn't expect that Brother Fang is so amazing."

Han Mengmeng didn't know Fang Xin at first when she just came back from abroad, but after her aunt Han Qianxing told her some information, she went online to read all the recent news about Fang Xin.

She was shocked and admired Fang Xin.

"No, it's just my duty as a doctor."

Fang Xin said modestly, but she was very happy in her heart.

How comfortable it is to be praised by a beautiful woman in person.

The first meal after moving was really very comfortable.

On the other side.

Early this morning, reporter Yu Da drove to the warehouse where the fire broke out with a photographer and a driver.

They wanted to dig out the secrets hidden in the fire scene.

The scene was a mess.

Everything was burned.

Reporter Yu Da and the photographer carefully searched for clues at the scene.

After years of investigation, reporter Yu Da also understood very professional knowledge of investigation and evidence collection, and had very deep practical experience.

As she spent more and more time investigating.

She became more and more convinced that the fire was caused by humans, not by accident.

The more she looked, the more convinced she was of her guess.

Someone wanted to destroy some key evidence.

At present, there is only one person who is most likely to destroy the evidence.

That person is……

""Look, what is that?" the photographer suddenly reminded.

Reporter Yu followed the photographer's pointing.

It was under the warehouse window, a pile of burnt debris showing a bright reflection.

She walked over and carefully pushed aside the surrounding debris, and pulled out the reflective object.

It was a watch.

Reporter Yu picked up the watch.

Although it was a little yellowed by the fireworks.

But it can be seen that the watch itself is very delicate.

Reporter Yu looked at the dial confidently and identified the brand of the watch.

She knew the brand of this watch. It was ranked in the top three watch brands in the world and was worth a lot of money.

Reporter Yu checked the style.

The price of this watch is in the three About one million.

It is a favorite of many successful business people. Those who can afford it are definitely not ordinary people.

Moreover, such a valuable watch, others are extremely careful when wearing it.

How could it fall under the window of the fire scene for no reason?

It must be the arsonist who accidentally dropped it when escaping from the window after lighting the fire.

Reporter Yu Da put the watch in a small bag.

This is what she learned from the criminal investigation police.

As long as the watch is handed over to the police for evidence investigation and tracing, they will definitely be able to find out who left the watch at the fire scene.

Although reporter Yu Da already has the name of that person in mind.

But everything ultimately depends on evidence.

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