"I'm sure, don't forget, I was a special forces soldier!"

Han Mengmeng said proudly.

Fang Xin looked at her somewhat unconventional loli face.

She could never imagine her wearing a special combat uniform, holding a gun and telling others not to move.

"What's that look in your eyes? You don't believe it, do you?"

Han Mengmeng's eyes widened, and she looked fierce.

"No, no, it's just that these things require evidence."

Zhou Yi made an excuse against his will.

"It's easy to find evidence, isn't it better to just catch the killer?"

Han Mengmeng said indifferently.

"You say it's easy, but where can we catch it?"

Zhou Yi complained.

"Just a thief, a piece of cake."

Han Mengmeng patted his chest and said, shaking so much that Fang Xin felt dizzy.

"How to catch it?"

Zhou Yi asked hurriedly

"If I help you catch the killer, how will you thank me?"

Han Mengmeng smiled mysteriously.

"You were a soldier after all? Isn't it your duty to defend your country and eliminate harm for the people?"

Zhou Yi complained crazily

"How stingy."

Han Mengmeng pouted.

""Okay, tell me what you want."

The woman pouted and the man was helpless.

"If I can help you catch the killer, you can teach me how to perform surgery, heart and lung surgery."

Han Mengmeng suddenly said seriously

""Miss, why do you want to learn this?"

Zhou Yi was a little surprised.

How much does this young lady want to learn? Is she going to let others live?

"I just want to learn, isn't that okay?"

Han Mengmeng said in a somewhat unruly manner.

"I'm just curious, why do you, a girl, learn this? And it takes a long time to learn it."

Zhou Yi just hopes that Han Mengmeng will give up.

Besides, if you don't have a doctor's professional qualification certificate and you haven't graduated from a professional college, you can't do clinical work at all, let alone perform surgery.

"Don't worry about this, just tell me whether you want to teach or not."

Han Mengmeng said directly

"I can teach you, but how are you going to learn the basics of medicine? I don't have time to teach you this."

Zhou Yi had no way to deal with Han Mengmeng.

"It's just basic knowledge. I can go to a medical university and study there for a few days.

Han Mengmeng said that was no problem.


Zhou Yi was completely speechless.

What is arrogant? This is arrogant!

I won't go directly to university.

""Okay, as long as you can learn the basics, I will teach you."

Fang Xinbi was a little scared by Han Mengmeng's fierce eyes, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

But what he was thinking was that it was not so easy to get into a medical university.

And Han Mengmeng had already graduated, could she get in again?

"I am quite curious, why do you want to study medicine? And cardiopulmonary surgery?"

Fang Xin was getting more and more confused.

"Do you really want to know?"

Han Mengmeng asked, blinking her big eyes.

"I really want to know."

Fang Xin acted like a curious baby.

"This is a long story."

Han Mengmeng seemed to be lost in thought.

It seemed like there was a very long story.

"Let's make it short."

Fang Xin didn't want to hear a long story. This was in the hospital, not a chat at home.

"How can you be such a spoiler? We have finally created an atmosphere."

Han Mengmeng rolled her eyes at Fang Xin.


Fang Xin didn't know what to say

"That was my last mission as a special forces soldier."

Han Mengmeng began to tell the story.

Fang Xin thought it would be more appropriate to light a cigarette for her at this moment.

But this is a hospital, and some discordant scenes should be deleted.

Fang Xin talked about his days as a special forces soldier.

"I retired because of this last mission."

Han Mengmeng, who graduated from the military academy, did not want to engage in political work, let alone be an arts soldier.

Instead, she applied to participate in the special forces selection.

Many alumni and instructors were not optimistic about this delicate girl.

Who would have thought that she could rely on her excellent physical fitness, pass the layers of assessments and really become a special forces soldier.

In addition to training, special forces soldiers are also required to perform missions at any time.

During her service, she followed the special operations team to participate in missions both at home and abroad.

She performed very well and made meritorious services.

If there are no accidents during her service, she will definitely become an excellent commander in the future.

The commander of the special operations team also intends to train her to be his successor.

But on the last mission, they encountered the rebellion of an informant.

The special operations team was divided into two teams to perform the mission, one team led by the original commander, A team led by Han Mengmeng was divided and surrounded by the enemy.

With his rich analysis of the battlefield situation, the team led by the commander quickly developed a perfect escape route.

And with his experienced experience, they escaped the encirclement without any danger.

However, the team led by Han Mengmeng missed the opportunity to escape because of her lack of experience and failure to make the right judgment in time.

In the end, all the team members were almost out of ammunition and food.

As the team leader, Han Mengmeng blamed herself for this.

As a soldier, he had long been prepared to sacrifice his life for his country.

Just when everyone was waiting for the final death to come, the enemy's encirclement was getting closer and closer.

Han Mengmeng was even ready to give the last bullet to himself.

Fierce gunfire was heard outside.

The enemy's encirclement suddenly relaxed.

Han Mengmeng grabbed The commander took this opportunity and led the team to escape.

It was after he found out that Han Mengmeng had not broken out that he led the special forces team back.

Seeing Han Mengmeng and the others escape, the special forces team fought and retreated.

They were about to escape.

A stray bullet hit the commander's leg.

He immediately lost the ability to move.

The special forces team who wanted to rescue were suppressed by the enemy's firepower.

They could not move forward.

The enemy captured the commander.

And the informant also appeared in the enemy's team.

He threatened all the special forces team members to surrender.

The commander asked everyone to retreat and ignore him.

Han Mengmeng wanted to go out to rescue, but was stopped by the team members.

The informant was a surgeon.

After repeated threats failed, he cut open the commander's shirt on the spot.

He cut open his chest with a scalpel.

The wound lasted until... The heart, but it did not hurt the heart.

The blood was flowing slowly.

The commander was getting weaker and weaker.

The informant asked the special forces to surrender again.

As long as they surrendered, he would stop the bleeding and suture the commander's wound.

As soon as the time passed.

The commander's face began to lose color.

Han Mengmeng couldn't wait any longer and was ready to fight.

At this moment, two special forces teams suddenly airdropped and attacked the enemy.

The enemy was caught off guard and was beaten back.

It turned out that when the commander found out that the special forces had been betrayed, he sent a request for support to the country.

The military dispatched two special forces teams to come to support across the country.

At this moment, the reinforcements arrived.

The enemy was repelled.

The informant took advantage of the chaos and ran away.

Han Mengmeng also led other special forces members to fight out.

Soon the three special forces repelled the enemy and controlled the venue.

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