At this moment, the commander was already unconscious.

Han Mengmeng led the team to the commander.

The wound on the commander's chest was still bleeding slowly.

The medical staff's equipment had been lost during the breakout.

The two special forces medical personnel who were supporting were nearby and did not directly participate in the battle.

There were only the scalpel and the needle and thread surgical forceps left by the informant at the scene.

The medical staff tried desperately to clean and suture the wound with the existing things.

However, due to an operational error, the commander's heart was stabbed, causing heavy bleeding.

The commander, who was still conscious, fell into a coma.

When the medical personnel of the reinforcements arrived, it was too late to save the situation.

Although the mission failed because of the informant's rebellion, the special forces were not punished.

But in Han Mengmeng's heart, this became an indelible nightmare.

According to the advice of the military doctor, Han Mengmeng already had serious psychological barriers and could no longer stay in the special forces.

The leader decided to let her transfer to political work.

She finally chose to retire.

After retiring, she studied architectural design and became a well-known designer.

Han Mengmeng finished the story in one breath and let out a sigh of relief.

Soldiers died on the battlefield for their country, this is something she has long seen through.

It's not that Han Mengmeng has no way to accept it, but the hurdle she can't get over is, if she was a medical worker at the time, if she could complete the suture operation, could the commander be saved.

This girl has a heart disease, Fang Xin sighed in his heart.

Physical diseases are easy to cure, but heart diseases are difficult to cure!

And she said it quite lightly.

I really don't know how she got through it at that time.

"This is why I want to learn cardiopulmonary surgery!"

Han Mengmeng said.

She wanted to use this method to treat heart disease.

It is a feasible method. Fang Xin nodded.

"Yes, although I really want to teach you, the premise cannot be changed. You have to learn the basic theoretical knowledge first.

Fang Xin said

"Don't worry, I'll keep my word."

Han Mengmeng is still very confident

"Okay, tell me how to catch the murderer.

Fang Xin asked

"I'll tell you……"

Han Mengmeng leaned over to Fang Xin's ear and whispered


"You useless guy, I spent so much money, why can't you do such a simple thing for me!"

Zhou Xiong smashed the teacup in his hand against the wall.

A news interview was playing on TV.

Fang Xin in the camera was answering the reporter's questions.


Doctor Fang, the survivors of this car accident are said to be in very serious condition.

"Yes, her whole body was comminuted and fractured, and her right chest was pierced by a sharp object. It was indeed very serious."

Fang Xin replied

"To be honest, the injured person is my colleague. I really can't accept this fact. I want to know how she is now and whether she can be saved."

The reporter spoke in a low voice.

"Don't worry, although the injured person is seriously injured, after our full rescue efforts, she is no longer in danger of death and will wake up in a while."

Fang Xin said

"Really? Doctor Fang, that's great. By the way, you said she would wake up after a while. How long does that take?

The reporter was very happy but also concerned about when his colleague would wake up.

"It should be around twelve hours. She has been sent to the ICU for observation. Judging from the current observations, everything is getting better."

Fang Xin said

"Great, as long as she can wake up, then thank God, poor my other two colleagues, the girlfriend of the photographer has fainted from crying several times."

The reporter choked up as he spoke.

Zhou Xiong had no intention of reading the rest of the content.

His mind was full of about twelve hours, reporter Yu would wake up!

As long as she woke up and said something unfavorable to him, then he would be in trouble.

This top killer who was hired at a high price didn't do the job cleanly, how could Zhou Yi not be angry.

He picked up the phone and dialed

"Is there anything wrong? Boss Chen?"

A gloomy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Something happened? Look at what you did. I asked you to kill someone, but you looked at how you worked. The person was saved by the doctor in the hospital and will wake up in twelve hours. What do you think we should do now?"

Zhou Xiong said with gritted teeth.

"How is that possible? I clearly stabbed him in the heart!"

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously shocked.

""Turn on the TV and watch the news yourself!"

Zhou Xiong said angrily.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two minutes.

A deep male voice spoke.

"I'll go to the hospital again and kill that woman!"

The man's voice was like cold ice from the depths of the underworld, piercing Zhou Xiong's ears.

"I don't care what you do, you have to kill her within ten or twenty hours"

"Got it!"

The call was disconnected.

Zhou Xiong was so angry that he picked up the chair next to him and smashed it against the wall.

On the other side, after finishing the recording of the interview, Fang Xin returned to the corridor of the operating room.

""Okay, the trap has been set, just waiting for the killer to take the bait."

Han Mengmeng looked confident.

After Fang Xin completed the first round of treatment, of course he was out of danger.

But it was impossible for him to wake up in twelve hours.

The answer to the reporter's question was said deliberately.

It was to let the killer and the mastermind hear it.

Make them anxious!

Make them start to act again!

Force them to come to the hospital in person.

"But, if the killer comes, can we catch him?

Fang Xin is more worried about this matter.

"Don't worry, even if I retire, I was once a special forces soldier. What top killer, that's because I didn't become a killer, otherwise I would be scum!"

Han Mengmeng said proudly.

It's not a good thing to be arrogant, Fang Xin complained in his heart

"I'll have someone send some stuff over, and we'll monitor the reporter's location from front to back, inside and out, so he won't be able to hide!"

Han Mengmeng said confidently.


The words have been spoken, so we have to admit it.

The two of them sat in the corridor, waiting for the killer who might or might not come.

"Don't worry, he will definitely come, because he doesn't just want to kill people to complete the mission, but also for his own reputation. Killers value their reputation very much."

Han Mengmeng's understanding of killers made Fang Xin suspect that she herself was a killer.

"I'm telling you, don't let your imagination run wild, okay?"

Han Mengmeng can always see through other people's minds easily.

This is so frustrating.

Soon, Han Mengmeng received a call, and she got up and went out.

When she came back, she was carrying a big box.

"What is this?"

Zhou Yi asked in surprise

"Some things specifically used for monitoring."

Han Mengmeng put the box down and opened it.

"Where did you get this from?"

Zhou Yi looked at the things in the box with some surprise.

"I have a comrade in the military region here, I borrowed it from him!"

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