"Senior Zeng, I know I was wrong. What should I do next?"

Fang Xin hurriedly stepped forward and asked anxiously.

Although he had the system, Fang Xin's social experience was still insufficient. This was his first time at the Inspectorate, and he had no idea what to do. He had no choice but to put all his hopes on Zeng Changsheng.

Fang Xin also believed that he must have thought of a countermeasure, otherwise he would not have come to the Inspectorate to find him so quickly.

At the moment, Fang Xin's beating, if you look at it seriously, can make him stay in jail for a while, if you look at it lightly, it is not a big deal. It depends on how Zeng Changsheng handles it.

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I must have thought about what to do next."

Zeng Changsheng comforted her, then turned his head to the side and said to Director Zhang:

"Director Zhang, you just said that young people are bound to be a little impulsive in their dealings with others."

"If possible, please do me a favor and let me take the person back first."

Listening to Zeng Changsheng's words, Director Zhang nodded repeatedly. He had guessed that Zeng Changsheng was going to take Fang Xin away, otherwise he would not have come here in person.

Although it was not in line with the rules and procedures to release the person just after catching him, for someone of Zeng Changsheng's status, these were meaningless.

"Of course, you can take the person away now. It's not a big deal. Just give me a call to let me know. Thank you for coming."

"Brother Fang, don't worry, we are all helpless, now we know each other, if you need me in the future, just ask."

After that, Director Zhang handed his business card to Fang Xin.

Zhang Zheng, Director of Renhe Inspection Bureau.

Looking at the name on the business card, Fang Xin silently said.

Fang Xin understood that Director Zhang obviously regarded him as a young master of a famous family and a high-ranking official, otherwise he would not be so polite and handed him the business card. Is n't all this because of Zeng Changsheng?

Sure enough, in this era, you still need to have a certain level of strength. I, Fang Xin, have to work hard, and this system can't be wasted. Fang Xin secretly made up his mind

"Director Zhang, you are too polite. I am sorry to cause you trouble.

Fang Xin immediately smiled and apologized.

"Dean Zeng, Brother Zhang, I suggest you settle this matter privately. Just give the other party a little benefit and let him go. I won't say more."

"Thank you Director Zhang. I will take him away first. As for what happened today, I will talk to your chief director.

After that, Zeng Changsheng signaled Fang Xin to leave with him.

"Thank you, Dean Zeng. I will see you off!"

After hearing Zeng Changsheng's words, Zhang Zheng's face was full of joy.

If it weren't for today's incident, he might not have had any intersection with Zeng Changsheng in his life. Although Zeng Changsheng simply said that he would tell his general director about today's incident.

But Zeng Changsheng is a person of such status that a casual word from him could make him a promoted official.

For a moment, Fang Xin completely became Zhang Zheng's nobleman.


After leaving the Inspectorate, Fang Xin kept thanking Zeng Changsheng while sitting in the car. If it weren't for what he did today, how could he leave the Inspectorate?

"Okay, I'll take you home first so you can have a good rest. I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow to have a good talk with your director."

"I don't think you're strong, how can you knock someone down with just one punch?"

"It’s better to be young, unlike me, an old man!"


Listening to Zeng Changsheng's ridicule, Fang Xin didn't say much. No matter what the cause of this incident was, who asked him to hit someone?

Besides, Zeng Changsheng didn't scold him, he was just joking.


After returning to the hotel, Fang Xin picked up his phone and reported to Gu Tian and others that he was safe, then he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Too many things happened today, and even if Fang Xin activated his physical function, he could not face such a situation, and soon Fang Xin fell asleep.

In the dream, Fang Xin became the world's number one doctor who was known to everyone. In Fang Xin's hands, there is no difficult disease that cannot be cured.


"Who brought you here?……"

With the urgent ringing of the phone, Fang Xin opened her sleepy eyes and answered the call in a daze:

"The driver is already downstairs at your building. I have also made an appointment with the director you called. Please come over after you have packed up."

"We got this sorted out today!"

"Remember, don't hit them again when you see them later!"

Zeng Changsheng said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

"I'll go right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Fang Xin washed up briefly and hurriedly left the hotel.

Although he didn't know how Zeng Changsheng would deal with this matter, he had to go no matter what. As for what to do next, it all depended on Zeng Changsheng's arrangements.

Along the way, Fang Xin kept thinking in his mind. He thought about apologizing to the director over and over again, fearing that he would say something wrong when he went in.

After all, he, Fang Xin, went there this time to seek the director's forgiveness.

Soon, the car that picked up Fang Xin stopped. Looking at the three words"Remember Jiangnan" in front of him, Fang Xin sighed deeply. This was the place where he and Zeng Changsheng had their first meal.

It can be seen that Zeng Changsheng also spent a lot of effort on this matter. After all, the consumption level of Yijiangnan is not low. Fang Xin remembered clearly that they didn't order much last time, but when they paid the bill in the end, Fang Xin was shocked.

That was also the first time Fang Xin knew that upper-class people could spend eight or ten thousand dollars on a casual meal.���In the past, Fang Xin would not have dared to think about it. After all, he could barely earn 80,000 yuan a year without eating or drinking.

At this moment, in a private room of Yi Jiangnan, the director with a bruise on his face was looking at Zeng Changsheng sitting opposite him, feeling uneasy. He didn't know why Zeng Changsheng had called him here this time.

The night before yesterday, his dean suddenly informed Zeng Changsheng that he wanted to invite him to dinner, which scared him. After all, he and Zeng Changsheng had only met a few times and had no social interaction at all.

"Dean Zeng, what is the reason you called me here this time? If you need me for something, just tell me and I will do my best to do it."

Perhaps because the atmosphere was too depressing, the director sitting opposite Zeng Changsheng spoke first.

At this moment, he even suspected that the bad things he said about the Imperial Capital Hospital had reached Zeng Changsheng's ears.

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