Although this reason seems absurd, it is all he can think of at the moment.

"Director Gu, your dean mentioned you to me before, saying that you are experienced and a rare doctor in Renhe Hospital. Today I see that you are indeed a talented person.

Zeng Changsheng said with a smile, but his smile was so scary in Director Gu's eyes. Every time Zeng Changsheng smiled, Director Gu felt that the chill around him increased a bit.

And the less Zeng Changsheng spoke, the more Director Gu felt that there was something wrong.

"Dean Zeng, please stop joking. My achievements in front of you are like showing off my sword in front of Guan Gong!"

"I am very honored that you invited me here. After all, you are a role model in our medical field and my personal idol!"

Director Gu hurriedly flattered Zeng Changsheng.

He believed that even if he did something wrong and offended Zeng Changsheng, as long as he had a correct attitude and kept flattering Zeng Changsheng, there would not be too much of a problem.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person.

"Director Gu is joking."

"You should call me Xiao Gu. I really can't bear to call me Director."

Director Gu quickly changed his words. At this moment, the person in front of him was the director of the Imperial Capital Hospital. In front of him, he was just an unknown person. How could he dare to call him Director?

"Xiao Gu, what happened to your face? Why is there such a big black patch?"

Zeng Changsheng picked up the teacup on the table and asked while drinking tea. Zeng

Changsheng knew very well how Xiao Gu got the wound on his face, but he still wanted to hear how the other party answered him.

It was not because Zeng Changsheng did not believe Fang Xin, but because he had consulted Fang Xin last night to understand the situation and knew the reason why Fang Xin hit people, so he decided to stage such a scene.

When Fang Xin came later, he could slap Xiao Gu in the face.

Fang Xin was someone Zeng Changsheng and Professor Ding had identified. How could he allow a small director like him to humiliate him? Hitting him with a punch would be too light.

"Dean Zeng, I'm sorry to have embarrassed you. It's embarrassing to say that I was beaten by someone."

"What! Who on earth dares to be so presumptuous? Little Gu, tell me what happened. I want to see who has such courage."

Looking at Zeng Changsheng's serious expression, Director Gu actually had the illusion that Zeng Changsheng wanted to make the decision for him, and then exaggerated the matter:

"Dean Zeng, you don't know how arrogant this batch of interns are."

"Especially the intern named Fang Xin, who just came to Renhe Hospital and couldn't stand this or that, and kept making trouble for other departments."

"Not only did he interfere with the attending doctor's diagnosis, he also humiliated him in public. All the doctors under me complained to me and asked me to fail Fang Xin's internship."

"Dean Zeng, you don't know that I am a soft-hearted person. For us, failing the internship is just a simple sentence, but for Fang Xin, isn't this ruining his life?"

"So, I thought of giving him another chance and let him follow me."

"But who would have thought that Fang Xin was so stubborn that he not only interfered with the normal operation, but also kept saying that my diagnosis was wrong, and finally he hit me directly."

"Dean Zeng, please judge this, isn't this a case of a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing the kindness of a good person."

While talking, Director Gu deliberately wiped the corner of his eyes with a tissue, as if he had suffered a great injustice, while Dean Zeng, who was standing by, had a blank expression throughout the whole process.

Listening quietly to Director Gu, who was making trouble here.

Although Zeng Changsheng didn't know Fang Xin very well, based on Fang Xin's deeds and yesterday's description, Zeng Changsheng was sure that Fang Xin was a trustworthy person.

Last night, Fang Xin did not put himself in the position of a saint like Director Gu did, and pushed all the mistakes onto the other party. Instead, he told everything that happened in detail. Compared with the current Director Gu, Fang Xin is not only better than him in medical skills, but also better than him in character.

At this moment, Fang Xin was listening to Director Gu's description outside the door, and the emotion of wanting to apologize was washed away completely. Not only that, he even had the idea of punching him again.

"Fortunately, I explained the whole story to Mr. Zeng yesterday.

Fang Xin thought to himself.

In fact, Fang Xin had been waiting at the door for a long time. He had not entered because he was waiting for Mr. Zeng's"signal". This was also a temporary agreement made by the two of them last night.

In order to achieve an unexpected effect, although Fang Xin felt that this was inappropriate, he did not convince Mr. Zeng in the end. Now it seems that Senior Zeng is more experienced than himself.

If he had entered earlier, how could he have heard such a wonderful description by Dean Zeng?

"Xiao Gu, what's the name of the person who hit you?"

""Fang Xin!"

Director Gu said firmly. At this moment, he had already concluded that Dean Zeng wanted to vent his anger for him.

After all, Fang Xin was sent by the Imperial Capital Hospital. As the director of the Imperial Capital Hospital, how could he not take action when faced with such a thing?

"Look, isn’t that him?"


As the door opened, Fang Xin appeared in front of the two of them. The moment he saw Fang Xin, Director Gu stood up and pointed at Fang Xin and said excitedly:

"Dean Zeng, that’s him!"

"Look at what he did to me. He must be severely punished!"

Listening to Director Gu's scolding, Fang Xin lowered his head and said nothing, like a child who had made a mistake and was waiting for a lecture from an adult.

"Director Gu, don't get excited. Since I asked you two to come here today, I must give you an explanation for this matter.

Zeng Changsheng gestured for the two to sit down and said slowly.

"Dean Zeng, I listen to you!"

Zeng Changsheng spoke, and Director Gu did not say anything more, and then returned to his seat, waiting for Zeng Changsheng to continue speaking.

"What are you still standing there for? Do you need me to teach you how to apologize?"

Zeng Changsheng rolled his eyes at Fang Xin and said angrily.

"Director Gu, I was wrong about what happened yesterday. I hope you can forgive me and stop holding me accountable."

"I am still young, and I cannot ruin my future just because of this. Just ask for any compensation you want, and I will try my best to satisfy you.

Fang Xin looked at Director Gu with sincerity in his eyes.

What he said just now was all from his heart, without a single lie.

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