After Fang Xin returned to Renhe Hospital, it caused quite a stir. Many colleagues, including Gu Tian, came to ask Fang Xin how she solved the problem.

And Fang Xin did as she promised Director Gu before, and completely described Director Gu as a man of high moral character. Not only that, but she also read her confession in front of everyone when everyone was resting.

It was Fang Xin's series of actions that made Director Gu, who was originally sulking, feel much better.

Someone like Fang Xin could have completely ignored his face after returning to the hospital, but Fang Xin not only did what he promised before, but also gave him enough face. After doing this, what reason did Director Gu have to be dissatisfied?

"This is strange, is it possible that my judgment is wrong? It can't be done?"

"All the data before clearly showed that it was an abdominal abscess. How come there is no sign now?"

Since Fang Xinyi returned to the hospital, he came to observe the patient who had his appendix removed every day. He thought that the patient's condition would worsen because the abdominal abscess was not treated in time, but from the observations in the past few days, the patient not only did not get worse, but all the physical indicators were normal, and everything was moving in a good direction.

The more this happened, the more Fang Xin felt sorry for Director Gu. After all, it was because of this that he beat Director Gu up.

"Young man, your Director Gu is really awesome. You still need to learn from him."

"Director Gu is really a good person. He is not only a skilled doctor, but also very open-minded."

"If it were me, I wouldn't have gotten over it so easily."

Looking at Fang Xin in front of him, the patient's family said

"You are right!"

Facing these words from the other party, Fang Xin didn't know what to say. After all, judging from the current situation, it was indeed his own analysis that was wrong.

"Fang Xin, Director Gu wants you to watch the operation.

Just as Fang Xin was about to watch the patient's instruments again, a young nurse came to the ward.

"I'll go right away!"

Fang Xin replied.

Since returning to Renhe Hospital, Director Gu has completely changed his attitude towards Fang Xin, Gu Tian and others, especially Fang Xin. He takes Fang Xin with him almost everywhere he goes, and lets Fang Xin watch all surgeries, even if the dean disagrees. He even said that he would not go into the operating room unless Fang Xin did, which confused all the medical staff of Renhe Hospital.

However, during this period of contact, Director Gu also had a new view of Fang Xin. Now Director Gu feels that Fang Xin is fully capable of performing every operation.

"Director, what kind of surgery is this time?"

After changing into work clothes and entering the operating room, Fang Xin came to the assistant's position and asked. At this moment, Fang Xin had already become Director Gu's surgical assistant.

The identity of an assistant allowed Fang Xin to truly participate in every surgery.

Although there was no system reward for completing these surgeries, Fang Xin was very willing to do so.

"Just like the previous patient, it's still acute appendicitis."

Director Gu said slowly, pointing to the patient lying on the operating table.

If it wasn't for the previous patient with acute appendicitis, he and Fang Xin wouldn't have been in this relationship now. It has to be said that fate is so strange sometimes.

With Director Gu's repeated cuts and Fang Xin's cooperation, the whole operation went very smoothly. Just when Director Gu was about to perform an appendectomy, a phone call came into the operating room.

After the call was connected, an anxious voice appeared on the other end of the phone:

"The patient with appendicitis had sudden abdominal pain for unknown reasons. After various tests, it was confirmed that it was an abdominal abscess and surgery was required immediately. Can Director Gu do both at the same time?"

Listening to the voice from the other end of the phone, Director Gu and Fang Xin both stayed where they were.

Director Gu didn't expect that what Fang Xin said before was right, but Fang Xin didn't understand why the patient who had been fine for the past few days suddenly got sick today.

"Are there no other doctors? I am not the only one who can do this kind of surgery."

Director Gu shouted anxiously. He had never tried to perform two operations at the same time.

"No more. Other medical skills have been sent out. It’s too late!"

"Push it in! Immediately!"

Fang Xin said hurriedly before Director Gu could speak. He understood the danger of worsening abdominal abscesses. Moreover, the disease had been latent for a long time and there was no room for hesitation.

"Fang Xin, I have never tried to perform two operations at the same time.

Director Gu also told the truth. He could no longer care about his face. Moreover, performing two operations at the same time required extremely high medical skills.

"I can, as long as you trust me!"

"You are crazy, you don't have a qualification certificate, not to mention that if there is a mistake in the operation, it will be a matter of life and death, even Dean Zeng may not be able to save you."

Director Gu said anxiously. Although he has seen Fang Xin's excellence in the past few days, he still doesn't want Fang Xin to take this risk.

"It's okay. I've performed five or six surgeries before coming here. Don't worry, I promise there won't be any problems!"

Before Fang Xin finished speaking, the patient was pushed in. Director Gu couldn't say anything more. He looked at the people in the operating room and said,

"From now on, Fang Xin will be the patient's chief surgeon, and you must fully cooperate!"

"Director, I'm afraid this is against the rules!"

"Do as I say!"

Before the medical staff beside him finished speaking, Director Gu interrupted him. For some reason, looking at Fang Xin at this moment, he always felt that it was right to hand over the operation to Fang Xin.

Moreover, Fang Xin had already discovered the abdominal abscess.

"Anesthesiologist, please prepare to inject anesthesia!"

Fang Xin gave the order, and the milky white anesthetic was slowly injected into the patient's body.

Under the effect of the drug, the patient who had been moving around in pain gradually calmed down, and then Fang Xin began his next step.

"Scalpel and puncture needle!"

After seeing the patient calm down, Fang Xin decided on his approach, which was to perform surgical drainage.

Judging from the B-ultrasound, the patient had already shown the characteristics of a larger abscess cavity, thicker abscess wall, and multi-chamber. In this case, drainage is the most commonly used and safest method.

Fang Xin then made an oblique incision along the patient's ribs. As the incision was opened, a strong stench emanated.

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