No wonder all indicators were normal every day before. The pus has spread to the entire abdominal cavity. I wonder why it can't be detected.

Looking at the patient's current condition, Fang Xin thought to himself.

The patient originally had an abdominal abscess, but because it had not been treated for a long time, and because he had just undergone an appendectomy, his body's immunity was not strong.

As a result, the abscess spread and worsened. If it is discovered later, the abscess will spread throughout the organ, and even surgery may not be able to save it.

""Doctor Fang, the abscess has spread very badly. Should we call Director Gu?"

The assistant asked, looking at the patient lying on the operating table.

The patient's condition had completely exceeded their expectations. The operation was extremely difficult, and the surgeon was Fang Xin, an intern. Even if Director Gu performed the operation himself, the risk of the operation was extremely high.

"No, you are lucky to have met me, rest assured I will definitely give you a healthy body.

Fang Xin said to himself. The difficulty of the current operation is indeed not low, but compared with the previous operations he performed, it is simply incomparable.

Faced with such a determined Fang Xin, the assistants beside him looked at each other and said nothing more.

"Pay attention to stop the bleeding! It will soon reach the peritoneum!"

As Fang Xin's scalpel slashed at the patient again and again, the cut on the patient's abdomen became deeper and deeper, and then a layer of transparent film could be vaguely seen.

This was the peritoneum in Fang Xin's mouth, and under the peritoneum, everyone saw pus gathered together, and the stench was getting stronger and stronger. Even if Fang Xin and others wore masks, it was of no use.

"Are the patient's physical parameters normal?"

"Everything is normal!"

After getting the assistant's answer, Fang Xin began the next step.

Fang Xin slowly pushed open the patient's peritoneum and inserted the drainage tube into the patient's body. As the pus was drawn out bit by bit, the abdominal organs gradually appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Seeing this, all the assistants breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fang Xin in front of them with surprise and admiration. They had never thought that Fang Xin's technique was so precise. The reason why this operation is difficult is that the patient's peritoneum cannot be cut, and you must be more careful when draining the pus, otherwise it will damage the organs.

But when the operation was carried out here, Fang Xin did not panic at all, as if he was a surgeon who had performed operations for decades, mature and steady.

"Fang Xin, how is it going there?"

"Most of the pus has been drained, and most of the remaining pus is gathered near the patient's organs. It is definitely not possible to use machine drainage."

"Give me a suction hose!"

After taking the hose from the assistant, Fang Xin ignored the looks of the people around him and began to suck out the last pus from the patient with his mouth.


Every time Fang Xin spit out a mouthful of pus, the stench in the air intensified a bit, but Fang Xin at the moment seemed to be unconscious and kept sucking until all the pus in the patient's body was cleared out.

"Start suturing!"

For a moment, no one in the operating room questioned Fang Xin.

Using the mouth to suck out the pus is the safest method, but it is extremely difficult to do it. You know, the taste of pus in the mouth is not much better than eating excrement.


"Doctor Xiao Fang, you are amazing!"

"Fang Xin didn't expect you to have such a skill!"

After the operation, everyone gathered around Fang Xin. Even though Fang Xin was emitting the stench of pus, no one showed any disgust.

""Okay, I'll accept your compliments first. I'm going to go and disinfect and wash myself. This smell is really too bad."

After saying that, Fang Xin blew a breath towards everyone, and then everyone covered their noses.


【Successfully treat a patient with abdominal abscess, and gradually restore the patient's vital signs to normal, and start calculating rewards……】

【Mission completion: S+】

【Emergency response level: S】

【Face slapping index: S】

【Overall rating: S】

【Rewards: Advanced mastery in neurology, advanced mastery in psychology. Primary Zhenlong Eyes level +0 (2/5), Bu Tian Hand experience increased by 10 points (10/100), Concentration level +0 (4/5), Physical level +1 (1/5)]

Then, a vast amount of psychological knowledge and neuroscience knowledge appeared in Fang Xin's brain. For a moment, Fang Xin felt like he had opened the door to a new world.

You know, psychology was Fang Xin's favorite subject at the beginning, but this course was too profound, so Fang Xin had to give up halfway.

Who would have thought that now he has relied on the system to fulfill his dream at that time.

With the system! How difficult is it to become the world's number one doctor! Fang Xin sighed in his heart


As time went by, Fang Xin's internship came to an end, and Fang Xin also got the medical qualification certificate he had been dreaming of.

When Fang Xin was leaving, both the Imperial Capital Hospital and Renhe Hospital offered Fang Xin extremely generous conditions, hoping that Fang Xin could stay in their hospital.

However, Fang Xin still refused one by one.

"Okay, let's say goodbye here."

""It's nice to meet you. Maybe we'll meet again in the medical academic exchange."

Fang Xin said, looking at Chu Tian, Liang Lili and Gu Tian in front of him.

Although they had many unpleasant things when they first met, Fang Xin had already regarded them as his friends after getting along with them. Now they are going to separate and go their separate ways, and he still feels a little reluctant.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other soon!"

"Yes! We will definitely see you again!"

"Remember to tell us when you get there, then we'll see you again if we're lucky!"

Chu Tian and Liang Lili chatted with each other, and they didn't show any pain of parting. Instead, Gu Tian stood aside without saying a word, as if she had a lot on her mind.

Fang Xin was originally going to take the bullet train back with Chu Tian and the others. After all, they were going the same way, and walking on the road together would keep them company, so they wouldn't feel bored along the way.

But who knew that Fang Xin's boss had booked a plane ticket for him, and Fang Xin couldn't refuse, so they were forced to separate. After all, airplanes are not like bullet trains. They don't stop for a while at every place they arrive.

"See you later!"

After saying that, Fang Xin turned and headed for the boarding area.

""Fang Xin, I will look for you after I graduate!"

Gu Tian suddenly shouted at Fang Xin's back with the courage from nowhere.

When Fang Xin turned around, Gu Tian had already run into the crowd, and Fang Xin could not see her. At this moment, Gu Tian had already cried like a tearful person.

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