Sitting in the first class cabin, Fang Xin looked out the window at the azure blue sky, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

I am not afraid of being laughed at when I say this, this is the first time Fang Xin has taken a plane in his life, and he has no idea about the first class cabin. He knows that the first class cabin is very expensive, so he has no other idea.

"Hello, why do we need to draw a curtain here? Don’t you think it’s a bit of a blockage in the view?"

Fang Xin pointed to the blue door curtain in the distance and said to a stewardess in a white airline uniform.

"Mr. Fang, this is the airline's rule, in order to distinguish between economy class and first class passengers, and of course to give you a comfortable experience."

The stewardess replied with a sweet smile.

In fact, after Fang Xin just came to the first class, many young stewardesses noticed Fang Xin.

With his handsome face and the blessing of the first class, many stewardesses wanted to get Fang Xin's contact information, fantasizing about a romantic love story with Fang Xin.

As stewardesses, they have a higher probability of meeting tall, rich and handsome men than ordinary people. Even if they cannot enter the marriage hall with these tall, rich and handsome men in the end, just dating for a period of time can also improve their lives by a considerable level.

"Mr. Fang, is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No more! Thank you!"

Fang Xin replied politely


At the same time, a man in his twenties, about 1.80 meters tall and wearing a black windbreaker, came to Professor Ding's office. His brows revealed a steadiness that did not belong to his age.

"Dr. Wu Zekai, I believe that with you joining our hospital in the future, we will be able to cure more patients!"

"On behalf of the hospital, I welcome you!"

""It's really a double happiness today!"

Professor Ding said, looking at the young man in front of him. Wu Zekai is a doctor of the world's top Elliston Medical School and a rare overseas returnee.

Wu Zekai was able to obtain a doctorate in medicine from Elliston, which shows that he has a deep understanding of medicine. This is indeed good news for their hospital.

"Professor Ding, you are too kind. I still have a lot to learn from you. But what do you mean by double happiness?"

""Could it be that there will be another overseas returnee doctor coming to our hospital soon?"

Wu Zekai asked in confusion. With his academic qualifications, he could have worked at the Imperial Capital Hospital, but since Wu Zekai always regarded Professor Ding as his role model in life, he chose the hospital where Professor Ding worked without any hesitation after returning home.

He thought that with his academic qualifications, he would definitely be favored and appreciated by Professor Ding, but now this double happiness really made him confused.

"Zekai, what you said is not completely right, but it is not completely wrong either!"

""When Fang Xin comes back, I will introduce you to each other. Fang Xin is the new generation doctor I respect the most in this hospital. I believe you two must have many common topics."

Professor Ding said with a smile. Professor Ding has a special feeling for Fang Xin.

Although it is good to have a doctorate from overseas, Fang Xin's strength should not be underestimated. After all, Fang Xin performed the previous operation on his behalf.


"Professor Ding, I'll report first, and we'll talk later."

After saying goodbye, Wu Zekai left Professor Ding's office, then took out his mobile phone and searched Fang Xin's name on the web. What Wu Zekai didn't expect was that he actually found Fang Xin's information on the web.

Looking at the report about Fang Xin on his mobile phone, Wu Zekai showed a look of disdain. He thought that the Fang Xin mentioned by Professor Ding would also be a top student who graduated from a prestigious university.

Unexpectedly, he graduated from a"fake university" and had only undergone a few operations. There was nothing to be afraid of.

But Wu Zekai didn't know that what was reported on the web page was just the tip of the iceberg. The real strength of Fang Xin was not written in the report at all.

"Look at this guy, so handsome!"

"Yes, yes, she has such a good temperament. It would be great if she was a doctor in our hospital. Since Dr. Fang Xin went to the capital, there are no more attractive young men in the hospital."

"Fortunately, Dr. Fang Xin is back today, so I can see handsome guys again in the future, hehe!"

"Oh my god, this handsome guy is walking towards us. Come and take a look at my hairstyle. Is it messy?"

On the nurses' station, several nurses looked at Wu Zekai in the distance with infatuation. When they saw Wu Zekai walking towards them, everyone's face flushed.

"Hello, my name is Wu Zekai and I am here to report to our hospital today."

"Are you the new doctor in our hospital?"

Looking at the two nurses who were surprised at the moment, Wu Zekai continued to ask:

"What's wrong? Don't I look like a doctor?"

After saying that, Wu Zekai's mouth curved into an arc, and the nurses in front of him were all fascinated by his smile.

After a moment of stagnation, the nurse in front of him stammered:

"I... I don't mean that. I'll do the formalities for you right away."

Seeing the absent-minded look of the nurse in front of him, Wu Zekai also enjoyed it very much. Wu Zekai was very confident about his appearance. Just like his academic qualifications, his appearance and academic qualifications were incomparable to ordinary people.

And he also enjoyed this feeling very much. After all, Wu Zekai had the capital

""Doctor Fang Xin, you're back!"

Just as Wu Zekai was immersed in it, a young nurse interrupted him.


A handsome man in his early twenties appeared beside him.

He was Fang Xin! Staring at the man in front of him, Wu Zekai thought to himself that he had thought Fang Xin would be an ordinary-looking man, but he did not expect that Fang Xin's appearance was comparable to his.

As if sensing something, Fang Xin turned his head and looked at Wu Zekai who was staring at him and said:

"My friend, do you need any help?"

The strange man in front of him made Fang Xin feel very uncomfortable. He even thought that this good-looking boy might be a gay. Otherwise, why would he keep staring at him? They didn't know him.

"Oh, my name is Wu Zekai. I just heard Professor Ding talking about you. I didn't expect that we would meet so soon."

After saying that, Wu Zekai politely extended his left hand.

"Fang Xin, nice to meet you!"

"I don't know what's wrong with you. I can take a look at it for you."

"Oops, Doctor Fang Xin, you are wrong. Wu Zekai is here to report. He is also a doctor in our hospital like you."

The nurse at the side said hurriedly.

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