At the same time, Professor Ding in the operating room was already sweating profusely.

When Professor Ding was cutting the iron pipe, he suddenly made a huge mistake, and it was this mistake that caused the entire operation to come to a standstill.

It turned out that Professor Ding had caught a cold in recent days and had been coughing non-stop.

Logically speaking, Professor Ding's situation was absolutely not suitable for surgery, but the hospital was short of staff, and given the patient's condition, Professor Ding had to do it himself.

Therefore, the hospital decided to let Professor Ding come forward.

Professor Ding was also very clear about his own situation, so whenever he was about to cough, he would stop his work, turn around and cough before performing the operation.

In this way, although the operation time would be extended a lot, fortunately, no accidents occurred, and Professor Ding was very precise every time.

But who would have thought that just when Professor Ding had just turned around and coughed and was about to continue the operation, another cough followed, and such a sudden situation caught Professor Ding off guard.

Even though Professor Ding had tried his best to control his body shaking, his hand still touched the iron rod inserted into the patient's body. The iron rod that was originally inserted into the heart went a few millimeters deeper into the heart. It was after this incident that Professor Ding learned that he could no longer perform surgery.

Otherwise, even if he could save the patient, his life would be in danger because of his problem.

"Professor Ding, we all understand your situation, but there is no one more suitable than you at the moment."

"You just coughed. As long as you take action, the patient still has a glimmer of hope. If it were any other doctor, the patient would be completely hopeless."

The assistant at the side kept comforting Professor Ding. At the moment, they really couldn't find a doctor who was capable of facing this operation.

It's not that the doctors in their hospital are all fancy-schmancy, but because of the difficulty of this operation, it can be ranked in the top ten in the whole province.

Only an experienced doctor like Professor Ding is capable of such an operation.

After thinking for a while, Professor Ding still said Fang Xin's name. He knew that he absolutely could not continue the operation. He could not joke with the life of the patient lying on the operating table.

But he couldn't help but treat this patient, and Fang Xin was the best candidate to replace him for the operation. The previous heart and brain replacement operation had already made Professor Ding see Fang Xin's strength.

"Professor Ding, although Dr. Fang is very capable,……"

"Don't worry, I will be here to guide him throughout the operation. If Fang Xin is really unable to do it, I will continue to take over."

"You have seen my situation. I am not suitable for this operation. If it is not absolutely necessary, I still hope someone can replace me."

After listening to Professor Ding's words, the assistants in the operating room stopped arguing. It was obvious that what Professor Ding said was right.

At present, Professor Ding should have been a backup. If there was no urgent need for manpower, neither Professor Ding nor the hospital would let him go out.

"Doctor Wan Fang's surgery was not completed.……"

"Based on my understanding of him, he should have finished the operation long ago. Go out and find him. I am an old man and I am useless now.

Professor Ding sighed.

Then, the assistant followed Professor Ding's instructions and walked out of the operating room. As expected, as soon as he left the operating room, he saw Fang Xin and Wu Zekai at the door.

"How was it, was the operation going well?"

Fang Xin asked hurriedly before the assistant could speak, and Wu Zekai also hurried forward.

The longer they waited at the door of the operating room, the more uneasy they felt. In a large rear-end collision like this, there are all kinds of patients, and no one can guarantee that every patient can be cured.

Even a genius doctor with superb medical skills cannot bring a person back to life.

"Doctor Fang, Professor Ding has encountered some problems. I hope you can come in and help."


Fang Xin answered firmly. He knew that since Professor Ding asked him to come in, he must have encountered a very difficult problem. Otherwise, if Professor Ding couldn't solve the problem, Fang Xin might not be able to solve it either.

"What about me?"

Wu Zekai asked anxiously. In his heart, he thought that his status was the same as Fang Xin's, so if Professor Ding needed Fang Xin, then he also needed him.

""Doctor Wu, Professor Ding didn't let you in. You just finished an operation, so you should have a good rest."

After that, Fang Xin and his assistant walked into the operating room, leaving Wu Zekai alone to look at the closed door of the operating room. He couldn't figure out why he, a doctor from a world-renowned university, was inferior to Fang Xin.

He didn't understand what Professor Ding saw in Fang Xin. With Wu Zekai's ability, he would be a popular person in any hospital at home or abroad.

But now in this small municipal hospital, not only did he not get the slightest attention, but he was overshadowed by a doctor who graduated from a"fake" university.

On the first day, I will let you know that I, Wu Zekai, am the best doctor, Wu Zekai roared in his heart.

"Professor Ding, did you encounter any problems?"

After putting on sterile clothes and strictly disinfecting his hands, Fang Xin walked into the operating room and asked Professor Ding beside the operating table.

"Xiao Fang, this is it.……"

In just one minute, Professor Ding told Fang Xin about the problems he encountered and the patient's condition.

After listening to Professor Ding's description, Fang Xin stared at the injured on the operating table in disbelief. He had expected that the patient Professor Ding was facing must be different from them, but he never thought that the patient's injury would be so serious.

"Professor Ding, I'm afraid……"

This time, Fang Xin was hesitant. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to treat the patient in front of him, he just didn’t believe in himself and didn’t believe that he was competent in his medical skills.

After all, if he didn’t save the patient in the end, Fang Xin would think that he would be the final killer, and Fang Xin was not sure that he had the ability to do so at the moment.

Although he had completed several extremely difficult operations, they were completely different from this operation. Even if he made mistakes in the previous operations, there were ways to remedy them.

But for this patient, a casual hand tremor could cost him his life, so there was no room for error.

"Xiao Fang, you have seen my situation. He has only a chance of survival if you take action."

"Don't worry, I will guide you throughout the process. Even if something goes wrong, I will take personal responsibility and it has nothing to do with you."

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