Fang Xin understood that Professor Ding had misunderstood his meaning. He had never thought of evading responsibility, and would not let Professor Ding take the blame for his surgery. The reason why he hesitated was because he did not believe in his own ability. This surgery was too challenging for him. Even with Professor Ding in charge, Fang Xin did not have 100% confidence.

"Professor Ding, I'm just afraid that I don't have the ability."

Fang Xin lowered his head, struggling in his heart.

"Fang Xin, you have to believe in me and yourself at the same time."

Walking to Fang Xin's side, Professor Ding patted Fang Xin on the shoulder and said, how could he not know how difficult this operation was, and Fang Xin was indeed the most suitable candidate at the moment.


Looking at the unconscious patient on the operating table, Fang Xin thought briefly and said with a firm look.

No matter how difficult this operation is, Fang Xin finally wants to give it a try, to give himself an explanation, and to give the patient an explanation at the same time.

If he gives up this time, it is not just a simple giving up of an operation, but also giving up the courage to face difficulties.

In his future career, no one can guarantee that Fang Xin will be 100% sure of every operation he faces. Sooner or later, he will encounter challenging operations, and this operation is the best start.

After getting Fang Xin's affirmation, Professor Ding hurriedly retreated to the second line, handed over the position of chief surgeon to Fang Xin, and then began to guide Fang Xin in the operation bit by bit.

"Manual cutting?"

Looking at the short saw in his hand, Fang Xin shuddered in his heart. This required extremely high stability of Fang Xin's hands. After all, the iron pipe was not inserted into an ordinary position, but into the patient's heart.

"I don't know how long my Heaven-Repairing Hand can last, I can only hope that it won't enter cooling down too early."

Fang Xin thought to himself. He only knew that the Heaven-Repairing Hand could sustain an operation, and then it would enter a 24-hour cooling down period.

But the system did not give clear instructions on the duration of an operation, which was also a concern for Fang Xin. He didn't know if he could complete the task without the help of the Heaven-Repairing Hand.

Fang Xin cut it bit by bit. Professor Ding had already cut the iron pipe in half. Now he, Fang Xin, only needed to cut off the other half, and then he could perform the operation to remove the iron pipe.

With his high concentration, Fang Xin could feel every breath of his clearly. At this moment, there were only the patient and himself in Fang Xin's world, and nothing else could interfere with him.


With the last swing of his arm, the more than one-meter-long iron pipe was finally cut in half.

After taking over the extra iron pipe, all the nurses gave Fang Xin a look of praise. Fang Xin's previous operation was perfect enough to rival Professor Ding.

"Xiao Fang, what do you think after the iron tube is taken out?

Professor Ding asked. The risk of taking out the iron tube is also very high. If you are not careful, it will cause a massive hemorrhage in the heart, resulting in insufficient blood supply, shock, and eventually death.

"Professor Ding, to be honest, I really don't have any ideas, so what do you think about this step?"

Fang Xin turned his head and looked at Professor Ding blankly. He had no idea about the current situation. Even though the system had given him hundreds of heart surgeries, he still couldn't think of any way or method.

"This iron pipe cannot stay in the patient's heart any longer. It is not inserted very deep, so I guess that taking it out right now will not cause much impact on the patient's heart."

"But if we take it out directly without taking any measures to repair the heart injury, I am afraid that with every beat of the heart, the patient's heart injury will expand."

Fang Xin also expressed his concerns. The heart is not like other tissues. It is working every minute and every second, and the beating of the heart is not something that can be artificially intervened.

"It doesn't matter. The muscles of the atrium are beating all the time, so they are naturally thicker. This small wound will not cause secondary damage."

Professor Ding concluded. Even though he has been in the industry for so long, he can only think of this solution, so he asked Fang Xin for his opinion.

Since Fang Xin has no better solution, they can only take this most primitive and stupid method.

After thinking for a while without any results, Fang Xin still adopted Professor Ding's suggestion. When there is no better way, Professor Ding's suggestion is the best choice.

"Give me two tweezers!"

Fang Xin said to the assistant beside him. At the moment, Fang Xin had to use both hands to remove the iron pipe without any deviation. Otherwise, if one side took out more and the other side took out less, it would cause secondary damage to the patient.

"Fang Xin, you can do the removal as slowly as you can, but you must not stop in the middle!"

After hearing Professor Ding's warning, Fang Xin nodded. He knew the truth.

He not only wanted to remove the iron tube, but also to ensure that the isolated heart muscle could be put together again when the iron tube was removed.

As Fang Xin's hands moved up slowly, the iron tube inserted into the patient's heart was pulled out little by little.


Looking at the iron pipe being taken out, all the staff, including Fang Xin, breathed a sigh of relief.

""Suture the wound and remove excess blood, but remember to be gentle, his heart can't bear the slightest pressure now."

Fang Xin said carefully.

The patient's heart muscle has just been fitted, and if it is squeezed by a strong external force, it will cause intracardiac bleeding to a great extent.

Looking at the wound on the patient's heart skin that has been sutured, Fang Xin's mouth also outlined an arc. No matter what, the patient's first difficulty has finally passed.

And everything just now is also a good start for the patient and all medical staff.

"Next, the broken ribs will be joined together."

After saying this, Fang Xin's spirit became tense again. The operation was not over yet, so he couldn't relax.

"Xiao Fang, you can just take out the patient's broken ribs, there's no need to connect them."

"Right now, the operation has been going on for six hours and his body is about to reach its limit, so we need to cut down on some unnecessary procedures."

Make sure the patient wakes up after the operation.

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