This time, Fang Xin and Professor Ding had the same idea.

After six or seven hours of surgery, both the medical staff and the patient on the operating table were close to their physical limits. If the surgery continued, even if the doctor could hold on, the patient might not be able to.

The patient lying on the operating table at this moment was already a critically ill patient. If the surgery lasted for a long time, there was a high probability that his body functions would decline and he would eventually collapse on the operating table.

At that time, it would not be the injury that would kill the patient, but the long surgery.

"Fortunately, his broken ribs were not critical, otherwise the operation would have taken even longer!"

Professor Ding sighed and said, if there was any chance, any doctor would not be willing to make this decision, but who would want to do it now?

"But Professor Ding, Doctor Fang, we took out the broken ribs without permission. When the patient wakes up, he will most likely accuse us."

The assistant at the side reminded them hurriedly. As assistants, they not only help the surgeon and help the operation go smoothly, but also remind the surgeon to make decisions.

Only in this way can an operation not be completed entirely by individualism, and make the operation more professional and authoritative. But how could Professor Ding and Fang Xin not know the nurses' concerns.

Even if they are the surgeons in charge of the operation, if they encounter large tissue cutting and removal, they must consult with the family of the patient, and they can only perform the operation with the consent of the family of the patient. No matter who it is, they must never arbitrarily execute the patient's body without consent.

"He doesn't have any relatives now. When his relatives wake up, we can just hand over the death certificate."

"Xiao Fang, you can do it boldly. All the consequences will be borne by an old man like me. We must treat special cases specially."

Professor Ding said firmly. Compared with a life, responsibility is insignificant.

Looking at the operating light that has never been extinguished, Wu Zekai is waiting anxiously.

There are many medical staff behind him.

Not long ago, they also learned how serious the condition of the patient who is undergoing surgery is.

On the one hand, they urgently hope that the seriously injured patient can wake up and hope that the operation will be successful.

At the same time, they also hope that no matter what the result, all the personnel in the operating room will not be implicated.

Patients of this level, if rescued, will bring a halo of medical career to the surgeon and the assistant. However, if the operation fails and they encounter unreasonable family members, their medical career is likely to be interrupted. Therefore, every operation is not only a rebirth for the patient, but also a nirvana for the doctor.

"Fang Xin, Fang Xin, although I fight with you on everything, you and Professor Ding should not get into trouble right now, otherwise where can I find such a strong competitor like you?"

Wu Zekai said to himself. In the process of competing with Fang Xin, he and Fang Xin both developed a special feeling for each other, which was a kind of mutual respect from opponents.

Another half an hour passed,


As the operating light went out, the patient who was previously in danger of death was slowly pushed out of the operating room. Although he was still in a coma, he was no longer in danger.

"The operation was successful!"




The moment they learned that the operation was a complete success, the originally quiet corridor immediately became lively. So far, all the injured sent to their hospital are out of danger.

How can they not be happy with such an impressive result?

"Where are Professor Ding and Fang Xin?"

Wu Zekai asked the assistant who had just walked out of the operating room after seeing that Professor Ding and Fang Xin were nowhere to be seen.

"Doctor Fang was resting in the operating room because of the severe exhaustion of his physical functions after performing two operations in a row. Professor Ding was accompanying him.

After hearing the assistant's answer, Wu Zekai and the other medical staff stopped their previous excitement and stood in a neat line at the door of the operating room, waiting for the two heroes to appear.

After a few minutes, Professor Ding supported the exhausted Fang Xin and slowly walked out of the operating room.


Just as everyone was about to congratulate the two, Fang Xin suddenly slipped from Professor Ding's arms and fell to the ground, revealing a bitter smile.

He didn't want to gain attention by playing the victim. It was because Fang Xin's body was seriously overdrawn after more than ten hours of surgery. Even with a stronger physique, it was useless.

"Quick, bring a bag of glucose to replenish Dr. Fang Xin's energy."

""Xiao Wu, help Fang Xin up and let him have a good rest on the bench."

Seeing this, Wu Zekai also hurriedly took action.

"Can you do it? How can a grown man be so delicate? I won't bother with you this time. I'm not giving up."

""Okay, okay, then I'll trouble you, the doctor, to help me over."

After listening to Wu Zekai's words, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai smiled at each other.

Only the two of them understood the feeling of this kind of concern and tacit understanding between competitors.

Taking the medical glucose, Fang Xin directly bit a hole and drank the glucose inside, then wiped his mouth with his clothes without caring about his image.

These two operations consumed too much of his body, and he had to replenish sugar in time.

At this moment, a very inappropriate voice sounded:

"I said, who should be charged for the bag of glucose that this young doctor just drank? You will include it in the patient's medical expenses, right?"

Turning his head to look at the woman holding the payment, Wu Zekai was angry. Fortunately, Professor Ding stopped him in a hurry and then said:

"Comrade, don't worry, this bag of glucose will be included in our department's bill and will not cost any patient any extra money."

"That's better!"

After hearing Professor Ding's words, the woman left the place half-believing and half-doubting.

"What kind of people are these? Do they have any humanity? We are desperately trying to save her, but she is here worrying that we will abuse our power for personal gain. Is this glucose very expensive?"

Wu Zekai complained. Listening to Wu Zekai's words, even Fang Xin, who was always optimistic, showed a helpless smile at this moment.

"Okay, okay, don't say any more, or she'll hear you and it'll be trouble again."

"You don't have to worry about it. I have been practicing medicine for so many years, and most of the patients' families are very kind."

Professor Ding said.

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